Chapter Ten: Genesis Crisis - Part Two

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Leo: (4000 LP) Alright Luna lets get him.

Genesis: (3700 LP) Please go ahead and try.

Luna: (4000 LP) Alright. I summon Spore in Defense mode! (Def: 800)

Leo: One step closer.

Genesis: That was your big play? Stall me out with a cotton ball, a horse and a kuriboh? Ahaha. 

Luna: Leo you're up.

Leo: Right! (Draw) I use Datatron's ability! I burn up 300 of your LP! 

Genesis: Ag. (3400 LP) 

Leo: Alright, I reveal the trap Descending Lost Star! This returns my Power Tool Dragon! (Atk: 0) 

Genesis: Worthless.

Leo: Actually not, ha. I summon the Morphtronic Lantron! (Atk: 200) My Lantron will tune my Power Tool Dragon! 

Genesis: Tune Power Tool Dragon? You must have forgotten my trap silly boy, Power Consumption. 

Leo: Oh did I forget? I reveal my last face down, Dust Tornado to destroy it! 

Genesis: Gah.

Leo: Lantron tunes my Power Tool Dragon to Synchro summon the Life Stream Dragon! (Atk: 2900) 

Genesis: All that work and it doesn't pose a threat to Clear Maximum Dragon! (Atk: 3500) 

Leo: We will see for now! Before I end my turn I equip the Morphtronic Rusty Engine to my Morphtronic Datatron. 

Genesis: (Draw) Enough of this! I tribute my three Disciples to summon the Malevolent Synchron! (Atk: 0) 

Leo: Here it is. 

Genesis: I use Malevolent Synchron to tune my Maximum Dragon! 

Leo: You're not going to tune Life Stream?

Genesis: Don't be upset, it's a safety precaution. I Infinite Synchro summon the Malevolent Archfiend Maximum! (Atk: 4000) Malevolent Maximum can attack each and every monster on the field this turn! 

Luna: No!

Genesis: Let loose Malevolent Maximum! Genesis Rain! 

Leo: Agh! Life Stream! (2900 LP) 

Luna: Agh! 

Leo: I use the effect of Morphtronic Rusty Engine, since Datatron was destroyed you take damage equal to his attack!

Genesis: Incorrect, Malevolent Archfiend Maximum negates all damage I receive until its destruction. It also cant be targeted by ANY card effects!

Luna: Agh, Leo we cant beat that thing. It's too much.

Leo: I played right into his strategy. I destroyed his trap, left the Disciples, and summoned Life Stream to just be slaughtered. We cant win Luna.

Luna: Leo, whatever happens I still love you brother.

Leo: Me too Luna.

Genesis: Touching, make your last moves.

Luna: (Draw) I activate the spell Ancient Fairy Path! When I have no monsters on my field this allows me to halve my LP to special summon the Ancient Fairy Dragon! (2000 LP) Appear Ancient Fairy Dragon! (Atk: 2100)

Leo: Luna are you okay!?

Luna: I'm fine Leo. I use Ancient Fairy Dragon's ability to destroy the Field Spell Genesis played!

Genesis: Agh no! 

The room of clear light faded back into the hospital room where Leo and Luna were previously, beside Yusei and Akiza's hospital beds. The room door shut and no white wormhole present.

Genesis: Agh no!

Leo: Good Luna, now anyone can find us.

Luna: When Ancient Fairy Dragon destroys a Field Spell I gain 1000 LP and I can add my own Field Spell to my hand. (3000 LP) I activate the Field Spell Ancient Forest! 

Genesis: It makes no use, Ancient Forest won't do anything to Malevolent Archfiend Maximum.

Leo: Ancient Forest doesn't specifically target your monster, it's any monster that attacks Genesis. 

Luna: Correct.

Leo: (Draw) I activate the spell card Monster Reborn to revive my Life Stream Dragon! (Atk: 2900) When Life Stream Dragon is summoned my LP is restored to 4000! (4000 LP) 

Genesis: Helpful, but It still can't stand up to me!

Leo: I activate the spell card Ancient Dragon Kinesis! This allows my Life Stream Dragon to borrow Ancient Fairy Dragon's ATK for the next turn! (Atk: 5000)

Luna: Take it Leo, beat his monster! (Atk: 0) 

Leo: Life Stream Dragon attack Malevolent Archfiend Maximum!

Genesis: Agh! 

Leo: I activate the other ability of Ancient Dragon Kinesis! Now since you had a monster destroyed from Life Stream Dragon, you will now take damage equal to Maximum's ATK. Bye bye.

Genesis: No way I lost to these kids! Agh! (0 LP)

Genesis limps away from Leo and Luna, showing signs of fatigue and pain. A white wormhole opens up behind him as he steps toward it he says, "It's not over yet kids. I will be back." 

"Good job Leo, you carried that duel for us." Luna says.

"Yeah all you had to do was draw that one card Luna haha. I wanted to ask Genesis about Jack, he seemed concerned by Jack when we mentioned him before." Leo responds.

The hospital door busts open to see a familiar face standing in the doorway, peering at Akiza and Yusei unconscious in their beds, lying down straight.

"Crow!" Leo shouts.

Crow Hogan had returned. 

"Where have you been Crow?" Luna asks.

"It's been a story guys. I'll catch you up later. How about you catch me up on what has been going on in Neo Domino. I got a voicemail from Jack earlier that Yusei and Akiza were here in the hospital and I flew up here. Tell me everything that's happened so I can help the team." Crow says.

"Well, where do we start?" Luna asks, looking at Leo blankly.

"But wait, where's Jack?" Crow asks.

"Couldn't tell you Crow. He was headed after the ones that did this to Yusei and Akiza.

"Ones? Like plural?" Crow raises a brow.

"Yeah, well Crow it all started like this." And then Luna began explaining what has happened thus far leading to Yusei and Akiza's incident.

Crow hearing this new threat, sentence by sentence he looked sick and terrified. 

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