Chapter Twelve: Distracted

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An hour passed since Akiza, accompanied with Jack and Crow, left the hospital and set off to the Sherry's Auto building Jack discovered. Yusei had gotten up and changed into jeans and his black shirt, exiting the bathroom with fresh combed hair. 

"Lookin fresh Yusei, how about we blow this place?" Leo suggests.

"Take it easy Leo, he's been in a duel coma for a little over a day now." Luna responds.

"Yeah and so was Akiza, but she went off to fight the super tall bad guys. Yusei has been chilling here for the past hour getting showered and dressed. Not real heroic." Leo frowns.

"He's relaxing Leo, he should be taking it easy. Akiza also knows what she can handle too, she seemed to have a drive to fix this issue." Luna says.

Yusei stood still and watched Leo and Luna argue, and then his vision blurred together and then it went dark, like a void.

Yusei's conscious floats in a dark atmosphere, nothing around him. 

"Yusei." Akiza's voice echos.

"Akiza?!" Yusei swirled in the space-like area, eyes wide open and alert.

"Save me, Yusei." 

"Akiza where are you?" Yusei asks this dark space.

"With us." Victor then appeared in front of Yusei, standing instead of floated in the dark environment.

"Victor. Where is Akiza?!" Yusei hollers with intent. Yusei then acknowledges his current state.

"Where am I?" 

"If you're asking if I'm real, I'm not. In fact, I'm you." Victor's appearance changed into a mirror image of Yusei, looking back at himself.

"What is this?" Yusei turns his head.

"Your fear, you have lost faith in yourself Yusei. When you lost to Victor, trying to save Akiza with yourself your confidence and will were depleted."

"Who are you?" Yusei suspects.

"Do I have to spell it out for you? I am your conscious. Your mind has wondered back inside, probably from being overwhelmed out there in the real world." 

"I'm not scared of anything. I lost one duel to Victor and that's all." Yusei strikes back.

"True, but you also lost to Kalin in your dream-state. Your welcome." 

"You pieced that charade?" Yusei squints.

"I did to prove to yourself your pride was hurt. You couldn't save Akiza, let alone yourself and you couldn't save Kalin either." 

"Kalin became a Dark Signer and passed to the Netherworld in your arms, not knowing if you'd see him again." Yusei's conscious added.

"I'm upset I couldn't win and protect them yes. I can win now though." Yusei says.

"Akiza's existence clouds your mind, your judgement. Ever since your first encounter with Victor on the highway when he knew about you and Akiza. How close you are." 

"I have attachments to Akiza yes, I think she has them too sure, but I will not put her in danger or put the mission in jeopardy. I can do both, I've done it before." Yusei debates.

"I know you have cared about others, kept them safe, and won against foes. This adversary is different Yusei if you haven't been able to tell. They pull on your soft spots to beat you. Your spot is Akiza. That's why I'm glad you both didn't go, you would've been picked apart once more, maybe not coming back to reality." 

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