Chapter Sixteen: The Pentagon - Part Three

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Jack: (2400 LP)

Ronnie: (4000 LP) With the disposal of Crow, that leaves my turn now! (Draw) Not like I have to do much, Overlord Black Rose attack Jack Atlas directly! 

Jack: You daft fool. I reveal the effect of my Battle Fader in my hand. I can special summon him when you strike me directly to end the battle phase.

Ronnie: I see.

Jack: Oh I'm not done yet, I reveal the trap Descending Lost Star to return Hot Red Dragon Archfiend! (Atk: 0) He won't have any ATK or an ability while he is on my field due to this effect.

Ronnie: So it's worthless.

Jack: Not entirely.

Ronnie: I'll humor you, I end with a face down. 

Jack: (Draw) This one is for Akiza and Crow! I summon the Majestic Dragon! (Atk: 0) 

Ronnie: Majestic? Wait no!

Jack: Majestic Dragon tunes my Hot Red Dragon Archfiend and my Battle Fader to Synchro summon Majestic Red Dragon! (Atk: 4000) 

Ronnie: He never told me that you Signers had the Majestics in this time period!

Jack: Well news flash, we do! I use Majestic Red Dragon's ability to negate the effects of Malevolent Overlord Black Rose, and then he gains ATK equal to your Overlord's ATK. (Atk: 8000) Also if you try anything fishy, Majestic Red Dragon can't be destroyed by card effects!

Ronnie: No please!

Jack: Where was mercy for my friends?! Majestic Red Dragon attack!

Ronnie: I activate the face down Different Dimension Refraction! This removes from play your attacking monster!

Jack: Agh,

(Jack's graveyard in his duel disk shines bright)

Jack: That's right, I activate the effect of Black Winged Dragon Incarnate! While this beast is in the graveyard, monsters on my field cannot be removed from the field!

Ronnie: NO!

Jack: Majestic Red Dragon, end this!

Ronnie: I've failed...AGH! (0 LP)

Jack stands over the defeated Ronnie and Leviathan. 

"Don't you fools ever come after me and my friends again." Jack spits on the ground next to them. Akiza and Crow got up to their feet, slowly and with ease.

"Ah man, glad you came through Jack. Otherwise we would've been a bunch of mindless dolls." Crow says.

"Those duelists are way too strong, I hope Yusei can handle himself." Akiza says with heavy eyes.

"Yusei has the twins with him. I've seen Yusei beat the Dark Signers, Yliaster and ZONE, he can beat a couple creeps in towels." Jack says.

Crow and Jack begin to analyze the time gate in the middle of the room.

"So do you think if we turn this thing down we can send the freaks back?" Crow asks.

"But they've had someone come before to make it, they'll just fix it." Akiza states.

"Fair point. Unless we crush the pieces of this machine so it can't be fixed." Jack rubs his face. 

Suddenly the ground around the three of them shake, and from the ground a man maybe seven foot tall and two-hundred some pounds arose from a wormhole through the floor. Unlike the others, he wore a black robe and cloak instead of a white one.

"So you start appearing through open space and now floors?" Jack laughs. 

"Silence peasant!" The man's booming voice echoed at levels to bring the three Signers down to their knees uncontrollably. 

"Agh, I can't move." Akiza says.

"Me either." Crow winces.

"My name is Ramsey, leader of The Legion. I refuse for my plan to be abrupted by such degenerates such as yourselves." Ramsey's golden eyes flash at the unconscious Leviathan and Ronnie, their bodies then faded away into ashes, like one of the Avengers. 

"What did you do to them?" Jack squirms.

"I banished them from existence." Ramsey replies.

"Even though they were loyal to you and your cause? Just because your servants lose you just erase them?" Jack asks.

"It won't matter, slowly their impact of reality will be un-wrote. Before that happens though you will all meet your doom by my hand."

"Who is this guy anyway? He just shows up through the floor with some god-like powers and no explanation?" Jack mouths off.

"The stem of my power is none of your concern Jack Atlas." Ramsey raised his hand open and then the three Signers levitated into the air. 

"Like the others, you'll join my crusade." He smirked.

15 Minutes Ago - Outside

Yusei's duel runner, accompanied by Leo and Luna's duel boards, pull up outside the Sherry's building Jack and the others went inside earlier.

"Yusei, do you think it's smart to go into this place where the home of the bad guys are?" Leo asks.

"Probably not Leo, but we have to. Our friends are in there and we have to fight this foe head on, just like our other adversaries." Yusei hops off his runner, leaving his helmet on the seat.

"Yusei what's that?!" Luna points to a light emerging in the middle of the street. 

"Get back!" Yusei points Luna and Leo to stand backs against the building, facing the street.

Yusei slowly crept up to the light in the street and then Victor appeared through the light, right in front of Yusei.

"Hello Mr. Fudo." Victor jabbed Yusei and pushed him back.

"Victor." Yusei grunts, getting back up to his feet. 

"Yusei!" Leo yells.

"Stay back!" Yusei replies.

"It's nice to see you back on your feet Yusei, how was your stay in your self-conscious? Well I hope you enjoyed it, because you're going straight back." He activated his duel disk.

"So you're here just to put me back down?" Yusei asks.

"Pretty much, with you out of the way Genesis and I will claim the twins for our leader." Victor states.

"That won't happen!" Yusei shouts.

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