It's Very Nice to Meet You Mr.Smith

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off in my room.  I get up and turn it off.  I look at the calendar and see that I have today and tomorrow off.  Yes!  I take a shower, get dressed and brush my teeth and hair.  When I finish I grab my book, keys, and purse.  I lock up the door and start to walk.  When I get to the park I bump into someone and the both of us drop our books.  "I am so sorry.  I am such a klutz," I say going to pick up my book.  As I get closer his hand touches mine.  I look up and see his face.  His dark brown eyes and hair.  But his eyes seem so much older than he looks and have a sparkle in them.  We stare at each other for a bit until the sound of bikers passing by makes us lose focus.  I look down blushing and pick up my book.  We stand up and I notice how much taller he is than me.  "Hi, my name is John Smith."  "I'm Jane Smith," I say shaking his hand.  I get lost in his eyes again until the sound of a bell makes me jump.  "I-I should get going.  Maybe I will see you around again?" I say.  "I hope so," he says smiling.  "Um.  Well, bye then," I say turning.  I shake my head confused about what just happened.  I look over my shoulder and and see him smiling away at me still.  I shake my head and laugh walking away.  The next day I do the same routine again.  And bump into someone again.  "I am so sorry.  I am such a..."  "Klutz.  I know, you said that yesterday," a familiar voice says.  I look up and see him again.  "John Smith, right?"  "Yep.  And you're Jane Smith."  "That would be me."  "Would you like some coffee?"  "Sure.  I'd like that," I say smiling.  We walk over to a small coffee shop and sit outside.  He leaves and comes back with two coffee's.  "Here's your iced coffee with milk and two sugars," he says handing it to me.  "But, how did you..."  "Call it a hunch," he says sitting back down.  I look at him confused but smile making him smile back at me.  "So, tell me about yourself," he says.  "Well, I'm 21.  I lived in America until I was 18.  Moved back here and went to college for Literature and Creative Writing."  "What about your family?"  "I, um...I answered some of your questions so you answer mine.  What do you do?"  "I'm a Doctor and I travel."  "Really?  My parents were Doctor's."  "Did they retire?"  I take a deep breath.  "Y-you could say that."  I look around and my eyes land on Big Ben.  "Wow.  Um, I gotta go.  I-I'll see you later maybe?" I say getting up.  "O-Ok.  Bye!" he yells.

                                                                             The Doctor's POV

It's her.  I've finally found her when we first meet.  God this is weird.  The first time I met her she knew everything.  But this is when she first meets me.  "Wow.  Um, I gotta go.  I-I'll see you later maybe?" she says getting up.  "O-Ok.  Bye!" I yell.  She leaves and disappears around the corner.  I look down and see she left her book.  "My Jane.  Always forgetting things," I say picking it up and going after her.  

                                                                                 Jane's POV

When I turn the corner someone turns me and I see a thing that looks like a rhino.  "Jane Smith, you will come with us," it says.  "Who and what are you?" I ask.  "You will come with us."  "Yeah right!" I say kicking it making it let go of me.  I start to run but another one grabs my arm twisting it.  "No.  Let me go!"  "Jane!" I hear someone yell.  I look and see John struck with fear.  But before I can say or do anything everything goes black.

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