Dreams vs. Reality Part 1

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                                                           Jane's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and the back of my head hurts.  I touch it and wince at the bump.  I look around the room and I am very confused.  This isn't mine or the Doctor's room.  If anything it looks...no...it can't be.  It looks like the bedroom I had back in America when my parents died.  I open my curtains and see London.  I look around the room again and see a picture of me with my parents.  "It can't be."  I pick up the picture and it's of me with my parents on my 19th birthday.  "No."  I drop it and run out of my room.  I go down the stairs seeing more pictures of us.  "Hello?" I ask.  "Oh, Jane you're awake.  George!  She's awake!"  I turn and see an older version of my mom if she was still alive.  "Hello, sweetheart."  I then see my dad.  "Good morning Jane," he says smiling.  I shake my head and yell, "No!  No!"  "Jane, what's wrong?" my supposed mom asks.  I open the door and run.  "Jane!" my dad yells.  I run down the street until I run out of breath.  "B-But, they're dead."  I look around and see I'm at a park.  "So, how is this..."  "Jane?  Sweetheart what are you doing here?"  Yes!  I turn and see the Doctor.  "Thank God you're here!" I yell hugging him.  "Of course, I was on my way to see you," he says laughing.  I look in his eyes and they are different somehow.  "Doctor, what are you talking about?"  "Jane, I-I'm not a doctor.  It's me, John.  You're fiancee," he says making my eyes go wide.  "What?"

                                                        The Doctor's P.O.V.

I wake up in bed alone.  I get dressed and walk to the console room.  And I see...Rose?  "What?"  "Well, nice to see you too," she says.  "Yeah..."  "You ok?"  "Yeah, but..."  "But what?" she says.  "Does something feel off to you?"  "No."  "Hmm."  "Maybe you should sit down."  I sit down but something still doesn't feel right.  It feels like someone is missing.  Someone important.  But, I can only see an outline of her face.  Who is she?  I walk around the console and try to see who the person is but all I see is her blonde hair and the outline of her face.  Then my head starts to hurt and I touch the back of my head feeling a bump.  But from where?  I hear a faint whisper.  "Doctor."  "Rose?"  "Yeah?" she says looking up.  "Did you hear that?"  "Hear what?"   "Someone said my name."  "Nope."  She leaves and I go to the computer.  "Who are you?"  I look through everyone that has been on the TARDIS but it doesn't show her.  "Doctor what are you doing?" Rose asks from behind me.  "Nothing."  "Come on tell me."  "It's just that I feel weird."  "It's nothing. I promise," she says putting a hand on my shoulder.  I feel dizzy.  "Just lay down and relax.  There's nothing to worry about."  "Yeah, right.  Nothing." I say closing my eyes.

                                                          Jane's P.O.V.

"Come on.  Let's go back to your house," he says taking my hand.  "Sure."  This can't be happening.  We go inside and I'm hugged by my mom.  "John, thank goodness you found her."  "Not a problem."  "Jane, you look a bit tired.  Why don't you go upstairs and rest," my dad says.  "Sure."  I go upstairs and lay down.  I close my eyes and see the Doctor's face.  What's going on?  I can't go along with what's happening.  I accepted my parents deaths long ago.  So, if someone want's to play mind games.  It's on.  I get up and quietly open my door and listen.  "She needs to see the therapist if she's acting like this."  "Let me try," John says.  "Ok, but if she doesn't listen she's going whether she want's to or not," my dad says.  I hear John come up the stairs and I quickly go into my room and lay down.  He knocks on the door.  "Come in."  He comes in and sits next to me.  "Jane, please you need to stop this."  "Stop what?"  "This thing about the Doctor. He's not real."  "Yes he is!"  "Jane do you remember when we first met?"  "No.  I don't."  "The first time we kissed?"  "No.  I'm sorry."  "Jane, please you need to remember."  "I can't remember something that didn't happen."  He starts to cry.  "If you asked me about the first time I met and kissed the Doctor I could tell you."  "But he's not..."  "He is and I am so sorry that you feel like this but even if you look like him you're not him.  This isn't real.  Not you or my parents."  He looks up and his eyes change into rage.  "Ok, you're coming with me."  He grabs my wrist tightly.  "No!"  "Come on."  "Where are you taking me?" I ask as he puts me in his car.  "Your'e going to see a real doctor."  We drive in silence and arrive at an office.  We go in and I see my parents.  "Now Jane.  Let's talk about what you've been thinking lately.  About this Doctor and how you think this world isn't real."  "No.  I'd rather talk about something else."  "What would that be?"  "Listen, I accepted my parents deaths years ago.  I know that they're gone and won't come back .  And yes I may wish that they were still alive but they're not.  And I may want the Doctor to be human so we can grow old and have a family together.  But, that's not real.  You want to know what is though?  What's real is that a mad alien man with a blue police box that's bigger on the inside.  The man that took me through time and space.  The man that I love and who loves me.  So, yes the Doctor is real and this isn't.  So, whatever mind game you're playing it's over because I'm going to wake up and you will lose!" I yell.  That's when everything goes black and I really open my eyes.

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