Never Going to Let You Go

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I walk into the center of the TARDIS by myself and can't find the Doctor anywhere.  "So..." the Doctor says coming up behind me.  "So..." I say.   "Where would you like to go today?" he asks me.  "I don't know, how about..."  But I'm cut off because by the TARDIS shaking violently.  "What's going on?" I yell trying not to fall.  "I don't know just hold on!" he yells.  A minute later the TARDIS stops.  "You ok?" he asks me.  "Yeah.  You?"  "Great," he says helping me up.  He starts running around but I let curiosity get the best of me and I go outside while he does his scans.  "Just give me a minute," he says as I open the door.  My eyes land on something in the fields that's moving when it shouldn't be.

                                            The Doctor's P.O.V

1914.  1914, why does that sound familiar.  "Just give me a minute," I yell to Jane.  "D-Doctor, what year is it?" Jane asks me nervously.  "1914.  Why?"  "Scarecrows aren't supposed to be able to move in 1914 right?"  "No.  Why?" I ask walking towards her.  "Because that one just did," she says point at the moving scarecrow.  

                                                   Jane's P.O.V

We walk out of the TARDIS to keep looking at what's going on when suddenly there are now multiple scarecrows coming towards from behind the TARDIS.  "Run!" he says grabbing my hand.  "Where are we going?" I ask.  "There's an abandoned house over this hill.  Now come on."  We go into the house and it looks like someone had only just left it.  "Over here."  We hide behind the cupboard.  "How did you know about this place?" I ask him.  "And what are those scarecrow things?"  "They're from my past."  "What?"  "If first saw them when I was traveling with Martha."  We hear the click of a gun and turn to see Martha pointing it at us.  "Jane?"  "Martha."  "Doctor?"  "Hello," he says waving.  She puts the gun away and we step out of our hiding place.  That's when I see another Doctor with a woman.  "Elizabeth?" the other Doctor asks me.  "No.  My name is Jane.  Jane Smith," I say confused and concerned.  "Who are you?" I ask the woman with the Doctor.  "Nurse Joan Redfern," she says.  They both look at each other as if seeing a ghost.  "But, how can you be..." she starts to say.  I hear a blast and go to the window seeing space ships.  "What's happening?" I ask but when I turn I see the other Doctor holding a pocket watch crying.  I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn seeing my Doctor crying.  "Doctor?"  When I touch his hand I see images of what the other Doctor must be seeing.  But I also see images of me.  But why?  "It's ok.  I've got you," I say bringing him into a hug as he cries.  "It's ok.  Hey, think about the first time that we met.  And when I hit you because you made me think you were hurt."  He just keeps crying.  "It's ok.  I've got you and I am never going to let you go.  I promise.  I will always be here for you.  I promise I will never let you go."  He starts to cry on my shoulder and a wave of sadness hits me making me cry.  "I've got you.  I've got you."  Both Doctor's stop crying and I make my Doctor look me in the eye.  "You ok?"  "Yeah, I-I'm fine now."  I hit him in the shoulder as another tear runs down my cheek.  "Ow!  What was that one for?"  "For...for..."  I keep crying and hold him closer.  "Don't you ever scare me like hat again."  "I won't.  I promise."  He lifts my chin up so I can look him in the eye.  "Now.  Are you ok?" he asks me making me smile.  "Yeah.  I'm fine."  He wipes away my tears and we smile at each other.  Then I am suddenly hugged and pulled up in the air.  "Jane!" I hear the other Doctor yell.  "Um.  Hi, yeah, this is only my third day!"  He gasps and put me down.  "Sorry."  "It's ok."  "So what are you doing here?"  "Uh, we..."  "We?  But there's no one else with you."  I turn around and don't see my Doctor.  "Just give me a moment."  I leave and go outside to find my Doctor.  "There you are.  Why did you..."  "Sorry.  Bit of an overload back there with past me being there."  "No.  I-it's ok.  So?"  "So?"  We both laugh after saying it  again.  "Thank you," he says.  "For what?"  "For what you did back there."  "Oh, you mean, when I, uh, yeah.  It was nothing."  "Well it meant a lot to me."  "Oh, well then, you're welcome."  "W-we should probably..."  "Yeah," I say in agreement.  He gets up and while he walks away I shake my head following him.  After Martha and the other Doctor stop the aliens we say goodbye with both TARDIS's next to each other.  "Well it was nice to meet you.  Or see you?" I say to the other Doctor not exactly knowing what's going on.  "You too.  But, I'll see you sooner than you think," he says winking.  "Ok," I say going into my TARDIS.  But, that's when I hear the other Doctor say to mine, "Take good care of her."  "I will," my Doctor says.

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