You Want Me Come and Get Me

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                                                     Jane's P.O.V.

The next morning I wake up and hear the Doctor playing music from the console room.

I jump out of bed and get dressed.  When I get to the console I see him dancing around like a nut job.  "What are you doing?" I ask him laughing.  He stops and blushes when he sees me.  He turns the music off and walks over to me.  "What do you want to do today?"  "I don't know."  "Well I can just let the TARDIS choose."  "Really?  And we could end up anywhere at any time?"  "Really."  He types in a few things into the computer on the console.  "Shall we?"  I smile seeing the child like look on his face.  He takes my hand and we walk out after the TARDIS lands.  "So, where are we?" I ask.  "Well, it's Earth but..."  "But what?" I ask.  When he looks around I see a big huge robot marching towards us making my eyes go wide.  "What?" he asks still not seeing it.  I point and he finally does.  "Run!" he yells.  He takes my hand and we go back into the TARDIS.  "We need to go!"  he says.  "Since when do you run away?" I ask.  "Now.  Now I do."  "What if they hurt someone?"  "They're not things.  They're Cybermen."  "If they are so dangerous then why are we running?"  He sighs and runs his hand over his face.  "You're not going let this go are you?"  "Nope."  "Fine, but stay with me and DO NOT wander off!"  I don't know why he's so scared but I have a feeling it might have to do with me.  "I'll be fine." I say taking his hand and looking him in the eyes.  We walk outside and there's nothing there.  "So, what is a Cyberman?"  "They're machines with human brains but they have no feelings."  "So, that..."  "That makes them even more dangerous."  "Right," I say as a chill runs down my spine.  We walk around and a Cyberman appears.  "Run now!"  But, before I can even take a step I feel a pain in my leg and fall.  "Jane!"  "Go!  I'll be alright!"  The Doctor doesn't listen and tries to help me up.  "If you don't get out we won't be able to stop them," I say looking into his eyes.  "You know I'm right."  He looks between me and the approaching Cyberman.  "Go!" I yell.  He leaves and I lay on the ground holding my leg closing my eyes because of the pain.  I open them when I hear the Cyberman stop.  "I have been told to take you," it says.  "Take me where?"  "To the Controller."  It reaches for me making me flinch.  But it just lifts me up and holds me in its arms.  It starts to fly and I notice we are going towards Big Ben.  It lands and we go through a door.  "Ah, she is here at last," a man says wearing a hood.  "Who are you?" I ask.  "The Controller.  But, can't you see my little star.  It's me."  He takes down his hood and I see an older version of my Doctor.  "The Doctor."  "No!  No!  No!"

                                                   The Doctor's P.O.V.

I run into the TARDIS and hold onto the railing boiling with rage.  I can't believe I just left her!  "I'm sorry Jane.  But I'm coming to get you."  I start up the TARDIS and follow her.

                                                         Jane's P.O.V.

"Wh-what happened to you?"  The Cyberman puts me down and I flinch at the pain in my leg.  "Ah."  "Are you hurt?" he asks with the same concern as my Doctor.  "Yeah, I'll be fine."  He kneels down and heals my leg.  "Thank you."  We look into each others eyes and he helps me up.  "You never answered my question."  "I-I lost you."  "What do you mean you lost me?"  "You died.  And I couldn't control my anger.  It just boiled over and..."  "And what?"  "I lost control.  I became a different person.  A darker version of who I once was.  No more mercy.  Since the ones that killed you didn't show you any!" he says clenching both fists.  "Why?  I-I'm nothing special."  "Yes you are.  You're everything to me.  Let me show you."  He takes my hand and I see his past.  "The first time we met I didn't know you.  I actually didn't like you because you thought like me and were a little bit more smarter at times," he says showing me an image of me and him in his 9th regeneration.  "You were always there.  Watching me while I loved another.  But you stayed to keep me anchored to who I truly was."  I see him regenerate into the 10th Doctor and look at a woman named Rose lovingly.  "Even after my loss you stayed.  You told me why you where sent to me from the future.  Eventually I fell in love with you.  It didn't take long to realize I loved you."  Images of him reaching for my hand and the two of us kissing appear.  "We got closer and you told me everything and I told you everything as well."  Various images of us together appear.  "You said you had to go back to your Doctor and left.  But, that's when I found you.  That was when you first met me and we fell in love."  I see the images from my own memory of when we met.  "Then you were killed."  Images of him crying over my lifeless body and they turn into one of him on a rampage with fire behind him.  Destruction.  That was what he left in his past.  He lets go of my hand.  "And then what?" I ask as I feel tears go down my face. "I can't tell you how you died but I can tell you what happened after.  I grew old and didn't regenerate again.  I stopped traveling.  Then I found him," he says looking over at the Cyberman.  "It was alone and broken.  Just like me.  I fixed it and made it so it wouldn't kill and it helped me find you."

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