I Said Yes!

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                                                                                   The Doctor's POV

"Jane!  No!  No!" I yell after they teleport her away.  The Rogue Judoon.  I remember her telling me about them.  Apparently they've been after her every since she first met me.  Why?  I don't know.  But they just took her and I am going to save her.  My Jane.

                                                                                            Jane's POV

I start to wake up and everything is blurry.  I blink and see that I am in a sealed room.  I try to move but feel the chains holding me against the table.  "W-where am I?"  "Jane Smith, we meet again," someone says from the shadows.  "And you would be?"  "That's right.  This is the first time you meet me.  I am Katar leader of the Rogue Judoon."  "Ok.  So why am I here?"  "Because you will tell me where the Doctor is and when you do I will kill you both."  That's not much of a negotiation plan, killing me even if I give you information.  "I don't know anyone called the Doctor."  "You know very well who he is."  "Well I don't and even if I did I wouldn't tell you."  "Have it your way then."  A screen appears and it shows my flat.  "What are you..."  But before I can finish it's in flames.  My eyes go wide.  "What next?  How about the park you love so much with all of those innocent people?"  "You can't."  "Then tell me where he is!"  "I told you I don't know!"  There's a flash of light and a loud boom.  The door opens and I see John.  "Right then."  He looks behind him and sees the mess he made.  "Sorry about that.  Anyways, you," he says holding up a weird torch like thing and pointing at Katar.  "Let her go."  "Finally, the Doctor comes to join us."  The Doctor presses a button on his thing and frees me.  "I told you to let her go.  Now run!"  I run up to him and he grabs my hand so we run together.  "So when exactly where you going to tell me your name is really the Doctor?" I ask as we duck from a laser being shot at us.  "This way," he says leading me into an old Police Box.  He starts up the machine and sits down holding his arm.  "What is this?" I ask him.  "It's called the T.A.R.D.I.S. Stands for Time And Relevant Dimensions In Space."  I see him rubbing his arm and wincing in pain.  "Are you ok?  Let me see."  He takes off his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeve.  And there's nothing there.  "Don't scare me like that!" I say slapping his shoulder.  "Ow!  What was that for?"  "Because scared me and made me think you were hurt," I say slapping him again.  "I'm sorry."  "It's ok."  "So," he says.  "So." We look into each others eyes and start to lean in.  When we kiss I feel fireworks and butterflies.  But above all it feels right.  I feel safe.   I feel like this was supposed to happen.  I pull back and say, "I-I didn't mean to."  "It's ok I didn't mean to either," he says.  We kiss again and I run my fingers through his hair while he wraps his arms around me.  I pull back again with my eyes closed.  "No.  I-I can't."  I open my eyes.  "I just met you and..."  "It's ok,  I shouldn't have done that."  "I should drop you off at home."  "Yeah about that.  They blew it up."  "What about you're parents?"  "T-they're dead."  "What?"  "They died when I was 18."  "I know."  "How?"  "It's so easy to see when you're lying."  "I know," I say blushing.  "Where will you stay?"  "I can probably stay at a friends house."  "Right. Ok," he says looking down.  We land at the park where we first met.  "I guess I'll never see you again.  Will I?"  "Who knows, maybe we will see each other again."  I take a deep breath and hug him.  "Thank you.  You saved my life and I will never forget that," I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.  I step away and say, " Well, it was very nice to meet you Mr. Smith."  "You too, Ms. Smith," he says shaking my hand.  We let go and I start to walk away.  "Wait!"  I turn and see him running towards me.  "Come with me.  Please."  "Yes."  "It's ok.  I understand if you don't..."  "Doctor!  I said yes!"  He smiles and takes my hand.  And that is where my story begins.  

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