My Turn

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                                                               Jane's P.O.V.

The next day I wake up looking at the Doctor.  I smile remembering the night before.  I look at the ceiling and hear a faint voice.  "Hello?" I ask sitting up.  I hear it again and get out of bed.  "Who's there?"  I see golden mist and hear, "Jane..."  I stare at where the gold mist was until a hand touches my shoulder making me jump.  "Just me," the Doctor says.  "Sorry."  "You ok?" he asks.  "Yeah, so where to?"  "It's a surprise."  "But, you know I hate surprises."  He shrugs and I hit his arm.  "What did I do?"  "I'm going to change," I say.  When I walk to the console later I stand next to him.  "Ready to go to other planets?  See me save some people?"  "Why is it that you are always the one saving people?" I ask.  "I don't know."  "Well, I'm done being the one in destress."  He stops and hugs me.  "I know."  We land and a smile flashes across his face.  "Ready?"  I nod and he drags me out of the TARDIS.  "Jane Smith, welcome to..."  "London."  "That's not right," he says looking around confused.  I sigh and realize I left my sonic inside.  "Forgot something.  I'll be right back."  "Ok," he says.

                                                            The Doctor's P.O.V.

After Jane goes back in I keep looking around.  Sometimes I think the TARDIS just does this to be funny.  I then hear rustling leaves behind me.  "Jane?"  "Doctor."  "No!  No!" I turn around and I am surrounded three Daleks.  "Transport," one of them says.  There is a flash of white light making me close my eyes.  And when I open them I'm on a Dalek ship.

                                                                 Jane's P.O.V.

"Found you," I say putting the sonic in my back pocket.  I get out of the TARDIS and hear, "Doctor."  No.  I look around the corner and see three Daleks surround the Doctor.  "Transport," one of them says and they're gone with a flash of light.  "No!"  I run inside the TARDIS and start to freak out.  "When I said I was done being the one in destress I didn't mean make the Doctor get kidnapped by Daleks!" I yell into the air.  "Calm down Jane."  "Calm down?  Don't tell me...wait, who said that?"  "It's me.  The box stolen by the thief."  "No way.  Bu-But you can't..."  "Talk?  Yes I can."  "Hold on.  What about the Doctor?  I-I need to save him."  "Incoming transmission," the TARDIS says.  I run over to the screen and see a Dalek.  "Jane Smith?"  "Yes?" I ask getting more ticked off every second I see it.  "Do you know what we have?"  "Yes I do. Dalek."  "How do you know of us?"  "I've seen you and what you've done, in his mind."  "Then you will surrender."  "Or what?"  "We will kill him."  I then see the Doctor.  "No.  After everything you've done.  After everything you've put him through.  I've got only one thing to say to you.  Bye!"  I switch off the screen.

                                                            The Doctor's P.O.V.

"No.  After everything you've done.  After everything you've put him through.  I've got only one thing to say to you.  Bye!" she says and the screen goes blank.  I smirk and the Dalek turns to me.  "She will come.  And we will both defeat you," the Dalek says.  "No you won't."  "And why's that?"  "Because that was Jane Smith and we both know that she won't stop without a fight."

                                                                 Jane's P.O.V.

"Now what do I do?" I yell holding my head in my hands.  "We go and save him."  "But how?"  "Remember who you are Jane Smith.  You know what you can do."  "You're right.  But I can't do it with just my sonic."  "Open the floor gate next to you."  I do and see a chest.  When I open it I start to go through it.  "Ball of screaming women, no.  Agatha Christie book, no.  Pocket watch, no.  Ahh, yes!"  "What?"  I come up with a gun.  "Jack used that before but it's only set to stun now."  "Kill or stun it's still a gun.  And it will help me get the Doctor back.  And so will these."  I pull out some detonators.  "Let's go."  She starts to fly and we land in the Daleks ship.  "Read?" the TARDIS asks.  "Ready as I'll ever be."  "You got the detonators and the gun."  "Yep."  "Good luck."  I open the door and walk into the dark, empty, metal hallway.  "Which way?"  "Straight," the TARDIS whispers.  I place a detonator on the wall and press the center making it light up.  I stop when I hear the movement of Daleks.  "Are you sure she will come?" one of them asks.  "She will," the Doctor says.  I give a sigh of relief knowing he's still alive.  I look around the corner and see them go through a door.  I keep walking until I hear, "Surrender!"  I stop and turn.  "Hello," I say.  "You will come with us," another one says coming out of the shadows.  "Hm, I don't think so."  Two more come out.  "You will come."  I roll my eyes.  "Oh, shut up!"  "You will come with us."  I slowly reach for my gun.  "Like I said.  Shut up!"  I shoot them all, well, stun is more like it.  "Nice," the TARDIS says.  "Thanks.  Now which way?"  "Left next corner.  He's in there."  I put up the last two detonators and go to the control panel.  "Oh, come on!"  I sonic it and I get nothing.  "It's deadlocked," the TARDIS says.  "Exterminate!"  I turn and stun the Dalek.  "Now what?" I ask.  "Put it on setting three and open the top of the Dalek."  "What?"  "Just do it."  I sigh and open it up.  "Ugh!  That's disgusting!"  When I open it I see a squid like thing that's covered in slime and smells.  "Sonic the red wire near the laser."  I wince and put my hand in and the wire cuts in half.  I pull out my hand and flick the slime off.  I hold the arm with my right and and shoot the laser.

                                                          The Doctor's P.O.V.

I start to nod off until I hear shooting.  "What?"  A minute later I see a laser cutting through the door.

                                                              Jane's P.O.V.

After I finish with the door I push the Dalek against it three times to make it fall over.

                                                         The Doctor's P.O.V.

I start to hear a banging three time and the door falls over revealing Jane.  "Hey," she says smiling.

                                                              Jane's P.O.V.

"Now let's get out of here."  I unlock the handcuffs and we start to leave but he just stands there out of shock.  "Trust me," I say putting my hand out for him.  He smiles and takes it.  We start to run when an alarm goes off.  "Exterminate!  Exterminate!"  "Come on!" I yell making him run faster.

                                                         The Doctor's P.O.V.

She starts to leave but I just stop in shock.  She turns putting out her hand.  "Trust me."  I smile and take her hand.  We start to run as alarms go off and Daleks come after us.  "Come on!" she yells making me run faster.  I look at her and see that spark in her eye that I saw the moment I first met her years ago.

                                                                  Jane's P.O.V.

We go into the TARDIS and I start her up and we fly.  Once we're out of range I take a detonator controller and press it.  "What was that?" he asks. "We blew it up."  "We?  Who's we?"  "The TARDIS. She can talk to me."  He smiles and hugs me.  "Thank you."  I look into his eyes and kiss him.  "What happened to slow?"  "I think that being with you there's no way to go slow," I say smiling.  He leans in and kisses me again.

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