You Care About Him

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The next morning I wake up and look for the Doctor.  Mind you though I was half paying attention when he showed me how to find his room or the main control room.  "Doctor!" I yell starting to get a little bit worried.  "What?" I jump and turn to see him behind me.  "Don't do that!" "Sorry.  What did you need?"  "I was going to ask you where that huge closet is that you were talking about is?"  "Oh, that?  Come on."  He takes my hand hand making me blush a little.  I try to memorize the directions we're going so I can find the room later.  "And here is your never ending closet."  I laugh and he gives me a big smile.  I pick something out and go back to my room to get changed.  When I open my door I see him leaning up against the wall.  "Figured you might need a hand finding the control room."  "You would be correct."  I try to memorize the directions again so I don't get lost in the future.  "So what do you think?" he says once we get there.  "It's big?" I say with a shrug.  "You're still not that shocked are you?"  "Nope," I say shaking my head.  "What if I took you through time?"  "Ok then.  Show me."  "Thought you would never ask."  The TARDIS starts to shake and we land.  We go outside and he says, "Five months in the past.  Told you."  "Oh, I believed you.  I just wanted to see it."  "Come on."  We start walking around but I get this weird feeling and stop to look around.  "What?"  "Nothing," I say.  "So where are we?"  "Still in England, on Earth."  "What there's more than one England?"  "There's actually 15."  "So, what should we do?" I ask but we're stopped by two guys.  "Hello, there sweetheart.  What's a nice girl like you doing with an alien like him?" one of them says getting a little to close to me for comfort.  "Oh, you know..." I say kneeing him in the groin and then kick the other guy in the stomach.  "What are you looking at?  Go!" I yell at the Doctor grabbing his hand.  "Where did you learn that?"  "I happen to have a black belt."  "Remind me not to get on your bad side," he says making me laugh.  "Quick, follow me," I hear someone say.  At this point it's either follow the voice or deal with the other two.  I choose follow the voice.  I look at the Doctor and he nods his head in the direction the voice came from.  The Doctor goes in first and I hear the guys starting to yell.  The person takes my hand and pulls me into the alley way.  We stand in silence and watch the men run past us.  "Thanks," I say.  "No problem."  I turn around and see a woman.  "My name is Jane, Jane Smith," I say introducing myself to the woman that just helped us.  "I know.  Is this the first time you've met me?" she asks.  "Yes" the Doctor says for me.  "Doctor, it's so good to see you again," she says giving him a big hug.  "Sorry, um, yeah I am kind of lost here."  "Right, sorry.  My name is Martha Jones.  I used to travel with the Doctor."  "So, who were those guys chasing us?"  "They're alien hunters.  People and other aliens have been hiring them a lot recently."  "I met a guy like that a long time ago.  So, how did you find out about this them?" the Doctor asks.  "Even on Earth there are a few places where aliens like to hang out.  I only know about this one because Jack told me about it.  Said it was a good place for contacts incase there was a time I needed information."  "So, you work at Torchwood?"  "Nope."  "Unit?"  "No.  I went freelance after I saw you last."  "Are you still with, what's-his-name?"  "You're being rude," I say elbowing him.  "Yes.  I'm married to Mickey."  "Mickey Smith?  God, you're gone for a few months or a year and it all changes."  "More to the point.  Why are they after him?" I ask.  "Because he's the last of his kind."  I feel a wave of sadness come over me.  "Are you really?"  "Yeah.  Why?"  I slap his shoulder.  "Ow.  What was that one for?"  "For keeping something like that from me."  "Sorry."  "Does she do that a lot?" Martha asks.  "Yeah."  "Good.  You need someone to slap you in the head sometimes," she says making me laugh and the Doctor roll his eyes.  "Martha.  I have a feeling we're going to be great friends," I say.  "Anyway.  What are we going to do?" he asks.  "We're leaving," I say.  "But..."  "No."  "But, they're..."  "No."  "Why?"  "Because if they hurt you I will be mad at you."  "Why?" he asks in a playful tone.  "Just, because.  Now walk!"  He starts to walk ahead of me and Martha.  "You care about him, don't you?"  "Maybe."  "Oh, come on.  The way you look at him.  And the way he looks at you."  "I have no idea what you are talking about."  "Yes you do.  Both of you have that look whenever you see each others eyes."  "Does he really?"  "Yeah.  It's the, 'I must be in a dream' look.  It's quite entertaining."  "But, is it really that obvious?"  "For you two?  Definitely."  "But, I've only just met him.  And even if he does it's not obvious to him."  "Give it time.  He maybe smart but it takes awhile for him to see what's right in front of his nose."  "That, I agree with," I say making us both laugh.  "If you two ladies are done talking I think there is something you should see," he says stopping up ahead.  We catch up with him and see even more alien hunters surrounding the TARDIS.  "Oh, come on!"  "Here, take this.  It has a psychic interface.  So, just point and think," he says handing me the sonic.  "Wait?  What?"  To late.  He runs out in front of the alien hunters waving his arms like a mad man yelling, "Hey look at me!"  "I could kill you right now!" I yell at him.  "Jane!"  "Hold on!"  I look around and notice we're in a construction zone and above the alien hunters is a net holding fallen debris.  I point the sonic at the points attaching the netting to the walls and it falls.  "Doctor!"  I yell as the dust starts to settle.  "Well that was fun," he says making me jump.  I turn around and glare at him while he just smiles.  "Not funny!"  "Oh, yes it was."  "So,  I'll deal with the mess then?" Martha asks.  "Sorry, but we have to get going," he says.  "To where?" I ask.  "Wherever.  Whenever."  "You just don't want to clean up do you?" I ask.  "No, it's alright.  I already called Jack and Mickey.  You two can go.  Oh, and Jane."  "Good luck."  "Thanks."  We go inside the TARDIS.  "So, where to now?" I ask.  He shrugs.  "Oh, here's your sonic," I say taking it out of my back pocket.  "No.  You keep it.  I've got another one."  "You sure?"  "Positive."  "Thanks."  He smiles.  "So?" I say.  "So..."  "Forward and onward?"  I say.  "Forward and onward," he repeats smiling.  

A/N: the alien hunters will come into play a bit more later on and the episode I referred to was in season called Dalek.

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