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I wake up and go to the main console and see the Doctor with a huge smile on his face.  "What are you smiling about?"  "Nothing."  I raise my eyebrows but he just keeps smiling like a toddler on Christmas.  "So, where to today?"  "It's a surprise."  I smile and shake my making him laugh.  He goes out the door and I follow him.  I walk into a lobby and see him leaning against a door with a huge grin.  "Come on," he says grabbing my hand and making me blush.  When we get closer I hear jazz music and see people dancing.  "You're kidding?"  "Nope.  Now let's dance."  He pulls me through the crowd to the dance floor when the song "Jump Jive an' Wail" plays.  

"You're really good.  Where did you learn to dance?" I ask over the music.  "When you've been around as long as I have you pick up a few things," he says.  "Where did you learn to dance?"  "My dads friend taught me when I was little."  He smiles and and the song ends.  "Want a drink?"  I nod and we head over to the bar.  "What would you two like?" the bar tender asks.  "Um, I'll have a Coke," I say.  "Same."  The bar tender leaves and I turn to the Doctor.  "So what's the real reason we're here?" I ask making him look confused.  "What are you talking about?"  "I may not have known you for very long but I do know that you didn't just come here to dance."  "Fine.  Look over there," he says nodding towards the door.  I look and see a couple about to leave, but when they get to the door a light flashes and they turn back around acting as if they just came in but with less energy.  "That couple.  They just..."  "Turned back around as if they just came in?" he says.  "Yeah, but with less energy."  He nods and I open my mouth to say something but the bar tender comes and says, "Here's your drinks."  "Thank you," we say at the same time.  We look at each other and blush.  

                                                 The Doctor's P.O.V.

I nod to the door and she looks over rand then turns back to me.  "That couple.  They just..." she starts to say.  "Turned back around as if they just came in?" I ask.  "Yeah, but with less energy."  Man she's good.  I thought that she only got smarter and more observant after traveling with me for a few years but I was very wrong.  She's brilliant, funny, beautiful, and overall amazing.  I see that she is about to say something but the bar tender interrupts her saying, "Here are your drinks."  "Thank you," we say at the same time.  I feel my face get a little hot which hasn't happened in years.  God why do I act like this?  But, then again I know why.  I love her.  I'm not sure if she's there yet but hopefully she will.  Slowly but surely.

                                                            Jane's P.O.V.

I look at the Doctor and see that he's lost in thought.  "Hello?" I say waving my hand in front of his face.  "Sorry, what?"  "So, how are we going to find out what's causing this?"  He nods and I look over and see an employee only door.  I smile and he does to.  We get and pay for the drinks and walk over.  Everyone is so busy they don't even notice us.  When I watch him open the door with his sonic I see a smirk on his face and it's kind of cute.  But, I just met him.  I mean I can't be falling in love with him.  Can I?  He looks me in the eyes when he's finished and takes my hand.  I feel something like a spark between us and it's only growing with every touch.  We go in and he stops.  "What?"  "We need to find a room with all of the controls.  It will probably be heavily guarded and with tons of locks," he says looking around talking to himself.  "You mean like that?" I say point at a door that says control room.  "What?"  "The door says control room."  "That was easy.  Here." he says tossing me the sonic.  "Set it to setting 2."  "Um.  I still have the one you gave to me."  "Oh," he says as I toss it back to him.  I take out my sonic and open the door.  "Perfect.  Now come on."  We go in and there's a massive computer with multiple screens and reading.  "Don't you think that was a little to easy?" I ask.  "They're over confident aliens.  They're so sure no one will find out what's going on that they don't care," he says looking at the screen and pushing buttons.  "Hm."  "What?"  "Nothing."  "Here try to find out what you can about their plans while I look through the rest of their system," he says.  "Yes sir."  I sit down and go through the files.  "Hey, I have a question for you," I say pausing.  "What?"  "Do you always teach and trust your companions like this?"  "What?"  He gets up and walks over to me.  "I mean, this is a lot to trust someone with.  Especially someone you only just met."  "No.  No. I don't."  "So, why me?"  "Because you're special."  I just look at him in shock.  "What's wrong?"  "I-I just haven't heard someone say that to me in a long time.  My parents used to but no one else."  "Then I'll just have to say it more often," he says lifting up my chin.  "I-I better get back to looking," I say.  He lets go and we go back to what we were doing.  When I look through the files I see one named "Procedure."  I open it and see the blueprint of the place.  I click an arrow and it changes to another attachment.  "Employees are to be mind swept at any time of questioning behavior.  When people are at their lowest strength give them serum 23."  I click on a video.  It shows a girl that looks like she's going to fall to the floor at any moment.  A waiter goes over to her and gives her a drink.  When she drinks it there is a light and she disappears.  "Oh my God!  Doctor!"  I get no response.  "Doctor?"  Still nothing.  I turn around and see a guy standing over the Doctor who is unconscious.  "Hi," I say waving.  I then feel something hit the back of my head knocking me out.  

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