The Last Prophecy of the Time Lords

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I wake up and smile at the Doctor with a huge grin on his face.  "Hi." "Hi," he says leaning over and kissing me.  I kiss him back and he pulls me towards him more and I put my hands on his chest.  "Come on," I say pulling away from him and getting out of bed to get dressed.  When I open the bathroom door I see him leaning against the wall smiling.  I raise my eyebrows out of concern and he grabs my hand.  "What's got you so happy?"  "Nothing?"  "Oh, really?" I say raising my eyebrows again.  He sighs in defeat and I smirk.  "Would you be ok if I leave you for a couple of hours?"  I laugh and take his hands.  "Yes, I'll be fine."  This is perfect timing for me to go look for the book that the Controller told me about.  "You sure?"  "Yes."  He lands the TARDIS and the doors open.  I turn and see Jack.  "Jack Harkness, right?" I ask.  "Captain Jack Harkness," he says taking my hand and kissing it.  "Stop it," the Doctor says with a slight growl I've never heard come from him before.  "Well it's good to see you again."  "You too.  So, ready to go?" he asks the Doctor.  "Yes," he says grabbing his coat.  "Bye," I say hugging him.  "See you soon," he says kissing my forehead before he leaves.  "Bye," Jack says.  After a couple of minutes I go to the library.  "Looking for something?" the TARDIS asks.  "Yeah, something the Controller told me about before he died."  "What?"  "Something about an old Time Lord prophecy.  Any idea where it is?"  "No I don't.  Sorry."  "Fat lot of good you are," I say rolling my eyes.  "Sorry."  "I'll just start with the A's."  I pick up the first book and start to flip through it.

                                                             The Doctor's P.O.V.

So tell me why you needed to go shopping again?" Jack asks.  "Well, I need to buy a ring."  "A ring?  As in a wedding ring?"  "Yes, Jack a wedding ring.  She told me about it before we met Martha all those years ago."  "And to think she's only been with you for a year." "I know," I say looking around.  "So, where exactly do you buy a wedding ring?" "At a jewelry store."  "Right."  Jack laughs and grabs my shoulder.  "Come on lover boy."

                                                              Jane's P.O.V.

"OH MY GOD!" I yell into the air after nearly three hours of searching.  "Having fun?" the TARDIS asks.  "Oh, ha, ha, ha.  No!" I say pick up another book.  "How far are you?"  In the middle of the M's."  "Sorry I can't help you."  "Not your fault.  You sure you don't know anything about that book?"  "No.  Sorry."  "It's ok," I say sighing and running my fingers through my hair.  I take out the next book and hear a rumbling that shakes the whole library.  "What was that?"  I get up and see a door.  "Of course he would."  "What?"  "Well, he doesn't like to be reminded of Gallifrey so where better to put books from there and about it but in a secret room."  "Guess you're right."  I shake my head and go in.  It's a huge dome like room with stars, different planets, galaxy's, moon sand suns painted on the walls.  Everything is covered in dust and cobwebs like it hasn't been touched for years.  "Well,  I guess I better start."

                                                        The Doctor's P.O.V.

"I don't know Jack.  What should I get?"  "Well what does she like?" "Well, she's from the year 2012.  She doesn't really like big, huge jewelry."  "How about something more traditional?"  "Like what?"  "You know something beautiful and small.  Not to big but just right. Something that reminds you of her."  I look at all the rings but they're not like the ones Jack described.  "Hey, over here," Jack says.  I walk over to him to look at the other rings and see the perfect one.  "That one.  Right there," I say pointing at one with two small diamonds and a sapphire.  "It's perfect."  "Can I help you?" an employee asks.  "Um.  Yes please."  "Which one would you like?"  "That one," Jack says pointing through the glass.  "Oh, a little old fashioned and simple.  Now, which one of you will be wearing it?"  Jack and I look at each other and our eyes go wide.  "Oh, no.  We're not getting married," I say.  "Oh, well.  Sorry."  "Don't be," Jack says winking at her.  "Stop it."  "Sorry."  "So, this one?"  "Yes.  Thank you."  "She must be special."  "Believe me she's that and more," I say smiling.

                                                        Jane's P.O.V.

"Ok.  This has to be it."  "Why?"  "Because it's the last book before the end of the Time War."  I flip through a few pages and stop.  "What?"  "It's about me and the Doctor.  It says that one day a Time Lord travelled to a far off planet.  After giving up on love he met a human woman and fell in love with her.  He took her through time and space and they eventually fell in love.  But, one day she was caught by one of his enemies and gave her life for his.  He cried over his lost love but because he loved her so much the universe gave him a gift.  The gift to bring her back.  With one kiss she was given a second heart and the ability to regenerate and keep her face.  But with that gift came the power of time and space.  The power of the Time Vortex."  "So?"  "So, that's me and the Doctor.  This is why the Controller wanted me to find this.  To save me.  So that we could be together."  "So, what now?" the TARDIS asks.  "I've got to leave a message or something.  "Get to the console."  I take the book and walk back to it.  "It's set to record a hologram message."  I nod and take a deep breath.  "Hello Doctor.  I guess if you're seeing this that means I'm probably dead.  But, don't give up on me yet.  After I met the Controller he told me there was a way to save me.  One of the last prophecies of the Time Lord's.  It's about a Time Lord and a human woman.  And he loved her so much that when she died the universe gave him a gift.  To bring her back to life.  As a half Time Lord half human.  One that didn't change her face when she would regenerate.  That's us Doctor.  You can save me.  So, don't leave me on the cold floor all alone.  Go now!  And thank you.  I love you."  "That was good," the TARDIS says.  "Thanks."  I tear the pages out and hide them under the console.  I hear the Doctor and Jack come in.  "Hey," he says coming over and giving me a hug.  "Have fun?"  "Loads of fun," Jack says rolling his eyes.  I pull back and we just stare into each others eyes.  "I'm going to go now," Jack says leaving.   I look down blushing.  "Hey, I love you."  "I love you too."  He leans down and kisses me while I wrap my arms around his neck.  But, it's different.  It's more passionate but still sweet.  We pull away to breath and smile at each other.  "So?"  "So..." I say laughing as it reminds me of the first time we kissed.

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