The End Is Where We Begin Part 2

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                                                                               The Doctor's P.O.V.

"NO!" I yell falling to my knees.  "Jane..."  I look to where she was last standing.  "I'll find you.  And I will not let you die."  I run to the TARDIS and start to look.  I'm going to find you Jane.  I promise," I say flipping the last switch.  

                                                                                      Jane's P.O.V.

"Where are the pages?" Katar asks.  "As if I'm going to tell you!" I say.  I then feel another burst of an electric shock go through my body.  "Ah, stubborn as ever."  I try to catch my breath and smirk at him.  "Better than you'll ever be."  He presses the switch sending another surge.  I open my mouth to say something but a screen pops up showing the Doctor.  "Ah, Doctor," Katar says smiling.  "Let her go!"  "No."  "This is my last warning."  "And this is mine," he says hitting the switch making my body go up against the straps holding me down.  The Doctor's face turns to pure rage.  "I'm coming for you," he says to me.  "No..."  "Yes Jane I'm going to save you and you will not die.  I love you," he says and the screen disappears.  "When he comes for you I will kill you in front of him and then I will destroy the last of the Time Lords," Katar says leaning over me.  "Good luck with that."

                                                                                  The Doctors P.O.V.

They're torturing her.  And that I will not allow to go on any longer.  I don't even know what I'm going to do when I get there let alone what I'm going to do to save her.  The TARDIS lands and I get out to search for the control panel.  Here we go.  Light's disabled.  Engines off.  I start to run as the back up power comes on.  "No.  No.  No!"  "Fire!"  I turn and see Judoon.  "Yeah, don't think so."  I aim my sonic at their guns and disarm them.  "Bye!"  I run and head for the prison.  I'm coming Jane.  I'm coming to get you.  I get to the main controls and stop.  The suits are all connected to these.  Let's hope this will work.  I hack into the system and stun all of the Judoon.  I walk back to the hallway and see them down.  "Well that worked."  I get to the door and start opening it.

                                                                                       Jane's P.O.V.

As the Judoon get ready to fight I know what's coming for me.  I made a promise to the Controller and I don't break my promises.  I hear yelling and open my eyes to see all of the Judoon on the ground stunned.  I lay my head back down and smile letting out a sigh of relief.  He's here.  The door starts to spark and a few seconds later it opens.  The Doctor runs to me.  "Jane!"  "I'm fine," I say as he gets me out of the cuffs on the table.  He helps me up and hugs me tightly.  "I thought I lost you," he whispers.  I open my eyes and they go wide at the sight of one of the Judoon raising his gun at the Doctor.  "NO!"  I turn us and the shot hits me.  Funny how quickly that blast of hot, burning pain turns to numbness so quickly.  I watch the Judoon pass out again.  That's when I start to feel light headed and feel my chest tighten.  "Jane?  Jane?"  I start to wobble and loose control of my body and the Doctor lays me down.  "Jane.  No!  Jane come on!" he says running his fingers through my hair  "Doctor.  I-I'm sorry."  "Shh.  It's ok.  You'll be ok," he says starting to cry.  I shake my head.  "No," I say taking a trembling and painful breath.  "No.  This, this would have always happened.  I'm human.  I would have died some day."  "But not like this.  Not like this."  "I-I had to.  I-I couldn't let you die," I say feeling the tears run down my cheeks.  He takes my hand and I hold his face with my right one.  "I-I love you.  Never forget that.  No matter what where or what when.  I will always love you," I whisper as the darkness takes over and I close my eyes.

                                                                            The Doctor's P.O.V.

"I-I love you.  Never forget that.  No matter what where or what when.  I will always love you," she whispers as her eyes close.  Her hands go limp and fall.  "Jane?  Jane!  Jane!"  I hold her in my arms closely and rock her back and forth.  I cry and my body shakes as I kiss her head.  "I'm sorry I couldn't save you.  I'm so sorry."  I hold her for a little while longer and lay her down.  I look at her and she looks so peaceful.  As if she was just sleeping.  I kiss her forehead and say for the last time, "I love you Jane Smith".  I get up and walk back to the TARDIS.  I close the doors behind me and fall to the ground crying.  "I'm sorry Jane.  I'm so sorry."  "Hologram message 621 activated," the TARDIS speakers pronounce.  I look up and see a hologram of Jane.  "Hello Doctor.  I guess if you're seeing this that means I'm probably dead.  But don't leave me yet.  After I met the Controller he told me there was a way to save me.  One of the last prophecies made on Gallifray was of a Time Lord and a human.  And he loved her so much that the universe gave them a gift for their true love.  The gift of a second heart.  The gift of life together forever.  It would come to pass that out of the humans love for the Time Lord she died in his place.  And with that act of sacrifice and true love and the sight of the Time Lord in pain it gave them this gift.  All the the Time Lord had to do was kiss the human and she would be revived and given a second heart.  Thus making her part human and part Time Lord without having to change her face.  That's us Doctor.  You can save me.  And remember that I love you".  

*Start Playing This Please* 

The hologram finishes and I get up and run to her.  I gently bring her head up and kiss her.  I pull away and see a gold light envelope her.  Her eyes open and they're also gold.  She takes a breath and and blinks as it starts to fade.  I lean over her.  She blinks and rubs her eyes.  I start to laugh.  "Hi," she says smiling.  "Hi," I say laughing and crying.  She smiles wider and starts to laugh also.  I pick her up and spin her.  When I stop I kiss her and she kisses me back.  We go to the TARDIS and I put her down.  "I love you."  "I love you too," she says.  "So, now what?" I ask.  "I think I know," she says kissing me."


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