The End Is Where We Begin Part 1

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I'm 22.  Today is my birthday and the Doctor told me to dress nicely so that is what I'm doing.  I know that I don't usually wear dresses but today's going to be the exception.  So I'm wearing a nice black dress and black strapped heels.  Mind you, they're very short so I won't break my neck while walking.  I finish braiding my hair and do my makeup.  I put down my lipstick and look at myself.  It's been a long time since I've dressed like this.  "Jane, come on!"  I laugh and smile.  I walk down the stairs to the console and the Doctor turns with a huge smile on his face making me smile.  "You look beautiful," he says making me blush.  I look down trying to hide my face.  He walks towards me and puts his hand under my chin lifting my face to meet his.  "Hey, don't do that.  You look cute when you blush."  I laugh and say, "So, where are we going?"  "You'll see," he says as we land.

                                                    The Doctor's P.O.V.

Tonight I'm going to ask her.  I'm going to ask her to marry me.  It's her birthday and I've gotten her more than one gift.  I told her to dress nice at 30 minutes ago.  God I'm nervous.  "Jane, come on!" I yell pressing the last button and turn when I hear heels on the metal staircase and see her.  My Jane.  She looks beautiful and makes me flash a huge smile.  "You look beautiful," I say making her blush.  She tries to hide it.  But why should she?  I walk up towards her and put my hand underneath her chin and raise it so I can look her in the eyes.  "Hey, don't do that.  You look cute when you blush."  She laughs and asks, "So, where are we going?"  "You'll see." I say as we land.

                                                         Jane's P.O.V.

I look at the door and then back at him raising my eyebrows in suspicion.  "Go on," he says leaning against the console.  I close my eyes and open the door.  I feel the chill of the wind on my skin and hear the crunch of my feet stepping on freshly fallen snow.  I open my eyes and look around amazed and excited.  "Beautiful, isn't it?" he says coming out of the TARDIS.  "It's amazing," I say hugging my arms to keep warm. "Here," he says helping me put on a black trench coat.  "Thank you," I say turning to him and kiss him.  "Let's go.  We have reservations," he says taking my hand and pulling me forward.  "Reservations?  Since when did you ever make reservations?" I ask.  We stop in front of a little Italian restaurant  He opens the door saying, "For you my lady".  "Thank you," I say stepping into the warmth.  The Doctor takes my hand as we walk to the hostess stand.  "Two for John Smith."  "I'll get you to your table in just a minute."  "Thank you."  I laugh and he turns around confused.  "What?"  "Since when do you ever make reservations and carry money?"  "Well, it's your birthday and..." he points at the calendar.  "It's Christmas Eve."  "You are unbelievable.  Do you know that?" I say to him in shock.  "Yep," he says winking.  I shake my head and smile.  "This way please," the our waitress says.  "Thank you," I say following her.  "Here you go."  The Doctor pulls out my chair for me and pushes me in.  "Here are your menu's.  Would either of you like to have any wine?"  "I'll have one please and so will she," he says.  "I will get that for you right away."  "So, Christmas on my birthday?  What are you planning in that head of yours?"  "What?  Nothing," he says with a wave of his hand.  "I just want you to have a great night," he says taking my hands.  "As long as I'm with you it will always be an amazing night."  "Here you go," the waitress says filling our glasses.  "Are you two ready to order?"  "Um, yes.  I'll have the chicken piccata please," I say.  "And I'll have the chicken parmesan," the Doctor says handing her our menu's.  The Doctor tells me more stories about his past until our dinner arrives.  About half way through I stop.  "I am full," I say.  "Same.  Um, excuse me could we get the check please?" the Doctor asks our waitress.  "Yes of course."  He turns to me and says, "And I've got something for you."  He gets up and comes over.  "What?"  "Just stay sitting and close your eyes."  I close them and feel him behind me.  I then feel something around my neck.  I open my eyes and see the necklace. 

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