Chapter One

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Darkkit blinked open her eyes, and looked around. Her mother, Tuliptail, looked down at her tiny kit, and purred. Darkkit purred back, and looked around the nursery. Tightly packed brambles. She thought. She looked up at her mother, and stared in awe, at her beautiful, blue-gray pelt. When Tuliptail looked back at Darkkit, her bright blue eyes glimmered in the half light of the den. Darkkit looked at the other side of Tuliptail, and saw a small tom curled up next to her. Oh boy a brother! She thought eagerly. "Has he opened his eyes yet?" Darkkit asked. Tuliptail shook her head and replied "Stormkit hasn't opened his eyes yet." Darkkit looked at her brother and smiled. He looked like Tuliptail. She purred, and bounced towards the entrance to the nursery, only to be called back by her mother. "Wait for Stormkit to open his eyes. Then you can go out and explore." Darkkit sighed, then looked around the nursery. There's nothing to do! Darkkit wailed inwardly. "Look who finally opened their eyes! It's the tiny kit." Mudkit growled. Darkkit growled at him and wanted to claw that look off of his face. She saw a reed head poking out of the nursery wall and she crouched, ignoring Mudkit. She stuck her tail in the air, and tripped over Snowfrost's tail. "Sorry!" She mewed. The white queen nodded, then went back to sleep. Darkkit turned back to the reed head, and when she got close, she pounced. She dug her claws into the reed, and tore it from the wall. When Darkkit released it from its original spot, she tore at it with her claws. "Take that! You rouge!" She snarled. She felt a weight on her back and yowled. "It's an attack! Mudkit get off me!" She rolled and crushed Mudkit, then looked at her attacker. "Stormkit! You opened your eyes!" He nodded but looked miserable. "What's wrong?" Darkkit asked. Tuliptail walked up and rested her tail on Stormkit's shoulder. "He's blind Darkkit. He can't see." She murmured. "Oh." Darkkit replied. "Well, that's ok!" She went on. "We can still play!" When Tuliptail purred and walked away to take a nap, Darkkit heard Mudkit scoff, "Wow! He's late and blind! Who knew?" Darkkit rolled her eyes and saw Mudkit's littermates, Moonkit and Cloverkit, wrestling by Snowfrost. "Why don't you go play with your littermates instead of annoying us?" Darkkit snapped. Mudkit snorted amusement, and crouched to sneak up on his littermates. Darkkit rolled her eyes then thought. We can go outside of the nursery! "Stormkit follow me!" She called over her shoulder, only to halt when she remembered her brother was blind. She ran back to him, and rested her tail on his shoulder, guiding him out of the den. Tuliptail called after them to be safe, and Darkkit nodded, along with Stormkit. They both headed into the clearing, and it took a moment for Darkkit's eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight. A cold shiver ran through her body, as she stepped into the snow. She shivered, and looked around. She stared in amazement at the gorgeous sight of camp, and wished her brother could see it to. The snow shimmered, as the warriors made a giant pile in a corner of the camp. "Do you want to climb a snow pile Stormkit?" She asked as she guided him towards it. "Sure!" He replied, bouncing up and down in excitement. "Great just run forward and it's there. I'll race ya." Stormkit smirked and replied, "Your on!" Darkkit smiled, then turned to look at the snow pile. "Ready? Set. Go!" She yowled, then tore after the snow pile. She could feel Stormkit's hot breath on her heels, and she moved to the side so he wouldn't run into her. He easily got infront of her and bashed, headfirst, into the snow. He clawed frantically and wailed in pain. Darkkit started digging at the snow, and she heard Moonkit snap. "Well don't just stand there! Help him!" She raced over with Cloverkit, and they dug at the snow on the other side. Tuliptail and Snowfrost ducked out of the nursery, and gently nudged the kits aside, they scooped a few pawfuls of snow away, then helped Stormkit out. "D-did I w-win?" He stuttered, shivering from the cold. "Ya! You were so fast!" Moonkit replied before Darkkit even opened her mouth. I like Moonkit. Darkkit though, as she watched the fiesty shecat pad up to Stormkit, and explained to him, all the sights of the race. Stormkit blinked his eyes and purred, "I won a race blind!" Tuliptail chuckled as she guided Stormkit back to the nursery to warm up. Moonkit and Cloverkit looked at Darkkit and asked, "Do you wanna play clans and rogues?" Darkkit bounced with excitement. "Sure! I'll be a rouge!" Moonkit purred and replied. "I'll be a rouge!" Cloverkit blinked then wailed "That's not fair!" Mudkit trotted over, his head held high. "I'll be a clan cat." He growled. Cloverkit nodded and murmured, "Now its fair." Everyone chuckled then Mudkit yowled, "ATTACK!" Moonkit leapt at Cloverkit, while Mudkit leapt at Darkkit. She panicked and ducked, and to her surprise the tom fell flat on his face. Darkkit burst out laughing then yowled surprise when Mudkit slammed her to the ground. Stunned for a moment, she lay still. Then she shook her head, and rammed her head into Mudkit's. He stumbled backwards, and Darkkit leapt at him, biting into his tail. He growled, and leapt at her, biting her ear. Moonkit bowled into Mudkit, hissing. "Thats not playing that's fighting! Look at the blood you have on your mouth!" Mudkit ignored her and snarled. Cloverkit stopped playing and looked at Mudkit in amazement. "Lets go back to the nursery." She whispered. Darkkit nodded, as she watched Moonkit hold Mudkit down, as he tried to claw her frantically. Darkkit tore her gaze away from him, and ducked into the nursery. "Oh Starclan! What happened to your ear?" Tuliptail rushed over to Darkkit and started lapping at her wound. "I'll go get Mapleleaf." Cloverkit offered. "Yes, thank you Cloverkit." Tuliptail thanked between licks. Moonkit ducked into the den, Mudkit trailing behind, with a scratch above his eye. "What is happening to you kits?" Snowfrost exclaimed. Moonkit turned to Mudkit, and growled. "Why don't you ask him." Mudkit shuffled his paws in the dirt of the den. "We were playing, and I got carried away again." He mewed quietly. Snowfrost licked his head and murmured. "Its all right. But be careful next time." Mudkit nodded, and Mapleaf ducked into the den, with Cloverkit behind her carring some herbs. Mapleleaf sat down, and examined Darkkit, as she instructed Cloverkit to chew up the herbs. Cloverkit did as she was told, and when she finished, Mapleleaf applied it to Darkkit's ear. "Go get more marigold and cobwebs Cloverkit." She nodded and bounded out of the nursery. Mapleleaf gently but firmly pressed cobwebs onto Darkkit's ear. "Get some rest." The medicine cat instructed. Darkkit nodded, and curled up next to Stormkit. He was already sleeping, and Darkkit slowly drifted into sleep wondering, was Mudkit really trying to hurt me?

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