Chapter Eleven

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As they trekked back the way they came, Darkpaw took the lead. She leaded them to where she had met the rouges, and looked where the body was. "I guess they buried her." She murmured. Darkpaw padded over to the blood stained grass, and saw there was a trail. She bounded forward, and followed it. Certain it would lead her to the others. The trail stopped at an elderberry bush, and Darkpaw slipped inside. She poked her head out, and saw a small tunnel. She slowly crept forward, Whirlwind and Cloverpaw behind her. She slowly made her way through the tunnel, and stopped dead, amazed. A bramble wall covered every side of the enclosed area, and kits ran around. A cat stood glaring at her on a tall rock, while a pile of prey sat by a wall. "A camp!" She breathed. Whirlwind nudged her aside, and stepped in. Cloverpaw an Moonpaw came in, and lastly, Ravenwing. "Wow!" Moonpaw squeaked. Whirlwind stepped forward as the cat from the big rock came towards them. Cats began to gather, and the tom dipped his head. Darkpaw nodded acknowledgement, and opened her mouth to speak. The tom put his tail over her mouth, and began. "My name is Lionstar, and I am the leader of Fireclan. Who are you, and why are you here?" Darkpaw blinked at him, then spoke. "My name is Darkpaw. I'm an apprentice from Dawnclan. I'm here because I wanted to apologize for ki-" She yowled as a cat barreled into her, and bit her neck. Whirlwind sunk his teeth into the cats back, and threw him off. "Your starving." Ravenwing mewed gently, as he spoke for the first time. The cats glared at him, and the cat that had attacked Darkpaw, a tom, glared at her with pure hatred. "You killed my mate!" He yowled. Three small cats slunk out of a den, and glared at her. Darkpaw sighed and continued. "I'm sorry I killed one of your warriors, it won't happen again unless it's needed." Lionstar nodded, then dipped his head and asked. "Why are you here?" Darkpaw closed her eyes, then poured everything into the golden tom. He asked questions like, "What's your point." Or "Why?" But in the end he understood. "What's that got to do with us?" He growled. Darkpaw opened her mouth to explain, but Whirlwind beat her to it. "We want you to come with us. Your starving here, and you would love the territory around us." Lionstar nodded thoughtfully, then asked. "What are all your names?" Whirlwind dipped his head and replied. "I'm Whirlwind, that's Ravenwing, Moonpaw, and Cloverpaw." He flicked his tail to each cat, then rested it on Darkpaw's shoulders. "And you know Darkpaw." Lionstar nodded, then turned to talk with a shecat, with muscles rippling beneath her pelt. Darkpaw shivered at the thought of having to fight her. "How far away do you live?" He asked. "Not to far." Darkpaw meowed. "We just have to get out of this forest, across a field, up a steep hill, then were there." Lionstar nodded slowly, then called. "Jaywhisker, Tumbletail, Silverwing, Frogleap, and Flarepaw! You five can go along with these cats, and see if their lying or not. If they aren't I want you to come back, and lead us to their home." A blue-gray tom nodded, while a brown tabby tom with a long tail sat at the other tom's shoulder. A light gray shecat stood by the exit with a small ginger tom, while a red-brown tom spoke with Lionstar. He nodded to Whirlwind, and they headed out. Whirlwind took the lead, with the blue-gray tom and the red tom behind him. Darkpaw walked beside Moonpaw, with Cloverpaw and Ravenfeather behind her. The small ginger tom padded at the back, with the silver shecat, and the brown tabby tom. Darkpaw slowed down, until she was padded next to the small ginger tom. "Hi!" She meowed. He looked at her, then turned away. Darkpaw frowned, then ran ahead of Whirlwind. "Darkpaw, get back." She looked over her shoulder at the him, and ignored him. She trotted ahead, her tail held high. The ginger tom chuckled, and she ran up a tree. "Yes leader, I shall obey your every word." Moonpaw looked up at her and laughed, as Whirlwind stopped and looked up at her. "Get down." He ordered. Darkpaw leapt out of the tree, and bowed. "Yes your leadership." When Whirlwind looked embarrassed, she stopped. She padded next to Moonpaw, and she burst out laughing. "That was so funny!" Whirlwind turned around and growled slightly, "It wasn't funny, now we should keep moving." Darkpaw and Moonpaw exchanged a glance, then walked in silence. The small tom trotted up to Darkpaw, and started padding next to her. "What's your names?" Darkpaw blinked at him, then replied. "I'm Darkpaw, and that's my friend Moonpaw." Her friend waved her tail in greeting, and the tom replied, "My name is Flarepaw." The shecat's nodded, and they padded together in silence. When they had reached the age of the forest, Darkpaw looked at the fields in front of them. She looked at Moonpaw, and saw her eyes widen. She looked behind her at Cloverpaw and Ravenwing, and saw them stare in amazement at what they had to cross. Darkpaw looked over at Flarepaw, to find him not there. She looked around, and saw him bouncing up and down next to the silver shecat. She nodded, then Flarepaw bounced back up to Darkpaw. "Wow!" He exclaimed. She nodded, then asked. "Who are your clanmates?" Flare paw looked behind him, then spoke. "Well the shecat is Silverwing. Beside her is Tumbletail. Infront of us is my mentor, Jaywhisker, and his father, Frogleap. Silverwing's my mom. He smiled, and looked at Darkpaw. " Who are your clanmates?" He asked. Darkpaw looked at Moonpaw and meowed. "That's my best friend, Moonpaw, and behind us is her sister Cloverpaw. Beside her is Ravenwing, and in front of us is the bossy Whirlwind." Flarepaw nodded, and smiled warmly at her. Whirlwind looked over his shoulder and glared at Whirlwind. She rolled her eyes, and looked forward. Whirlwind started down the hill, and continued their journey. Darkpaw ran up beside Whirlwind, Flarepaw following. Moonpaw hung back to talk with Cloverpaw, while Ravenwing talked with Tumbletail, and Frogfoot. Silverwing walked right behind Darkpaw with Jaywhisker, and Whirlwind took the lead again. Darkpaw breathed in the scent of rabbit, and halted. Flarepaw's stomach growled, and Darkpaw laughed. "Whirlwind, how about we stop to eat and rest?" He nodded, then turned to the patrol. "Who wants to go hunting?" He meowed. Tumbletail stepped forward, along with Jaywhisker, Ravenwing, and Cloverpaw. As the cats set out to hunt, Frogfoot settled down with Silverwing, and they groomed each other. Moonpaw started chatting with Flarepaw, and Darkpaw thought she could go hunt. As she padded towards the forest, she realized she needed to hunt quickly. Darkpaw bounded into the trees, and slowly followed a scent towards a tree. She halted and crouched when she saw a squirrel. It was nibbling on an acorn, and a small snowflake landed on Darkpaw's nose. She held back a sneeze, and leapt towards the prey. She nipped OTS spine, and picked it up, as blood oozed from its back. She carried it back to the others, shared with Moonpaw, and quickly drifted into sleep. She awoke in Starclan, and jumped when a familiar voice sounded behind her. "Roseheart!" She meowed gleefully. The shecat nodded then mewed approvingly, "I'm proud that you have completed your journey. You have finished what you have set out to do. It's time you went home. I will speak with Windstar, and tell her all about this. When you get back home, I want you to go back to the he clan by yourself, and bring them to their new home." Darkpaw nodded and closed her eyes, as she drifted into deep sleep.

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