Chapter Eight

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Darkpaw awoke at dawn, and woke up the rest of the apprentices. She ordered them to get traveling herbs, while she got Ravenfeather and Whirlwind. When they all ate their herbs, Whirlwind told Windstar they were leaving, and they bounded out of camp, eager to start the journey. Whirlwind took the lead, as they headed past the Lone Pine, and over the Great Hill. He stopped at the edge of the territory, looking out across the the meadows, fields, hills, and forests. "Let's go!" Darkpaw yowled, as she raced down the hill, with Moonpaw and Cloverpaw at her heels. Moonpaw tripped over a twig, and rolles the rest of the way down the hill, crashing into a pile of leaves. "Darkpaw chuckled, as Moonpaw crawled out of the leaves, some of them sticking to her pelt. Cloverpaw walked over to her, and helped pull the leaves off. Ravenfeather padded down the hill with Stormpaw, while Whirlwind raced down after the apprentices. "We need to stay focused." He scolded gently. "Well I'm the reason that were on this journey, so that makes me in charge!" Darkpaw bragged. "Not exactly." Whirlwind murmured. Darkpaw rolled her eyes, and looked up at a huge twoleg den. She took a step back, and Whirlwind took the lead, taking then into a small space. They all halted, when they heard barking. Were barely even in twoleg place! Darkpaw thought. "Run!" Whirlwind screeched as two tall, skinny dogs came into sight. They ran towards the cats, as they bolted towards a tree. Darkpaw and Cloverpaw shoved Stormpaw up the tree, and Cloverpaw climbed up behind him. Moonpaw scrambled up, Ravenfeather behind her. Darkpaw scrambled up the tree, and Whirlwind launched himself onto a branch, just as the dog snapped where Whirlwind used to be. Darkpaw sighed relief, as the dogs got frustrated, and ran away, chasing a squirrel. "Stupid dogs." Darkpaw muttered. Whirlwind slowly made his way down the tree, and Darkpaw followed him, with Moonpaw behind her. Ravenfeather came down guiding Stormpaw, while Cloverpaw came down last. "I hate being blind." Stormpaw muttered. Cloverpaw flicked Stormpaw with her tail and chuckled, "You don't mean that." Stormpaw snorted, and walked up to Whirlwind. The tom nodded, and looked behind him at the cats. "We should keep moving." He meowed. Ravenfeather looked uncertain, then argued."The sun is going down, we should hunt, and get some rest." Whirlwind nodded and replied "Good idea." Whirlwind looked at the rest of the cats again, and nodded to Moonpaw and Darkpaw. "You two can come hunt with me. The rest of you can find some moss." Stormpaw looked miserable, and Darkpaw glared at Whirlwind. He sighed, then invited Stormpaw along. "He didn't invite me at first because he thinks I'm a bad hunter." Stormpaw whispered in her ear. "I'm sure thats not why." Darkpaw murmured, hoping it was true. Stormpaw snorted, and trotted up to walk beside Moonpaw. Whirlwind looked behind him, then stopped. He lifted his nose tonthe air, then spoke in a hushed voice. "Follow me." The apprentices obeyed, and followed Whirlwing into a juniper berry bush. They all crouched at the edge, looking out. Three fierce looking kittypets passed them, without noticing them. One of them halted, and looked in the direction of the cats. They all crouched, and slowly crept forward. Darkpaw held her breath, and they leapt over the bush, chasing something. Whirlwind sighed relief, and shot out of the berry bush. Moonpaw and Darkpaw followed him, and Darkpaw looked behind her to make sure Stormpaw was keeping up. He wasn't in sight. Darkpaw halted and called out to the others, "Wait!" They halted, and padded up to Darkpaw. "Where's Stormpaw?" Moonpaw asked. "Let's go back." Whirlwind mewed in a frightened voice. Darkpaw knew what he was thinking, but refused to think about it. When They reached the bush they had all hid in, and started calling out, "Stormpaw!" They heard a wail, and raced towards it. They halted, and Whirlwind snarled, fur fluffed up. One of the cats they had seen before, was holding a claw to Stormpaw's throat. "Let him go." Whirlwind growled, taking a step forward. The rouge tom growled, pressing his claws harder on Stormpaw's throat. "I don't think so." He chuckled. Whirlwind snarled, and took another step towards the rouge. "Come any closer and I kill him." The tom growled. Whirlwind looked at Darkpaw with sympathy, and she bushed up her fur. "Kill him, and I'll kill you!" She spat. The rouge laughed, then lowered himself to her level. "What are you gonna do? Cry till my ears bleed?" He scoffed, then laughed. Stormpaw growled, then kicked the rouge in his pancakes, making him release his grip. Whirlwind leapt at the rouge, sinking his teeth into his neck, as Stormpaw ran over to the other apprentices. "Nice move!" Darkpaw snorted with laughter. Stormpaw chuckled then stopped, as he watched Whirlwind kill the rouge easily, not a scratch on him. Whirlwind stared at the body and Darkpaw rested her tail on his back. "You did the right thing." She murmured. Whirlwind nodded slowly, then turned to head back to the Ravenfeather and Cloverpaw. Darkpaw and Moonpaw walked on each side of Stormpaw, and bumbarded him with questions. When they got back, Ravenfeather and Cloverpaw curled up together, exhausted. Moonpaw and Darkpaw looked at each other, then chuckled. When all the nests were made, everyone slept, and decided to hunt in the morning. When Darkpaw awoke, Whirlwind padded out of a patch of trees, with three mice dangling from his jaws. Darkpaw, Moonpaw, and Stormpaw all ate a mouse to themselves, while Whirlwind padded back into the trees to get the two squirrels he caught. He brought them back, and he ate his own while Ravenfeather shared with Cloverpaw. Darkpaw licked her lips, and jumped to her paws. "Alright lets keep going!" She meowed, excitement bubbling in her voice. Whirlwind chuckled, and they looked at their next obstacle. "Twolegplace" Darkpaw growled, preparing herself for what she had to go through. Thunderpaths, dogs, kittypets who think their tough, and much more. Darkpaw sighed, but lifted her head in determination. We can do this. She thought.

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