Chapter Two

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Darkkit yawned, opening her eyes. She blinked in confusion, as she awoke in a meadow. She whipped around and snarled, "Who put me here!" She backed up into a cat, then looked up, and took a step away. She faced the cat, examining it. It was a broad shouldered tom, with a golden pelt and gleaming amber eyes. "Who are you?" Darkkit demanded. "My name is Fireblaze young one" he replied smoothly. Darkkit backed up, fur bushed out. "How did I get here?" She growled. Fireblaze chuckled and bent down to her level. "Your dreaming." Darkkit narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you from the Place of no Stars?" She asked suspisiously. She shook his head and smirked at her. "Your very stubborn aren't you?" He chuckled. "Gee didn't notice." She snapped. "I want to see if Stormkit's alright. I want to wake up!" Fireblaze's gaze hardened, and he swept his bushy tail around her, urging her forward. Darkkit followed him, and he brought her to the edge of a shadowy forest. "That's the dark forest." He murmured. He turned his amber gaze onto her. "Promise not to go there?" Darkkit nodded. "I promise. Fireblaze nodded, and slowly started to fade. A faint voice whispered in the breeze, then Darkkit awoke in the nursery. The sun was setting, and Darkkit was both hungry and thirsty. She padded out of the den, careful not to wake Tuliptail or Stormkit. She ducked out of the den, and padded over to the fresh kill pile. She pulled a small mouse off of the pile, and took a huge gulp of it. Her tiny, but sharp teeth, dug into the flesh, as flavor poured into her mouth. When she finished, she headed to the dirt place tunnel. She wringled out through a hole, and bounded to a stream very close to camp. She bent down, and started lapping at the water. It tasted like Starclan in flavor! When she had finished, she turned and headed back to camp. She heard growling, and turned to see a huge red animal, with stinky breath, and yellow teeth. Darkkit snarled, and unsheathed her claws. She glared at the fox as it snapped at her. She stumbled backwards, then raced towards camp, the fox snapping at her tail. She squirmed through the dirt place hole, and the fox scratched at it, making it bigger. It squirmed through, and tore after Darkkit. She halted in the clearing, and yowled a warning. Appleblossom ran out of the warriors den, and leapt at the fox. Darkkit ran to the nursery to protect it, as Windlifter, the deputy, and Shadowstripe bursted out of the warriors den, with Bramblewhisker on their tails. Windlifter leapt at the fox, and tore her claws across its eyes. Shadowstripe and Bramblewhisker attacked it from it's sides, while Appleblossom tore at its back. It yowled in pain and frustration. It fled for the fern tunnel, and Darkkit chased it, along with Windlifter. Windliter chased it through the tunnel, and Darkkit chased it into the territory. The clan deputy scooped up Darkkit, and dropped her in front of the nursery. "Go get some rest." She ordered. Darkkit nodded and slumped into the nest she shared with Stormkit. He fidgeted in his sleep, so Darkkit slept with Moonkit. She didnt mind, just nodded and floped onto her other side. As she slowly drifted into sleep, she realized Mudkit wasn't in his nest. She was to tired to care. She laid her head down, and sighed, as sleep took her into it's wondrous world. She awoke in the same meadow as last time, but it felt strange. When she called out to Fireblaze, no responce came back. She smelled blood, and looked down at her paws. They were covered in blood, and her muzzle also. She tasted the foul flavor of blood. And she wailed, and started running. She ran into the dark forest, hoping to get help. They couldn't be that bad. Could they? She wondered. She saw a white pelt and halted infront of the tom. "Help me!" She wailed. The tom looked at her with amusement, then shook his head. "Help yourself, and you shall succeed. Remember that." He murmured, then disapperaed into the shadows of the trees. Darkkit closed her eyes, and sucked in a breath. She slowly let it out, then turned, and walked back to Starclan. She left a red trail of blood, then it stopped when she crossed the border between Starclan, and the Place Of No Stars. She padded back to the meadow, feeling uneasy. Fireblaze trotted out of an elderberry bush, and dropped a plump squirrel at his paws. "Want some?" He asked. Darkkit nodded, still shaken. "So... What happened?" He mewed gently. Darkkit looked up at him and grunted. Fireblaze nudged her with a paw, and she growled at him. "I had blood all over my muzzle and paws. I found a white tom, but he refused to help me. Fireblaze nodded and looked towards the Place Of No Stars. "You went there." Darkkit gazed at him confused. "How.....?" She asked. "You broke our promise." He meowed, his voice firm. "I'm sorry!" She wailed. Fireblaze looked at her with sympathy. "An apoligy was all I needed. You can not go there." Darkkit dipped her head, and Fireblaze started to fade. Darkkit awoke, and stretched. Moonkit grumbled and got up. "Never knew you were so grumpy in the morning." Darkkit chuckled. Cloverkit shifted in her nest then sat up. "Where's Mudkit?" She asked. Moonkit and Darkkit turned their gazes towards Mudkit's nest. She completely forgot to check. Why didn't I look for him when I had the chance? She wondered, angry with herself. She looked around the den, then lifted her nose to the air. A scent, but faint. She followed it out of the nursery, and stopped when she saw a bloody mouse dangling from Mudkit's jaws. He dropped it and smiled. "I went hunting!" He meowed proudly. Cloverkit gasped, "Your not supposed to be out of camp!" Mudkit snorted and replied "I was providing for our clan, while you lazybones were sleeping." Moonkit and Darkkit excanged glances, and rolled their eyes. Moonkit went to go get Snowfrost, while Darkkit turned back to Mudkit. His eyes were blazing with fury, and coldness. Darkkit looked behind her, then back at Mudkit. He was looking at her. Why do you hate me so much? Darkkit thought despairingly.

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