Chapter Three

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Darkkit sat below the gathering stream, as she waited for Duskstar to begin the meeting. Moonkit sat next to her, along with Stormkit. Cloverkit sat next to Moonkit, while Mudkit sat alone. The warriors and apprentices had already gathered, and Tuliptail was in between Mudkit and the rest of the kits with Snowfrost. Stonesong a d Echolight sat at the back of the group, while Mapleleaf sat at the entrance to her den. Flowerpaw ran over, and sat next to Deadpaw and Cherrypaw. Everyone was gathered. Darkkit looked up to Duskstar, as he called Cloverkit, Moonkit, and Mudkit forward. Darkkit watched as her denmates walked forward, and Stormkit tensed beside her. "What's wrong?" She asked him. His fur started to fluff up and Darkkit heard him hiss, "Tratior." She rested her tail on Stormkit's shoulders and murmured, "What are you talking about? Mudkit's loyal." Stormkit turned his blight blue gaze on her, and she flinched from the fury blazing from them. "He's a traitor. I can smell it." Darkkit nodded, not understanding her brother, and payed attention to the ceremony. "Cloverpaw, your mentor shall be Appleblossom. I expect she will teach you all she knows, and I hope that Shadowstripe taught her well. Appleblossom dipped her head, then touched noses with Cloverpaw. Duskstar gave Moonpaw, Whitecloud, and Mudpaw to himself. When the meeting ended, Duskstar took Mudpaw out of camp, along with Cloverpaw and Bramblewhisker. Whitecloud let Moonpaw sleep first, then they would explore the territory. Darkkit wished she was an apprentice. She looked at Stormkit, and wondered what was on his mind. "Stormkit." She mewed quietly. The blind tom turned his head to Darkkit and tipped his head to the side. "Do you think they'll make you an apprentice?" Stormkit blinked at her, then looked at the ground. "I guess I hadn't thought about that." He murmured. "Do you think they will?" Darkkit shrugged, then looked around. "Why don't we go see if the elders have any stories for us!" Stoemkit shrugged, and let Darkkit guide him up to the elders den. Echolight was sharing a vole with Shivering, and they both looked up from their meal when the kits entered. "Do you need something?" Echolight asked. Stormkit shook his head, and flicked his ears towards Darkkit. "She wanted to hear a story." He muttered. Stonesong chuckled, and took another bite of the vole. "What do you want to hear? The huge battle between the clans, how only one clan survived, or how we found our new home?" Darkkit though for a moment, then replies with "How only one clan survived." Stonesong nodded and thought for a moment. The six original clans were Duskclan, where Duskstar came from, Cloudclan, where your mother came from, Blizzardclan, where Snowfrost came from, Sorrelclan, where Windlifter and Bramblewhisker came from, Darkclan, where Shadowstripe, Splashfoot, Whirlwind, and Whitecloud came from, and then there was Dawnclan, where everyone else came from. Stormkit looked a little interested now, but it disn't look like he cared much. Stonesong carried on with the story anyways. "One day, there way a drought, and no-one knew why. The prey died of thirst, and the cats forgot aboit the warrior code. Cats went crazy, and had wars for prey. The clans broke apart, and the weak ones died. The slightly weak ones ran away to be kittypet, and the rest of the cats continued fighting, until only the cats of our clan remained. We decided to work together to find prey, and whatever prey they found, would be shared between them. All cats agreed, and the water came back about a moon afterwards. Stormkit was interested now, pricking his ears to listen. "That's how only one clan survived. Really all of them did, but we all have the hopes and spirits as one clan. Do you want to hear another story?" He meowed. "Would I!" Stormkit squeaked. "I mean.. Sure whatever." He mewed, rolling his eyes. Stonesong and Echolight both laughed, and Ecgolight finished off the vole. Can we hear about...the huge battle!" She squealed. "We can save how you guys found this place for tomorrow. Stonesong nodded then started the story. "Starclan had sent Darkclan and Dawnclan many, many sighs of an upcoming battle. Tesion between the two clan was crackling because of the death of a leader. The leader of Dawnclan at the time was Sunstar. The new leader of Darkclan was Nightstar. Nightstar was a calm shecat who tried to find peace in everything, while Sunstar always rushed to battle. Sunstar launched an attack on Darkclan, and Cloudclan helped Darkclan. I was an apprentice at that time, and I ran to get help. Duskclan and Sorrelclan came to help Dawnclan, and Blizzardclan had arrived as well, to help Nightclan. A war broke out, and many cats were killed. The choices were kill, or be killed. And I ended up killing uncpuntable cats, that im ashamed I killed. They deserved to live, and I should've done something to stop the war. It ended, when Nightstar and Sunstar ended up killing eachother. The new leaders were Blackstar of Darkclan, and Streamstar of Dawnclan. When the drought came around, Streamstar died, and Duskstar took over, controlling both Dawnclan and Duskclan." He finished
Darkkit nodded, and looked behind her. The sun was settled, and her stomach was growling. She dipped her head to Stonetooth, and meowed. "Thank you for telling us those stories. " Stonesong dipped his head and replied "Anytime." Dakrkkit guided Stormkit down to the fresh kill pile, and they shared a plump rabbit. When they had finished, they drank from a puddle, and went to the nursery. They curled up in their nest, and quickly fell asleep. Darkkit sank into a deep sleep, but words rang in her head. "Beware of a brown enemy." She figeted in her sleep, as fighting broke out infront of her eyes. A huge, muscular, golden tom landed on her, and tore his claws across her eyes blinding her. She howled in pain, and fell to the earth, unconscious. She jumped up, fur bristling, and looked around the nursery. Silver moonlight poured into the nursery entrance, and made Tuliptail's, and Stormkit's pelts gleam. Darkkit sighed, and thought about what she had heard. "Beware of a brown enemy?" She mewed quietly to herself. "What brown enemy?"

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