Chapter Nine

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Whirlwind led them into Twoleg place, as they jumped at the barking of a dog. Whirlwind started running, and Darkpaw had to yell at him to slow down for Stormpaw. Whirlwind looked over his shoulder, then nodded and waited for everyone. A dog was scraping at a fence, barking, and trying to get over it. Darkpaw glared at it then snapped, "Shut up flea brain!" The dog yapped louder, and Darkpaw groaned. Whirlwing chuckled, and Moonpaw trotted up to Darkpaw. She nodded to her friend, and was painfully aware that her friend had looked miserable since Mudpaw had been exiled. She rested her tail on Moonpaw's shoulder, and she stopped. She looked upset, then she looked away. "Mudpaw would've loved this." She murmured. Darkpaw nodded, suddenly aware they were approching a Thunderpath. Whirlwind stopped at the the, as monsters flew by. Ravenwing and Stormpaw stood next to him, as Cloverpaw stood next to Ravenwing. Moonpaw trotted up to stand next to Stormpaw, as Darkpaw stood next to Moonpaw. As a monster flew by, Darkpaw sunk her claws into the dirt, praying she wouldn't blow away. Whirlwind looked both ways, then waited as another monster went by. Whirlwind stepped out onto the Thunderpath, then ran, guiding Stormpaw. Ravening raced across the Thunderpath with Cloverpaw, and Moonpaw wouldn't budge. Darkpaw tried to encourage her to go across, but she still wouldn't move. Darkpaw sighed, then checked the Thunderpath. "There's no monsters you'll be alright." She murmured gently. Moonpaw nodded shakily, and walked out onto the Thunderpath with Darkpaw. A monster came roaring down the path, and Darkpaw yowled, "Run!" She bolted to the other side, and looked around for Moonpaw. She looked back at the Thunderpath, and saw Moonpaw frozen in a monsters path. A blue-gray pelt flashed in front of Darkpaw, and raced towards Moonpaw. "Stormpaw!" She yowled. Stormpaw bit into Moonpaw's scruff, and threw her aside. The monster tore down the path, going strait over her brother. When it had passed, and Whirlwind checked the Thunderpath, Darkpaw raced over to Stormpaw. "Stormpaw!" She choked. Her brother lay crumpled, and bleeding. She dragged him off the Thunderpath, and hunched over him. She started sobbing, and Moonpaw laid next to him, buying her muzzle in his fur. She looked up at Darkpaw, then walked towards Cloverpaw. Whirlwind and Ravening stared in shock, as Darkpaw pressed closer to her only sibling. Whirlwind rested his tail on her shoulder, and she looked up at him, tears streaming from her eyes. "We need to keep moving." He murmured. Darkpaw nodded, and pulled herself away from her brother. Ravenwing and Cloverpaw started to slowly dig a hole, and Darkpaw joined them, numb with grief. When they had finished, Darkpaw and Moonpaw laid Stormpaw in the hole, buried him, and kept moving. Darkpaw stumbled over sticks and stones, as she padded next to Whirlwind. He laid his tail over her shoulders, to help her, as she started to walk slower. Moonpaw caught up to her, and gaze her a sorrowful look. "I'm sorry." She murmured. Darkpaw nodded, and kept moving. She trotted till she was ahead of Whirlwind, then stopped when she heard a growl. All the cats whipped around to see the two of the rouge cats that attacked before. "Your the cats that killed Scar!" A shecat growled. She looked as if she were a few days away from kitting, or really plump. Whirlwind growled, and took a step closer to the rouges. I killed him, and I'll kill you to if a have to. A small brown tom stepped back at Whirlwind's words, but the shecat stayed put. Darkpaw stood at Whirlwind's shoulder and snarled, remembering how they had taken Stormpaw. When the shecat lofted a paw to step towards Whirlwind, Darkpaw flung herself into her, and Whirlwind barreled into the shecat as well. Moonpaw and Ravenwing chased the tom away, while Cloverpaw helped fight off the shecat. Both rouges ran, and Darkpaw snorted. "Stupid rouges. Their as scared as kittypets." Whirlwind nodded agreement, and turned to keep moving. Darkpaw trottes next to him, while Cloverpaw and Moonpaw walked close behind them, talking in fished voices. Ravenwing brought of the rear, keeping a lookout for anything else that could harm the group. Whirlwind stopped at the edge of twolegplace, then ran into the field that lay ahead of them. Darkpaw ran after Whirlwind, with Moonpaw at her side. Cloverpaw and Ravenwing ran down last, and Darkpaw bashed into Moonpaw, barreling her over. "Gotcha!" She yowled. Moonpaw pushed her off and wailed. "That's not fair!" Darkpaw laughed as Moonpaw missed her, and landed in the dirt. Whirlwind padded up to the apprentices and chuckled. He looked at the sun and murmured. "We should get some rest. Darkpaw nodded, then yawned. Ravenwing looked around, then meowed. " There's no moss around here Whirlwind." Darkpaw watched Whirlwind, then looked around. She found an abandoned badger den, and went in to sniff around. A few days faint. Good. She looked her head out of the hole, and called to the others, "Come on guys! It's good in here!" Whirlwind padded over, and ducked into the hole, with Cloverpaw behind him. Darkpaw came in after them, with Moonpaw behind her. Whirlwind started scratches at the walls to make it bigger, while Moonpaw and Cloverpaw went out to hunt. "Where's Ravenwing?" Darkpaw asked. Whirlwind shrugged, then kept digging. Darkpaw curled up in a corner of the den, and quickly fell asleep. She awoke in a start forest, and instantly knew it was Starclan. A black pelt walked out of a patch of pine trees and Darkpaw bounced with excitement. Duskstar rested his tail on Darkpaw, and she stopped bouncing. He sat down and looked at Darkpaw. "First." He meowed. "Somebody wants to see you." A blue-gray, shimmering coat padded out of the same lien trees as Duskstar, and sat next to him. Darkpaw choked as she saw her dead brother, healthy, and happy. Duskstar went on. "You must go back to your clan before the threat does. You have encountered it. But you must find a new way home." Darkpaw brought her gaze Duskstar as he spoke, then her mind swirled with what he was saying. "Why?" She blurted out. Stormpaw stood up and padded forward. He rested his head on his sister's, then spoke gently. "Trust us. We will guide you. And I will awlwatlys be watching over you." As they began to fade, Darkpaw started to think. "What threat? We haven't encountered a threat." Whirlwind lifted his head, and Darkpaw lowered her head in embarrassment, as she saw that everyone was sleeping. Whirlwind padded over to her, and laid next to her. "Did Starclan visit you?" He asked. Darkpaw nodded, and explained to her friend what had happened. He nodded, and woke everyone up. Ravenwing groaned, but stood up. He stretched, yawned, then padded out of the den. Moonpaw and Cloverpaw padded out of the den, and Darkpaw followed. Whirlwind came out last, then took the lead of the patrol. Whirlwind padded up to the edge of twolegplace, then moaned, "Here we go again."

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