Chapter Thirteen

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Darkpaw awoke in a snow covered meadow, and a took a few moments for Darkpaw to remember where she was. She got up and stretched, moonlight drenching her fur. The dazzling moon turned Darkpaw's black coat, to a shimmering gray. She felt someone watching her, and turned to see Sharp looking at her. Yew was lying next to him, and Ravenwing was curled up next to Cloverpaw. Darkpaw felt hot with embarrassment, when she realized she had fell asleep next to Flarepaw. Moonpaw was on Darkpaw's other side, and Jaywhisker was sleeping with Frogfoot. Tumbletail and Silverwing were already awake, and grooming their pelts. Darkpaw started cleaning herself, and Flarepaw got up. He yawned and stretched, closing his eyes with comfort. Darkpaw chuckled at his ruffled fur, and he quickly started grooming it. Darkpaw nudged Moonpaw awake, as Frogfoot awoke. His movement disturbed Jaywhisker, and he got up. Moonpaw grumbled, but got up. Sharp prodded Yew with a paw, and Darkpaw went to get Ravenwing and Cloverpaw up. When everyone was up and fed, they kept moving. They ran across the meadow, moonlight bathing their pelts. They slowed down when they reached the end of the meadow, and climbed up the hill. Darkpaw stood at Jaywhisker's shoulder, and looked down at Dawnclan territory. "Woah." Jaywhisker murmured. A stream ran from a river, close to camp. And a big tree loomed over the others, with its withered leaves. Darkpaw ran down the slope, with Moon paw and Cloverpaw following. "Home!" Ravenwing yowled, as he followed them. They ran strait towards camp, and stopped at the entrance. Splashfoot and Bramblewhisker were on guard, and they smiled when Darkpaw came into view. "Your back." Bramblewhisker meowed. Darkpaw nodded, and looked behind her. Ravenwing and Moonpaw stood next to her, while the other clan cats slowly slipped in next to them. Bramblewhisker bristled, then slowly laid his fur flat. He flicked his ears, and Splashfoot went into camp. He came back out with Windstar, and she dipped her head. "Who are they?" She asked. Darkpaw flicked her tail to each other cat as she said they names. "That's Tumbletail, Frogfoot, Silverwing, Jaywhisker, and Flarepaw. As she said her friend's name, he bounced up between her and Moonpaw. She nodded slowly, then murmured, "Where is Whirlwind and Stormpaw?" Darkpaw's stomach delt heavy, and she explained how the group had lost them. When she had finished, Windstar lowered her head in grief. She looked up at the cats, and flicked her tail. "Follow me." She meowed. The cats followed her into camp, and Darkpaw felt embarrassed when Flarepaw pressed up against Darkpaw, tensing. They sat down in the clearing, as cats began to gather. Windstar leapt onto the gathering stream, and cats slipped from their dens. Shadowstripe sat, glaring at Flarepaw. Darkpaw turned to him, and bristled. Flarepaw looked at Darkpaw, then looked at the ground. Everyone turned their attention back to Windstar, and she explained to the clan the strange cats were here because they were going to find a new home by us. The clan nodded slowly, and a few casted glares at them. Windstar bowed her head, then meowed sorrowfully, "On this journey, Stormpaw was lost saving Moonpaw from a monster, and Whirlwind was lost to a blizzard." Gasps of grief and shock took hold of the clan, and Darkpaw looked around for Tuliptail. She was hunched over the dirt, sobbing. Darkpaw padded over to her, and rested her tail on her shoulder. Her mother looked up, and started grooming her. "I'm so glad I didn't lose you to." Darkpaw nodded slowly, then Flarepaw bumped into Darkpaw. She pricked her ears, and they all sat down, looking up at the high ledge. When the wails and sobs had calmed down, Windstar continued. "I would like that only Darkpaw will help them find their new home, and bring the rest of them home safely. Darkpaw nodded, and turned to the few cats of their clan. Tumbletail, Frogfoot, Jaywhisker, and Silverwing, stood by the entrance, waiting to leave. Darkpaw and Flare paw bounded over, with Yew and Sharp on their tails. Jaywhisker led the way out of the territory, and stopped at the border line. He crossed it, and started scenting the area. They trotted together in silence and halted when Jaywhisker lifted his nose to the air. He looked around, and lapped at a small pool of water. A big pond lay in front of him, with a large patch of trees behind it. Jaywhisker padded over to it, and sniffed around cautiously. After exploring the forest, the sun was going down, and everyone was well fed. Dark paw laid down to sleep, and Jaywhisker laid down with Frogfoot. Tumbletail laid with Silverwing, whilst Flarepaw and Darkpaw laid alone. When dawn approached, they kept moving, and found a small clearing in the forest. Silverwing bounded over to it and purred with excitement. "We could train our apprentices here!" Jaywhisker nodded, and turned in a different direction. Silverwing bounded towards Jaywhisker to catch up, and padded beside him. They stopped when Jaywhisker almost padded over the side of a steep hollow. They all looked down into it and Flarepaw found a way inside. They all bounded down, and looked around once inside. "It's perfect!" Toadfoot exclaimed. Jaywhisker nodded, then padded out of the hollow and towards the way they came. When they had submerged from the forest, everyone bounded through Dawnclan territory. The sun was at its full height, and Dark PA's stomach growled. Jaywhisker growled under his breath, then meowed. "Everyone go getso methinks to eat and come back here." Silverwing and Toadfoot nodded immediately, then ran away. Tumbletail nodded and went his own way, while Flarepaw hunted with Darkpaw. Jaywhisker stayed where they were meeting up, and looked around for prey there. Darkpaw looked over at Flarepaw, then looked away when he glanced at her. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, then continued on hunting. She couldn't let him get in the way. "Hey Flarepaw I'm gonna go hu to over there." She meowed. He dipped his head, and Darkpaw dashed away. You can't be with him, he's from another clan! She scolded herself.

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