Chapter Ten

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When they were halfway through twolegplace, a ligjt snow fall began. A snowflake landed on Darkpaw's nose and she chuckled, blowing it off. Whirlwind looked over his shoulder, then kept moving. Darkpaw heard a dog barking, and stiffened. Whirlwind turned around, and Darkpaw saw a huge dog, running towards them. "Run!" Cloverpaw yowled, as she clawed her way onto a fence. Darkpaw followed her, then climbed onto a twoleg den. She looked around, and saw Whirlwind hiding in the shadow of some twoleg thing with Moonpaw. Ravenwing was in a tree, hissing and swiping at the dog. When a high pitched yelling broke out, the dog whined, and ran towards it. When the dog had vanished, Darkpaw dropped from the twoleg den, with Cloverpaw behind her. Whirlwind padded out of the shadow with Moonpaw, as Ravenwing leapt out of the tree. Whirlwind looked at each cat, nodded, then kept going. When they reached the edge of twolegplace Darkpaw knew what was next. The Thunderpath. She snarled at the thought, then looked at Moonpaw. She saw her shivering, along with Cloverpaw, who was beside her. Whirlwind pushed through some brambles, then stopped at the edge of the Thunderpath. Darkpaw stood at his shoulder, with Cloverpaw at his other shoulder. Ravenwing stood next to Cloverpaw, while Moonpaw stood next to Darkpaw. Three monster flew by before the path was clear. Whirlwind raved across, with Cloverpaw and Moonpaw on his heels. Ravenwing and Darkpaw ran across, just as a monster tore down the path. They both leapt, just in time, out of the monsters path. Darkpaw panted, and memories flooded back. Stormpaw saving Moonpaw's life, the monster going over him, his crippled body, burying him. She shuddered, but got up, and kept moving. They turned into a forest nearby, since Darkpaw was told to follow a different path home. When they were just about out of the forest, it started snowing harder. Darkpaw was pressing up against Moonpaw, while Cloverpaw was in between Ravenwing and Whirlwind. The snow hit Darkpaw in the side, and made her wince. They climbed I to a hollow tree, and curled up together. Whirlwind but his back to the entrance, blocking most of the wind. Darkpaw curled up next to Moonpaw, while Ravenwing curled up Cloverpaw. Whirlwind stayed by the entrance, shivering. Darkpaw padded over to him, and pressed up against him. Moonpaw laid on his other side, and Darkpaw felt him stop shivering. They all fell asleep together, and Darkpaw purred from his warmth. When she awoke, the wind and snow had stopped, and a little moonlight slipped into the hollow tree. Darkpaw slowly stepped over Whirlwind, and padded outside. She shivered at the snow's coldness, but padded through the trees. She lifted her nose to the air to find prey, since she hadn't eaten since yesterday at dawn. Darkpaw's stomach growled, and she moaned. A rustling in a patch of brambles made Darkpaw whip around. She growled as it shook violently, then a cat leapt at her. She snarled and lashed out, but the cat pinned her down easily. Darkpaw glared at the cat, taking a closer look. It was a tom. She snarled and lashed out at him, but he clawed her paw. She pulled it back, and snarled at him. He bit into her neck and hauled her up. "What do we do with her Dawnfeather?" The tom called, as a shecat padded out of the brambles. She walked over to Darkpaw, and sniffed her. "Space please!" She snapped. Dawnfeather stepped back and looked at Darkpaw. "Sassy." She muttered. The tom nodded, padded behind her, then looked at her back. "How old are you?" He asked. Darkpaw whipped around "How old are you." She growled. Dawnfeather stepped towards Darkpaw and hissed, "Answer the question." Darkpaw narrowed her eyes, then answered "7 moons old." She nodded, then flicked her tail. "Follow me." She ordered. Darkpaw shook her head then snarled. "I'm not going anywhere." Dawnfeather whipped around, and glared at Darkpaw. "You will follow us, or I'll drag you there myself!" She spat. Darkpaw rolled her eyes and muttered, "Ya right." Dawnfeather glanced at her, then bit into her scruff. "Get off me!" She yowled. Dawnfeather ignored her, and Darkpaw say her pricking her ears. "My friends will come and tear you apart." Dawnfeather realised her grip on Darkpaw, and snarled. "Our clan is not afraid of a couple of rouges!" Anger bubbled up inside Darkpaw's she went on. "If we wanted to, we could kill-" Darkpaw cut her off, and barreled into her. She held a claw to her throat and glared at the tom. He stepped back, and Darkpaw turned back to Dawnfeather. "First!" She snapped. "We are not rouges. We are clan cats. Second! I can't believe that a rouge herself would be calling me and my friends rouges, and third! Touch a hair on my friends pelt and I will tear you limb by limb, until there is nothing left." Darkpaw saw amusement glittering in the shecat's eyes, and she tore her claws across her throat. She whipped around, and watched the tom's eyes light up with fear. He looked at Darkpaw, then turned tail and fled. She looked back at the dying cat, then rushed the way she came. When she got close to the tree they slept in, she heard Ravenwing's voice calling out to her. She raced towards it, and halted in front of him. He smiled down at her, and brought her to the tree. Cloverpaw was there with Moonpaw, and Darkpaw purred. Ravenwing dipped his head and meowed, "I'll go get Whirlwind." Darkpaw nodded, and as soon as Ravenwing left, Cloverpaw went bouncing after him. Darkpaw chuckled, and Moonpaw pressed up against her. They both purred, and Whirlwind padded pit of the trees with Ravenwing and Cloverpaw. He smiled and bounded over to Darkpaw. She smiled back, the scooted away. "We should keep moving." She murmured, looking at the ground. Whirlwind nodded, and gathered the cats together with a sweep of his tail. They bounded for a little while, then halted when they reached the edge of the forest. "We need to go back." Darkpaw meowed. All the cats looked at her with confused glances. Darkpaw sighed, and explained to them what had happened.

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