Chapter Seven

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Darkpaw moaned as Mapleleaf pressed cobwebs onto a wound on Darkpaw's shoulder. Frostfang was vicious. She sliced Darkpaw's stomach, shoulder, and even lashed at her eyes. She ached all over, and Whirlwind let her rest today. Every time Darkpaw's eyelids became heavy, she panicked and kept them open, but she grew tired, and fell into sleep. Sje awoke in the dark forest, and ran towards Starclan. Frostfang blocked her path and bared his teeth. "Going somewhere?" He asked smirking. Darkpaw shook her head, and backed into a tree. The tom scratched her nose, and she leapt at him. Frostfang natted her away with one paw, and she fell to the ground, winded. "Get up." He ordered. Darkpaw scrambled to her paws, still saching from the last time she was here. She took deep breaths, and Frostfang stood infront of her. "Fight me, and well talk about how you could improve." He growled. Darkpaw's heart skipped a beat, as Frostfang ran towards her. She whipped around and scrambled up a tree. She crouched on the edge of a branch, and leaped for another. She leapt from tree to tree, until Frostfang bit into her tail, and flung her out of the tree. She landed on the geound with a thump, and she couldn't get up. Frostfang dropped from a tree, and sat with his tail wrapped over his paws. "Okay lets talk." He meowed. "Where did you go wrong?" Darkpaw ignored him, in to much pain to answer. When she didnt answer Frostfang snapped, "You fled instead of fighting me head on like a told you!" Darkpaw laid on the mud, feeling dizzy. She blinked at Frostfang, then opened her eyes to the apprentices den. Frostfang was infront of her, and she scrambled to her paws, bristling. He sighed and padded towards her, and Darkpaw's vision cleared, to see Whirlwind. "Sorry." She murmured. Whirlwind wraped his tail and Darkpaw and murmured, "It's all right. What happened?" Darkpaw blinked at her mentor in panic then replied smoothly. "Nightmare." Whirlwind nodded, and Stormpaw ducked into the den with a plump mouse dangling from his jaws. "Did you catch that?" Darkpaw asked astonished. Stormpaw nodded, and dropped it at her paws. "It was nice and plump, and I thought you might like it." Darkpaw purred and licked his cheek. "Thank you Stormpaw." He nodded and ducked out of the den, calling over his shoulder, "I hope you feel better soon!" Darkpaw looked away and muttered "Ya right." She muttered, and took a bite of the mouse, enjoying the flavor. She realized Whirlwind was still next to her. His fur was brushing hers, and she enjoyed the warmth of the young warrior. They shared the mouse, then Whirlwind left when he was called for a patrol. He dipped his head to Darkpaw, then left. She curled up to sleep, praying she didn't end up in the dark forest again. She blinked open her eyes, and found herself, once again, in the dark forest. She took a deep breath, then glanced at the border. She wasn't that far. Frostfang appeared out of a patch of bramble, and Darkpaw bristled, backing up slowly. "Well that's not very friendly." He scoffed. Darkpaw whipped around, and bolted towards the border. Frostfang yowled and tore after her. Darkpaw wailed, and leapt across the border. She kept running, but Frostfang was gaining on her quickly. A tortishell shecat leapt out of a tree, and barreled into Frostfang, catching him by surprise. Darkpaw watched in horror, as Frostfang snapped for the shecats throat. The tortishell lashed her claws out, and Frostfang laid dead on the ground. The shecat turned her amber eyes towards Darkpaw, and her gaze softened. "I'm so sorry." She murmured. Darkpaw looked at Frostfang's dead body, then the shecat. "It's... It's all right." The shecat sat next to Darkpaw, and stroked her woth her tail gently. "Its alright. Your safe now." Darkpaw nodded, unable to tear her gaze away from Frostfang. Darkpaw looked up from his body, and saw a golden pelt, standing on the border. She shivered, as she though what Fireblaze would do to her when he found her. "I'm Roseheart by the way." The shecat murmured. Darkpaw looked up at her and nodded. "I'm Darkpaw." She meowed, slowly starting to control her voice. The shecat wrapped her tail and Darkpaw, and guided her deeper into Starclan. She saw a bunch of small cats fishing by a stream, and she guessed they were from one of the old clans. "What clan were you from?" She asked Roseheart. The shecat looked down at her and responded, "Dawnclan." Darkpaw smiled and Roseheart went on. "I'm Tuliptail's mother." Darkpaw bounced with excitement, "I'm Tuliptail's daughter!" She exclaimed. "That's great!" Roseheart purred. Darkpaw pressed up against her, and she purred louder. They stopped by a group of fully grown cats, and Darkpaw recognized Duskstar. "Duskstar I-" he cut her off. "I know what you did and why. There's no need to apologize." Darkpaw dipped her head grateful for his forgiveness. Roseheart pointed with her tail at two tim, that Duskstar was talking with. One was well muscled, with pure brown fur, and brown eyes, while the other was a skinny tom, with, black fur and green eyes. The brown tom was Mudtail, and the black tom was Sparrowfeather. Darkpaw dipped her head to the friendly toms, and stopped infront of a shecat that looked like Roseheart. "This is my sister, Peonyleap." Darkpaw looked up at the shecat, nd smiled. Peonyleap purred, and slowly started to fade. Darkpaw frowned, nd realzied with a pang she was waking up. She liked Starclan. She heard Roseheart whisper in her ear, "Beware of a brown enemy." Darkpaw jumped to her paws, then flopped back down again. "Who is the brown ene- Mudpaw!" She leaped to her paws, and raced towards Windstar's den. She had recieved her lives last night, and her deputy was Bramblewhisker. She bursted inside, and found her resting. She lifted her head, and yawned. "Sorry to wake you Windstar, but Starclan spoke to me, and they told me to beware of a brown enemy. I think its Mudpaw." Windstar nodded then looked at Darkpaw. "Mapleleaf also received a message from Starclan." Darkpaw stared at Windstar, confused, but she went on. "You have to explore beyond our territory, or our clan will die Darkpaw. She nodded and looked around. "When do I leave?" Windstar looked at Darkpaw then spoke. "Pick four or five cats to go with you, rest, then leave. Darkpaw nodded, and padded out into the clearing. She knew who she wanted to take. She ducked into the warriors den, and called Whirlwind. She explained to him what she had to do, and he agreed to go along. He went back to sleep, and Darkpaw ducked into the apprentices den. "Guys." She meowed loudly. All the apprentices lifted their heads, and Darkpaw explained to them what she had to do. All three of them agreed to go along, but Darkpaw wasn't sure who she wanted one more cat to come along. She knew. Ravenfeather. He's good with herbs. She thought. She dashed to the warriors den again again, explained and he agreed. Darkpaw dipped her head, and ran to the apprentices den, exhausted. She flopped into her nest, and quickly slipped into sleep.

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