Chapter Five

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Darkkit awoke in the bright colored meadow, where she had met Fireblaze. "Fireblaze?" She called out. No answer. "Fireblaze?" She called louder. A familier golden pelt padded out of a patch of trees, and dipped his head. "Where were you?" She asked. Fireblaze chuckled then responded, "I was talking with some friends." Darkkit nodded then sat down. "It's time for you to talk to another friend!" She purred. Fireblaze nodded and looked behind her at the Place Of No Stars. "Have yo-" he was cut off by Darkkit. "No! I haven't gone there." Fireblaze dipped his head in apology. "You seem tense." He mewed quietly. "Mudpaw attacked and he still hates me!" She exclaimed, jumping to her paws. Fireblaze nodded and asked, I cant teach a few moves to defeand yourself." He mewed. Darkkit nodded. "Yes please!" Fireblaze chuckled, slowly stood up. "Pretend I'm Mudpaw, alright?" Darkkit nodded, and watched as he lashed a claw infront of Darkkit's eyes. She barreled into him, bowling him over. Shw pinned him tobthe ground, but Fireblaze kicked Darkkit's legs out from under her, causing her to fall on top of him. He rolled, squishing her, and Darkkit laid on the soft grass for a little. "Learn anything?" Fireblaze asked, bending over Darkkit. "That your a good fighter." She weezed. Fireblaze picked her up by her scruff, and set her down on her paws. "Try using that against Mudpaw. He wont see it coming." He mewed. Darkkit nodded, as Fireblaze faded away. Darkkit woke up in the nursery, still feeling winded. She took a few deep breaths, then felt better. It was almost dawn. She got up, and stretched her legs. She yawned, then padded out of the den, and came nose to nose with Mudpaw. He snarled, but knew not to fight in the nursery. Darkkit snorted amusement, and watched as he cleaned out Darkkit's old moss. Stormkit came out of the dirtplace tunnel, tripping over a few sticks. Darkkit turned to help him, but he ran away from her. Darkkit tipped her head to the side, then shrugged. If He wants to act weird, thats on him. She thought. She looked through the fresh kill pile, and Mistypool, who eas guarding camp, padded through the fern tunnel, yawning. She padded into the warriors den, and Windlifter padded out. Whitecloud, Whirlwind, Bramblewhisker, Appleblossom, Emberflame, Shadowstripe, and Cinderfrost, followed her out. Darkkit listened to Windlifter, interested. "Bramblewhisker, I want you to lead the dawn patrol with Ravenpaw, Whitecloud, and Moonpaw." She meowed sternly. Bramblewhisker nodded, and ducked into the appre tices den, while Whitecloud waited by the fern tunnel. "Emberflame, Cinderfrost, Shadowstripe, and Appleblossom. I want you to go on an early hunting patrol, and take Cloverpaw with you." She meowed in the same tone she gave Bramblewhisker. Appleblossom went to get Cloverpaw, a d Windlifter called out, "Shadowstripe will be leading!" Windlifter nodded to Whirlwind, and he bounded towards the warriors den to get some more sleep. Windlifter followed him, and Darkkit turned back to the fresh kill pile, as Moonpaw and Cloverpaw padded out of camp. She pulled a squirrel from the pile, and took a bite out of it. Stormkit padded over to her and asked, "Can I hsve some?" Darkkit nodded and replied "Sure." Stormkit laid down, and took a bite out of the squirrel. Darkkit looked around camp bored, then thought of an idea. "Why don't we go see if that fox is still in our territory?" Darkkit asked, excited. "Were not aloud out of camp yet." Stormkit mewed quietly. Darkkit rolled her eyes, and finished off the squirrel. "So what are we supposed to do? Sit around and wait to be apprentices?" Stormkit rolled his eyes, and stood up. "Maybe if you were patient, it wouldn't be so boring." Stormkit snapped. Darkkit glared at him snd snapped back. "Well maybe if Duskst-" she was cut off by a call sounding from the gathering stream. "Let all cats gather around for a clan meeting!" He yowled, his voice reaching into every den. The apprentices and warrior yawned, and made their way to the gathering stream. The elders sat by by the entrance to their den, along with Mapleleaf. Tuliptail started grooming Stormkit, while Darkkit thought. Grooming before a meeting means one thing. "Apprentice ceremony!" Darkkit squeaked, a d started grooming her pelt. "Stormkit and Darkkit, pease step forward." Duskstar called. Stormkit stepped forward calmly, whilst Darkkit bouced forward. "You both have reached the age of six moons, and it's time youe became apprentices. Darkkit. From this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be know as Darkpaw. Stormkit, from this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be know Stormpaw." The leader went on. "Whirlwind. I believe your ready for an apprentice." The tom dipped his head as Duskstar went on. "Silverblaze. I know your ready for your second apprentice. Whirlwind, you will have Darkpaw, and Silverblaze, you will have Stormpaw. Both mentors touches with their apprentices, then sat down with the crowd. "Darkpaw! Stormpaw! Darkpaw! Stormpaw!" The clan chanted. Tuliptail cheered the loudest, and Darkpaw wishes Moonpaw and Cloverpaw weren't on patrol. "We also have four apprentices who will become warriors today." Duskstar went on. "Ravenpaw, Shadepaw, Deadpaw, and Cherrypaw. Please come forward." The four cats stepped forward, and Duskstar bounded down from the gathering stream. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect it, and defend it, even at the cost of your life?" Shadepaw and Cherrypaw nodded, while Deadpaw sqeaked, "I do." Ravenpaw held his voice steady, as he replied. "Yes." Duskstar nodded, then looked up at the sky. "Starclan, these apprentices have worked hard to understand your noble code, and i commend them warriors in their turn. Ravenpaw and Shadepaw. From this moment on you shall be known as Ravenfeather, and Shadefur. We welcome you as full warriors of Dawnclan." Duskstar rested his head on Ravenfeather's head, and Shadefur's. They both licked his shoulder, then stepped back. "Deadpaw and Cherrypaw." Duskstar went on. "You shall be known as Deadtail, and Cherryblossom. We welcome you as full warriors of Dawnclan. Duskstar rested his head on the shecat's, they licked his shoulder, then stepped back. "Ravenfeather, Shadefur, Deadtail! Cherryblossom!" The cats cheered. The patrol walked into camp together, and started to chant to. When the cats broke into groups, Darkpaw ran over to Moonpaw and Clover paw, along with Stormpaw. "We're apprentices now!" Darkpaw squealed. "That's amazing!" Moonpaw exclaimed. Mudpaw snorted, and walked away from the little group. Darkpaw watched him go, and snuck up behind him. "Mudpaw." She mewed gently. Mudpaw turned around and sat down, facing her. "What?" He snapped. Darkpaw ignored his ignorance and asked the question that had been on her head for a while. "What can I do to make it up to you?" Mudpaw looked surprised, then smirked. "Well... There's one thing you could do for me..." Darkpaw nodded and listened to what he had to say.

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