Chapter 1

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I woke up on the cold hard ground of my cell. There was no bed for me. No blanket, just my old torn up clothes and my arms. Day after Day I woke up on it as nothing ever changed.

Each day was the same as the last. Everything the same since that day,

Since the day that my father sold me.

He sold me for pure money.

He sold me because I looked too much like my mother. I looked too much like her and for that, he couldn't stand to look at me. He sold me on this place called Hydra. Every day they experiment on me. They torture me and hurt me but they don't care. All they want is a successful test subject.

They have experimented with 3,000 other test subject but I'm the only one left. each one died after a few days or even weeks.

Each day two men come in and drag me out. They take me to the lab where I'm experimented on and tortured.

Anyways back to today. The men came in and grabbed me. I was so tired and weak that I didn't put up a fight. I simply let them drag me out. They dragged me to the white lab room. The room was pure white other than the red splatters. My blood was splattered across the ground.

The roughly set me on the table strapping me down. My body tensing know what was going to come.

"Hello subject 3,001," a rough voice said, "It is good to see you again." I turned my head looking at the wall not willing to look at that monster in the face.

"What no hello for me? Okay then. Shall we begin today's experiment?" The sound of feet shuffling along the ground filled my ears. I turned and looked at the back of the man who was my doctor.

In one hand he picked up a needle filled with a multicolored liquid. In the other, he grabbed a bloody knife. It was covered in blood making it look like it was red itself. it was, in my blood. My dried blood.

He walked over to me and stood right above me. I couldn't take my eyes off of that knife. He gently placed it against my upper arm and then pushed it into my skin. It felt like my arm was burning. He ran it down my arm. Then the lifted it up and pushed the needle into the cut emptying whatever liquid was in it. It sent a new pain throughout my body. it was like I was being burned alive but also frozen at the same time. I had never felt anything like this before and I wasn't happy at feeling it. It hurt so bad.

He looked down at me my face lifting to look at him. A smile came over his face as he placed the knife on my stomach and ran it all the way down to my side. I could feel the blood running down my side as the burning of the cut set into my body.

Tears fell down my face as he looked down at me a smile on his face and furry in his eyes. I didn't know why he looked at me with such hate in his eyes but I put just as much furry in my eyes when I looked at him. It never did anything other them get me hurt but I hated him and felt like I had to do what I had to do.

As if he knew what I was thinking he lifted his hand and slapped me in the face. I did it, again and again, bring his hand down with such force each time. He finally stopped and I could tell that my face had swollen put and was all bruised.

He stepped back and looked to the door his face still angry.

"Take her back to her cell!" he shouted at the guards.

"Yes sir," they said grabbed me and injuries me out of the lab.

They dragged me out of the lab. My bare feet rubbing on the ground getting cut upon the stone floor. The men had no care what was happening they just continued to drag me down the hall.

My chest was still bleeding along with the wound on my arm. The blood dripping to the ground as we went down the hall. It left a path down the hall.

Finally, we made it to my cell and they threw me in. I fell to the ground with a loud thud, that echoed through the hall.

The ground was cold and my body stung. The ache of the cuts had dulled down to a slight sting that I could endure. I was used to the pain now but each time I felt as if it kept getting worse. I just wanted it all the end and didn't understand why this all had to happen to me. What had I done to deserve all of this?

I felt my eyes began to fall and I knew that I couldn't keep myself awake much longer. I let my eyes fall shut and then I felt the cold air of the cell lull me to sleep.


Sorry for the short chapter the rest of them should get longer.

I don't own any of the Avengers I just own Eva, and Josh, and possible more as the story goes on.

Well anyways thank you so much for reading my story.  This one is based off the first Avenger movie but there are newer events with the main character and then I changed how the story played out because of this new character so I hope you like it

Don't forget to comment on anything.

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