Chapter 11

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The sound of birds chirping and running water woke me. I opened my eyes greeted by the bright blue sky. I sat up my body in no pain feeling better than it ever had. I looked down at myself seeing my pale arms flawless and bare. There were no scars, no wounds on my skin like there once had. I stood up looking down at myself hoping to find something that proved that this wasn't real but instead I found bare legs, once again no scars on it, with a short blue dress just above my knees.

I knew that something wasn't right and that was probably that I was dead. This was no dream and no reality, I was no longer alive. This was something else that I might never know what.

"Ah, you have finally awoken my child." I turned to look behind me finding a beautiful lady. She had a long white dress on, flawless skin and long black hair. Her green eyes stared at me like she had known me all my life.

"Who are you?" I asked not knowing what else to say.

"My name is Hela, and I am the goddess of death."

My face fell knowing that I was truly dead. I would never get to say my final goodbye to everyone. "So I am dead."

"Not quite my dear. You are on your death bed, between life and death. I have come to greet you and see where you wish to be. Do you wish to return to your human world full of pain and sorrow, or stay with me in a land of eternal peace and happiness."

"With all due respect, I would never be happy here. I must return there are people I need to talk to. People I need to tell them I am okay."

Hela simply nodded lifting her hand revealing a door. I was surprised that I hadn't seen it before. There was nothing around it just the door.

"I must warn you that when you return you will not be the same."

"What do you mean?" I asked not understanding.

"Something happened to your body and your powers went wild. I have watched as your powers have changed and you have gained new once and lost old ones. Let me teach you about them before you leave. Let me help you learn."

"I appreciate the offer thank you very much."

After that, she leads me away from the door and told me of my powers. I still had some of my old once but she helped me with them. She taught me how to have more control over them and how to use them effectively.

She also showed me my new ones. I learned that I can control shadows bending them to my will. I learned how to bend them and I could even make creatures out of them. I had created a wolf out of the shadows that acted like a real wolf but followed my command.

"Okay good now change the shadow into a weapon."

I looked at the shadow in my hand concentrating on it changing it into a bow. I pulled the string back an arrow appearing on the bow. I aimed it at a tree and released the arrow flying the air and hitting the tree.

"Great job. Now it is almost time for you to leave but there is one last thing I must teach you."

"I'm ready for it whatever it may be."

"I am happy to hear that, but unlike the rest, this one is a bit painful."

She walked over to me. I stepped back a little not knowing what to expect. I found that I was actually a bit scared, no terrified. She placed her hand on my back. At first, nothing happened and I just looked at her expecting something to happen.

She moved her hand stepping back and looking at me. "It's going to be okay, just know that." before I had any time to say anything else she snapped her fingers and pain erupted in my back. It was something that I had never felt before. It was like my back was being ripped open with claws.I let out a scream falling to the ground. The scream growing with the pain.

Soon the pain began to fade. My scream had died out several minutes ago leaving my mouth open as no sound came out. The pain was now mostly gone it was just a painful ache in my back.

"Stand child so I may show you what you gained."

I looked up tears falling out of my eyes as I looked at Hela. Her face was full of sympathy. "I apologize child but that was the only way. I wish there was another."

I took her hand standing up my legs feeling like jelly and that they might just fall from under me. When I was standing I could feel something warm running down my back, but I didn't even need to look to know that it was blood.

Once I was standing certain I would not fall I looked behind me but was meat with feathers. Two large wings were blocking my view from behind me. I looked away rubbing my eyes looking at it again thinking I was imagining things but they were still there.

They were two large brown wings. They were the same shape and color that of a falcon. The dark brown contrasting the white. I couldn't believe that I had wings.

I looked away from the wings and to the sky. I wanted to fly on my own. I spread out my new wings feeling the bone stretching. Focusing on what I wanted I brought them up and then with one strong stroke them pushed to the ground launching me into the sky. I felt the wind on my face as I feel up with a single stroke.

I had flown before using the wind but never like this and it was something I never wanted to forget. Once I had flown around for some time I landed on the ground. It was a little rough as I tripped and almost fell but I steadied myself and looked up at Hela a large smile on my face.

"My dear child you looked like you have always been flying. There are just a few adjustments that you need."

"Let's do it."

For the next, while she taught me about taking off and landing, she also told me that I could fold in my wings and bring them out when I wanted. I listened to practicing a few times and then moving on to the next step. She also taught me how to use some of my powers as I flew that way I didn't get distracted.

After what seemed like hours we had finally finished. She had taught me all that she could and there was no reason for me to stay.

We walked back to the door in the field and she opened it revealing pitch black.

"Once you go through here, you will arrive back in your body and will awaken from your slumber. I wish you the best of luck and urge you not to come back anytime soon."

I let out a laugh nodding to her, walking to the door and through it. I was immediately greeted by darkness and cold.

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