Chapter 9

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It has been so long. I feel like it has been 3 or 4 hours but I don't know. Even with all of our efforts to kill these things they don't stop coming. Unless the portal is closed I don't they will ever stop coming.

The streets are on fires building smashed to pieces. The streets have bodies orf Chituari and even a few people.

By the Stark Tower, the Hulk went in and tackled Loki. I flew up there but when I got up there the Hulk was slamming Loki into the ground. Loki was limp in his hand yet he continued to slam him into the ground. My heart felt as if it was breaking all over again. He cannot die, not here.

"HULK!!" I screamed out. He stopped looking straight at me. "Please stop, Please. I really need you to stop."

I knew my eyes were already red and wet from tears, that threatened to fall out. Surprisingly Hulk looked at me compassion filling his eyes. He dropped Loki onto the ground before jumping out the window.

As soon as he was gone I ran to Loki. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it crying as he didn't move. I called out his name several times with no response. I feared that he was dead crying even harder and more.

His fingers twitched and I immediately checked for a pulse mentally slapping myself for not doing that first. I felt one a strong pulse that wasn't going to go away. I felt a sigh of relief come out as I slumped back.

"I can close it. Does anyone copy I can close the portal." Nat's voice said through the earpiece.

"Do it." this time it was Steve.

"No," Tony said his voice holding panic in it.

"Stark these things are still coming," Steve said again his voice desperately hoping that this would all just end.

"I got a nuke coming and it's going to blow in less than a minute." Who sent a nuke to the town? Were they just going to watch this town disappear hoping that by destroying it would stop this? 

Wait, was Tony planning on putting the nuke in the portal. He would die if he did that. I had to stop him, no matter how much I dislike him right now, he cannot do this. There are still people that need him. Nobody needs me. This is my job. I need to do this.

I let out an ear-piercing scream and time once again froze. Before I left I grabbed a paper and wrote a note for Loki just as he did for me.

Dear Loki,

I know that this is how you said goodbye to me, and I never wanted to do the same for you but there is no time left and I have no choice. 

I hope by the time you read this you will no longer be in the control of Thanatos and you will be free and make decisions for yourself. I'm sorry that it happened this way but I had to save everyone no matter what it took. There was a nuke coming straight for the city and it was going to kill everyone unless I did something. I couldn't allow that so I froze time and took the nuke myself. I'm sorry.

A while ago you asked me what powers I had. I only told you a few and told you that you would have to wait and see but just to help I will tell you. I have invisibility, control over the elements, shapeshifting, enhanced senses, teleportation, telepathy, and time control. Those are just the ones I know of. I seemed to find new ones almost every day. Before I leave here is your spear back, I might have stolen it from the desk but I won't need it anymore so take care of it. It is a very nice spear.

I wish I could've seen you being you again but there was no more time. Just know that I love you so much. Goodbye.

                                        Your Love


I folded the not and put it in his jacket along with the spear. Standing up and turning around I went to the window. I looked back at Loki before jumping out the window and flew to Tony.

I saw him. He was holding the nuke directing it to the portal. I grabbed hold of him and took him over to the others. I put him down on the ground giving everyone a kiss on the cheek goodbye. I put another note into his hands telling him how Loki was under the control of Thanos and that this wasn't his fault. I knew that I wouldn't make it and if I didn't I wanted Loki to at least be free. I didn't want him to be taken and be in trouble. I wanted him to be safe and free.

Once the letter was in his hands I knew I had done everything that I possibly could. I was ready to face what I needed to.

I went back and grabbed the nuke pushing it to the portal. I looked back down at my home all in ruin and said goodbye. I pushed the nuke into the portal letting out a scream hoping they would shut the portal. The nuke pulled me along with it in space going straight for the monsters home.

They destroyed mine so I would destroy there's. The nuke slipped out of my hands as I began falling. I fell watching all the stars in the sky. They were beautiful. I finally felt like I had done something good with my life. This is why I was created. This is what my powers let me do. I was able to save everyone with my powers.

"Eva! What did you do!?!" Steve's worried voice came through my head.

"Eva!" Nat's called. I knew she was crying. We were like a family. She was like the sister I never had. I'm sorry.

"You did it, Eva. You saved everyone. Thank you." Steves' voice came in again. He thanked me. He was proud of me. I had made him proud of me rather than angry.

"I'm sorry Eva. I should've looked for you harder. I should've sent everyone I could to find you. I'm so sorry I hope you can forgive me." Tony said. I knew he felt bad about it and now my heart hurt knowing I couldn't tell him that I already forgave him.

I tried to talk but nothing came out. I couldn't breathe anymore. It was like I was being chocked of all my air. My chest hurting from the lack of oxygen. My heart pounding in my head and my heart beating faster.

Then it all stopped. I couldn't feel anything. I was like all the pain was gone. I was dying and I knew it.I watched as the nuke hit and blew up. A ball of fire in space. It was beautiful. The light was like a thousand stars together. I watched until my eyes closed. They shut and I knew it was for the last time. Goodbye, everyone. I love you all so much. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about this. I will miss you all. 


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