Chapter 10

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Third Person:

They all waited around the bed. A soldier, a monster, a man with a metal heart, two master assassins, a demi-god of thunder, and a villain turned hero. They all waited around the young hero who had saved everyone. They waited for her to wake. All waiting for her eyes to open seeing her fight light in many long days. Everyone fears that she may never open her eyes.

She had been sleeping for two weeks and at this point, the doctors thought she was in a coma and wouldn't wake. Her heart beating at a steady pace but a slow one. Her chest rising and falling at a slow pace. Her hands almost always occupied by the once villain.

He had tried to take over the earth on somebody else will. He was okay with it at first but then his heart slowly turned to mush with this woman's help. She taught him what love was and now he was losing it. He just wanted to be with this woman that he loved. He wanted to never leave her side, but here he is losing the one person that he cares most about. He couldn't lose her now. He had to tell her that he loved her again. He had to tell her in person and embrace her holding her in his arms. He wanted to feel the warmth coming off her and warming his cold heart. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her and how he was so sorry for what he had done. He couldn't lose her. He wouldn't lose her no matter what. She just had to wake up

The man with the metal heart sitting in a car in the corner of the room watching her. He watched her chest rise and fall. Listening to the steady beats. Thump...Thump...Thump. He knew she had done it for him. She gave her life for him. She gave it to someone who didn't deserve it. He had left her alone when she was kidnapped. He left her to die because he was too focused on trying to locate this villain. Now because of that decision he had to watch her asleep and almost died while he lived here. That should've been him on the bed not her, he kept on telling himself. He didn't believe that she deserved this, because she didn't. Her whole life was a living nightmare. She was tortured and experimented on. Then she was kidnapped by Loki and no one even looked for her. How could we have taken her so lightly? She is probably the bravest of all of us. I'm so sorry Eva.

The soldier watched as the girl who he saved was now in a bed unable to do anything again. He had rescued her from the awful people he destroyed her life and made her suffer. He had saved her, learned of her great powers, and become friends with her. He knew she would do anything for her family, and to make sure they were okay and she proved that. She sacrificed herself for them all. She had shown how amazing she was. Now all he could do was watch and hope that she would wake up. He couldn't stand the thought of losing her, especially like this.

The two master assassins. One that felt of her as a sister and another who knows of her not other than that fact she died for them all. The first helped save her and watched her grow in her life. She watched as her friend become full of life and had a bright and shining light in her eyes. She could see the pain of her old life vanishing away little by little. She knew it would always be there but she could see that it wasn't as easy to remember. The second had helped Loki take over everything and had seen her battling the Hulk and in New York but he had never gotten to meet her. He wanted to meet her in person and see who she was and meet the person who saved everybody. He wanted to ask her why. Why had she done it?

The monster who had nearly killed her. She didn't hold that against him, instead, she still loved him. He had met her when she was first brought in and immediately liked her. She was unique like him, confused about who she was and what she was. She didn't know how to control it and he was able to teach her. He was able to help someone else with powers. He felt like he finally had someone where he belonged. Now it was almost gone. He was watching the purpose in his life disappearing right in front of him with each bump of her heart. He wanted her to wake up so he could tell her thank you. He wanted her to wake up so that he could say he was sorry for what the Hulk had done to her. He had tried to find out what was wrong with her so that he could help wake her up but after everything, he couldn't find anything. Nothing wrong with her nothing that he could do. He felt useless and he hated it.

Last the demi-god who missed her. He helped her from the monster that had attacked her. He helped cheer her up when she was sad and in return, she did too. They looked out for one another cheering the other up. Their friendship grew more and more they were together. The friendship wasn't to last though. It was ripped away in a war that his bother had started. A war that only brought death and destruction. The one that had taken away a good friend. Now they all waited for her to wake when the one who caused this whole mess sat in the room as well.

The young girl sat on this bed. A bed that she may have to say goodbye on. How could this have happened? How could nobody even save or help her? Why did it happen to her of all people? The only question that matter the most was why she had taken the nuke from the city and chosen to sacrifice herself for everyone else?

That was the only thing everyone could answer. She did it for the people. She did it for the city and the world that she loved so much. She did it for the people that she cared about.

After the destruction and chaos of the battle, the people told their stories. There was one young girl in particulate who was 7, who spoke of a great hero. A hero that saved her and her family from the monster. She said the hero fell from the sky and saved her before flying off her with taking her to her family. She called the hero Tidal. She had saved them all from the nightmares that had fallen into the city.

There were pictures and videos of her being posted everywhere. There were some even painted onto the building with her surrounded by fire or water. Among all the story the Avengers were in there too.

Everyone talking about the Avengers and what had happened. They talked about how the Avengers saved everyone. Some people didn't have the same opinion saying that it was because of them that this all happened. They said that the Avengers should leave and never come back, but that wouldn't happen. They would continue to save the people of the world no matter what happened.

Through all of these hardships and deaths, they all still stayed together helping each other through it all. They all stayed together standing around the one bed with one of the there fallen comrades. Around the bed of the one who saved them and is close to death because of it. This battle of the great city brought together unlikely friends. It brought together the villains and the heroes together.

The woman laid her eyes closed her chest rising and falling as she laid asleep on her bed. Her auburn brown hair all knotted and dirty together, all pushed to one side of her head. Her pale skin like a ghost white now, it cold to the touch almost like she was already dead. Her body coved in scars from her past that shown on her skin like fresh cuts.

Her clothes covering the scars on her body and the blanket covering those that were still visible. Her right hand squeezed between two strong hands. Between the hands of someone that she cared the most about and who cared the most about her. He cared so much about her wanted her to wake up so that he could tell her that he loved her in person one more time. He wanted her to wake up and be able to hug her and hold her again.

The villains head rested on the bed her hands still holding hers. The man with the metal heart sleeping in the chair in the corner of the room and the man who held a beast in him was sleeping in the halls chair. They all slept there hoping they would wake to find that she was awake and kicking again.

None of them knew of the miracle that would happen while they all slept. A miracle they had been waiting for. One they had not prepared for even if they thought they had.

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