Chapter 2

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I woke up sore and aching from the previous day. My head still hurt and my chest and arm felt like they were burning. I lifted my arm and saw that it was covered in dried blood.

I sat up groaning as my body cried out in pain. When I was sitting up straight I let my body relax a little. Then I saw the blood covering my cell.

There was blood splattered all over the cell walls and floor. A giant I put my head in my hands as tears slide out.

A loud thud tore my mind away from my thoughts. My cell door was open was, and two strong men stood in the doorway. They were new guards from the previous day.

They roughly grabbed my arms and dragged me out of my cell. My already bruised feet began to bleed again and my arm screamed out at the man who was gripping it.

They dragged me into the white room. The room no longer had red splatters of my blood everywhere. They had cleaned it. I couldn't look at it that much though because the men threw me onto the table and strapped me down.

"Hello dear. Are you feeling better?" that sick voice of the doctor called out. Just like yesterday, I turned my head so that he wouldn't have the satisfaction of getting a response. "Again. When are you ever going to learn that it is better to answer your elders."

A searing pain flew through my body. I looked down to see that the doctor had stabbed me in the side with the knife. He smiled at me when I looked at him.

"Ah, so now I get a response from you." He began laughing, "I have a new toy to try today."

He pulled out a black stick. I was confused and I'm sure that he could tell. He came over to me and I heard a click. Then he pushed the stick into my side. Electricity flowed through my body.

There was a loud screaming in my ears. It took me a while to find out that the screaming was my own. I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

The doctor pulled the stick away and then shoved it into my chest. I let out more screams as the pain just seemed to increase.

Finally, the doctor pulled it away and put it down. He was laughing so hard it was almost like he wasn't breathing. He reached down and grabbed the knife again stabbing me in the leg, and then in the side right above the previous stab. My body was still shaking from the electricity that was flowing through my body. I couldn't feel him stabbing me but I could feel the burning sensation of it.

He grabbed the needle again, the liquid in the needle was a dark red color one I had never seen before and pushed it into the newest cut. Once all the liquid had gone into my body he reached over and grabbed another one full of a deep blue liquid and did the same thing in the same cut. My body still stinging from the cuts and the electricity that I didn't feel anything from the liquid.

He pulled the second needle away and then looked down at me with a large smirk on his face. "Are you ready to try a new game?" he asked me.

He walked over to me and unstrapped me. I just laid there having no strength to try to run. The one time that I could run but be unable to do so.

He roughly grabbed me and pulled me off the table and onto an empty space in the room. My legs shook under me but I somehow managed to stay up. He turned to the doorway and called someone in. It was a tall, buff man came into the room. He walked over to us and stood maybe 3 or 4 feet away from me. Then I understood what the doctor wanted me to do.

He wanted me to fight.

He wanted me a weak, dying girl to fight.

He nodded at the man and then walked backward away from us. The man put his hands up ready to fight. I didn't move, not doing anything. I didn't want to fight someone. The man didn't wait for me to make a move, or let me run he simply came over and punched me right in the gut.

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