Chapter 3

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I woke up on a cold surface. I started to freak out thinking that I had fallen asleep on the lab table. I opened my eyes to see a white room. I let out a sigh knowing that I was still in the same place that I had always been in. I don't even know why I was thinking that I was somewhere else.

I tried to sit up but my body screamed in agony. I felt like my insides were being ripped out. I let out a cry of pain as I sat the rest of the way up.

Just then the door flew open and two men walked in. The first man had an American flag print on their costume and the other had a white lab coat.

I knew that nothing could've changed. I was still just in the same place. Nothing would ever change for me. There was no hope for me.

The man with the lab coat started to move over to me. I started to freak out. My breath increasing and my heart beating like crazy. I hadn't even realized that I was backing up until my back hit a wall. I tried to move back even farther but I couldn't.

The man seemed to see the distress on my face and he stopped moving.

"Hey it's okay." his voice was calm and quiet. I could tell that he didn't like to be around many people.

"We just want to ask you a few questions." the other man said. His voice was louder and held more power. I could tell that he liked being in charge and that he was or thought he was important. "Is it okay if we ask you a few questions?"

"My name is Bruse." the nicer man said, "may I ask you a few questions?"

I nodded my head at him and he began asking questions. He asked things like was I okay, or how did I feel. I simply nodded my head or shake it depending on his question. I think he was worried because I wasn't talking.

"Can you talk?" he asked me. I just shrugged. It had been so long since I actually talked that I didn't know if I could anymore. I didn't have any reason to talk. If I had talked to that doctor then it would've made him happy to get a reaction from him. I refused to talk to him or anyone that worked with him. It didn't matter what they did to me I refused to say a word.

"Could you try to say something," Bruse asked. I shook my head not ready to try to talk quite yet. "Okay, that is fine."

We continued to talk. Well more like he kept telling me thinks and I just nodded. He talked about how I was asleep for 2 days and while I was out I kept turning invisible. He also talked about how a man named Loki was trying to take over the world. He said that I was with an organization called Avengers and they were trying to stop him. I just started at him soaking up everything that he told me.

After a while of talking, he checked my wounds and put new bandages on them and some cream stuff. It hurt for the first few minutes of it being there.

Bruse lead me to a room, on this I guess it is a ship, in the air called I think a Heli-carrier but I don't know, and told me I should rest a little bit more. I just nodded at his before laying on the bed.

It was so amazing. I couldn't remember the last time I actually slept on a bed. I laid on it and just laid there in amazement and comfort.

I might be able to get used to this.

Am I finally safe or is this just another trick?

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It has been five days since I have been here. I have learned so much and trained a lot. I still wasn't quite used to all the people. I, however, was getting a little closer to them.

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