Chapter 8

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I watched as the aliens began to fly out of the portal. There were thousands of them all descending onto New York. I watched as the city went up in smoke thousands of screams flying through the city. It took all my might to not go running to the Avengers asking for help. I don't think that I would be able to look at them after what had gone down between Tony and me.

A high pitch scream cut through my hearing. I tried to ignore it but there was something pulling at my heart making me stand up going to the window to figure out what it was from. I looked down at the road but couldn't make out much. Then all of a sudden my eyesight height. It must have been my super senses. I had never tired looking this far so that is probably why it came all of a sudden.

The road was full of people. Everyone running trying to get somewhere safer. Then I noticed it. There was a young girl in the middle of the road. Surrounded by the monsters. She had on the ground hugging her legs. I assumed she was the one who had screamed and I felt like she was crying. My heart ached to see her like this. She was so young and I felt like she didn't deserve to be in this situation.

I didn't spend too much time deciding what to do. I jumped out the window falling into a free fall. The girl wasn't too far making my travels much faster. I saw the girl as I fell at a high speed. A few feets before the ground I used the air to catch me and then I created fireballs with my hands throwing them at the monsters. I killed three of them with the fire before they noticed me and began to shot me with their weapons.

I landed next to the girl and told her to take cover behind the car. She stared at me for a while before snapping out of it running to the car.

I clicked my ring having it turn into a bow. A quiver appearing on my back as well. I released my first arrow watching it sail finding its home between the creature's eyes. I shot another one using my enhanced speed. I shot one after another, watching as the creatures seemed to vanish one after the next.

Not very much longer there were piles of Chitauri bodies surrounding me. I called the little girl out. She caustically came out her face red and still wet from her tears.

"Hey look at me not them," I told her. She looked up her eyes green sparkling with life and joy even after all the crying she has done. "What is your name?"

"Amy," she said her voice quiet and shaky

"It's nice to meet you, Amy. I'm Eva, do you know where your parents are?"

"They were headed to the cafe," she said pointing down the street.

"Let's go to them. Hold onto my hand and don't let go." She nodded and then grabbed onto my hand squeezing it tight. 

I commanded the winds to lift me up and they did. A gasp coming out of the girl's mouth as we took off down the street. The wind pushing me fast, getting us to the cafe she was talking about. I let her of her hand dropping us both onto the ground.

"Amy!!!" a voice shouted as soon as our feet were on the ground. I turned around to see a woman and a man running out of the cafe. I assumed that they were her parents, "are you okay?"

"Yes, Eva saved me. She is awesome!" she told her parents embracing her in a hug.

"Thank you so, so much. What can we do to make up for it?"

"It's fine don't worry about it. I don't need anything at all just knowing that I saved her makes me feel all the better. Just promise me that you all will do whatever it takes to stay alive."

"We promise. Amy honey lets go inside." her mother said.

"Will you come with us?" the father asking turning to me.

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