Chapter Eleven - Divided

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        Oreius, Aslan and the remaining siblings listened to Lance as he described the terrain of the castle and around the castle. He described the area very clearly and thoroughly making sure to leave nothing out. They were all nervous knowing they only had so much time before something happened to Penny, they needed to get her out and get her out now.

"What do you suggest Aslan" Elizabeth questioned but Oreius spoke up.

"We can put troops here, here and here" He said pointing to the map. "We can attack from the skies, we won't be able to surround the castle but the way it's in the mountains, no one will be able to escape from there" He said.

"It's in the open" William said. "We'll be exposed" He said and Elizabeth sighed looking at the plan.

"There's no other way" Elizabeth said looking at the plans. "We can't attack from behind and like you said, we can't surround it. We'll have to hit it head on. Yes we'll be exposed but by the sounds of it, we'll have the numbers on our side" She said. "I say we attack, are your troops ready?" She asked looking at Oreius and he nodded to her.

"Yes your majesty. They wait for the word" Elizabeth nodded and looked to her siblings and Aslan.

"I'm with Elizabeth, we need to attack now before she attacks us" Digory said which William agreed to.

"Aslan, what is your say?" She asked looking at the mighty Lion.

"I do not believe that we will win this fight" He said and they looked at him. "I know the witches power and it gets stronger with every generation. You will not be able fight her power"

"Then what do you suggest?" Elizabeth questioned him and he sighed.

"I do not think that now is the time to get your sister back" They all looked at him in shock.

"You want us to just do nothing and let her keep our sister?" Lance asked looking at Aslan.

"This is not going to be easy I know that, we must wait for the opportune moment" He said.

"If we wait any longer then she will be dead" Lance snapped and Elizabeth looked down. "We have to strike now or else she is going to come after us! If we wait more lives will be lost" He said.

"But if we attack to soon then we will lose even more" William said speaking up.

"I can't believe this" Lance said. "Our sister is in there! Jadis betrayed us! Do you really think she won't kill Penny to get what she wants?" Lance asked loudly. "We need to go to the castle now and get Penny back away from Jadis" He said.

"You heard Aslan Lance" Elizabeth said speaking up. "We have to wait" She said.

"We don't have to wait Elizabeth, what we have to do is get out sister back" Lance said.

"And what will we do when we face Jadis?" William asked. "She is still our sister even if she betrayed us? What are we going to do? Kill her?" He asked.

"And if she kills one of us first?" Digory questioned and William looked at him sighing.

"You must trust me" Aslan said. "You will not win if you face her right now." Aslan told us and Elizabeth nodded.

"And when will it be the opportune moment Aslan?" She questioned him.

"I don't know Elizabeth, but when it comes, we will know" He said and she nodded. "Get some rest, all of you. We will continue to think about what to do in the morning" Aslan said and they nodded before leaving. They made their way to Cair Paravel in silent before going to their rooms still silent.

Elizabeth got dressed for the night before laying down. She was worried for her little sister and angry with her older one. She wondered if she could have done anything, anything different that would have kept them all together. She thought that she should have fought harder to get them to go back in London almost 8 years ago.

Digory paced around in his room worried about his sisters. He hated the fact that his older sister had betrayed them and that his other sister was now her prisoner. He just wished they weren't to late to save her and hoped that there would be a chance to save Jadis as well. Maybe she wasn't to far gone, perhaps there was still some hope left.

Lance, however, didn't pace in his room and didn't go to sleep. Instead he changed into a light weight armor and got his weapons knowing what he was going to do. He was going to go get his sister back, he wasn't going to trust the lion anymore. Family comes first and right now one of his family members were in trouble. He needed to get her back, get her back safe and sound.

In the next room William had the same idea as his brother. He to got ready to go to the castle, to get his sister back. He couldn't believe that Elizabeth was going to listen to the lion instead of trying to get their sister back. They were a family, no one was supposed to separate them. They were supposed to have each others backs no matter what.

William walked out the same time as his brother and they both shared a look. They nodded to each other knowing what they needed to do. They both made their way down to the stables quietly and saddled up their horses before leading them out of the stables. They looked around shocked to see an army waiting for them.

"We are with you" A centaur said nodding his head to him. This wasn't the entire army, only a portion but it would be enough, enough to get their sister back.

"Once we get our sister, your princess back. We will retreat" Lance said loudly and they nodded. William and Lance climbed up onto their horses and looked at their army with pride. After all these years they were finally leading their own army. "Lets get our princess back"

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