Chapter Twenty Seven - Questions

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        "I miss him" Lucy whispered to Elizabeth as they both walked along the sand of the beach. Elizabeth knew who she was talking about and couldn't help but agree with her. "I would have thought he would have come back by now, see how we're all doing" She told her and Elizabeth smiled at her as she lightly kicked the water as it washed up over their feet.

"Aslan isn't like that unfortunately Lucy" She said. "He comes when we need him and when we don't need him he leaves. I don't know where he goes or where he is at the moment but he trusts us to keep a good eye on Narnia. It's our turn to make sure we keep her safe, even the great lion needs a break here and there" She told her trying to comfort her friend.

"I guess you're right" Elizabeth smiled at her wrapping an arm around her shoulder giving her a side hug which Lucy accepted with a wide smile. "Do you miss home Lizzy?" Lucy asked her and Elizabeth gave her a confused look.

"Home? Lucy I am home" She said and Lucy rolled her eyes letting out a giggle.

"Not here silly, home.. London" Elizabeth thought about it and it shocked her how easily she had forgotten about London. She had bushed back any memory of London so far back into her mind that it felt weird thinking about it again.

"If I'm to be honest Lu, I haven't really thought about London is a long time. For over a hundred years Narnia has been my home. Thinking about it now, of course I miss it. But I miss the old home, the home where all of my siblings were alive and well. The home where we were all young and the only thing we had to worry about was avoiding out mother" She teased and they both laughed again. "If I'm to be honest Lucy, if I ever return to London I don't think I'll recognize it. Everyone I knew would be old or dead" She said sadly.

"I haven't thought about that" She said sadly and Elizabeth smiled at her rubbing her back.

"Don't think about it to much Lu alright? For now this is our home, these are our people, we shouldn't spend to much time wondering what's going on in London when there isn't anything we can do about it. All we need to do is focus on the future, our future here and the present" She said wisely and Lucy nodded with a smile.

"Alright, I guess I can do that" She said and Elizabeth smiled at her. "Looks like my brother got tired of not having you right beside him 24/7" Lucy said and the two of them looked forward to see Peter walking slowly towards them obviously wanting to join them but not wanting to interrupt them either. Lucy giggled and Elizabeth sighed with a slight smile.

"He can be clingy at times" Elizabeth muttered admitting it making Lucy giggle.

"At times?" Lucy asked her. "If you're gone for more than a half hour I swear he has a panic attack" She said giggling and Elizabeth rolled her eyes shaking her head.

"He's getting better Lu, it used to be ever 5 minutes. God, I couldn't get anything done without him looking over my shoulder" She said slightly annoyed.

"At least he does it because he loves you" She said and Elizabeth sighed.

"Or doesn't trust me" She muttered and Lucy looked at her.

"Why wouldn't he trust you?" She asked him and Elizabeth shrugged. "I'm sure it's just because he loves you and wants you all to himself like the selfish man he is" Lucy said teasingly trying to get Elizabeth happy again. It worked but just barely.

"Edmund isn't this bad with Penny" She told Lucy and Lucy nodded. Edmund and Penny had moments where they couldn't stand to be in the same room as each other but also times where they couldn't get enough of each other. Peter and Elizabeth, however, never left each others side. Mostly because Peter followed Elizabeth like a lost puppy most of the time. It annoyed Elizabeth but at the same time she did love his company, but sometimes she needs some time to herself or with her friends and family. Which is why she stole Lucy from Penny and went to the beach, she could always go to Lucy because she knew that Lucy loved talking and spending time with her family. Plus, Lucy didn't mind talking about weird things to get Elizabeth's mind off of things. Susan always wanted to have logical conversations which was fine but not always the most relaxing time and Penny got annoyed with her sister very easily.

"Try not to get to angry with him, last time I had to stay up all night with him because he thought you weren't ever going to forgive him" She said and Elizabeth smiled at her. She loved Peter with all of her heart but he could be a little much some times. "I'll see you in the castle" She said and Elizabeth smiled nodding as Lucy began to make her way to the castle smiling at Peter as she walked by him.

"You couldn't last another 20 minutes without me?" Elizabeth teased and Peter smiled letting out a little laugh.

"I'm sorry" he apologized sincerely.

"You don't have to be Peter" She said smiling at him. "Just tell me Peter, is it because you don't trust me?" She asked and he looked at her and shook his head quickly grabbing her waist pulling her to him.

"Absolutely not, you're the one person I trust 100 percent" He said to her sternly. "Is it so bad that I just want to be with you?" He asked her and she shook her head.

"Of course it's not Peter, I love being around you. But Peter I need to have some time to myself, I need some time with the others. I haven't have quality time with Lucy for months before today. It's not just because of you, we've all been so busy but Peter-" He cut her off.

"I know, it's alright, I understand. I'm sorry for coming out and interrupting your time with Lucy. I should have restrained myself but I just get anxious when your not close. I know you can take care of yourself, you can even beat me in a sword fight, but it doesn't stop me from worrying about you. Even the most skilled swordsman or woman can get outnumbered and that's why I worry" He said.

"Peter I'm right outside of Cair Paravel, how much danger can I possibly be in?" He sighed nodding agreeing with her. "I love you Peter, never doubt that" He smiled pressing his forehead on hers and she smiled up at him wrapping her arms around his neck kissing him lightly. He grinned kissing her back.

Never in all of his life would he imagine that he would fall so helplessly in love with the woman in his arms right now. If someone had told him that he would be king of a magical land when he was in London he would have thought it was one of Lucy's imaginary games. Now that he was here, he is King, he had a beautiful woman all to himself, he never wanted to leave. He loved being here, he felt important, he was needed.

"Come on, lets get back to the castle, it's getting late." Peter said and Elizabeth nodded grabbing his hand. They made their way back to Cair Paravel but they weren't in any hurry. Peter looked at Elizabeth as her eyes wondered around, she could never get used to seeing the beauty of Narnia. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get used to it. He smirked and quickly picked her up bridle style catching her off guard. She cried out and started to laugh as he held her tightly and ran deeper into the ocean. Elizabeth held onto Peter tightly laughing loudly before he dropped her down into the water. She came back up soaking wet and playfully glared at Peter who was trying not to laugh but wasn't succeeding.

She smirked and started to splash water on him and he laughed running around trying o escape her. She giggled following him before she leaped and tackled him onto the sandy ground. They sat on the sand, the waves from the water pushing them around but they paid little attention to it. They focused on each other as Elizabeth straddled Peter smiling widely at him.

"I love you so much" She whispered to him leaning down kissing his lips lightly but passionately at the same time. He grinned pulling her towards him as close as he possibly could making her smile widely.

"Be mine" He whispered against her lips. "Be mine forever, marry me Elizabeth" He whispered and she looked at him and she smiled widely.

"It's about time you asked me, Peter Pevensie" She scolded with a large smile on her face and he laughed grinning widely as well.

"My apologies my Queen" He said with a smile.

"Of course I'll marry you Peter" She said kissing him again.

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