Chapter Fifty Five - End

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        "Mommy" Bethany asked. Elizabeth looked at her little girl before walking over to her sitting on her bed smiling at her.

"Yes, baby?" She asked brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

"How did you and daddy meet?" She asked and memories came flooding through her mind.

Finally her eyes fell on Peter whose eyes were already on her. She was taken back by his extremely blue eyes and found it extremely hard to look away from. He was handsome, very handsome. It's been so long since she saw another human, let alone a handsome human.
Peter looked to Elizabeth. As soon as she walked out of the tent with Aslan he couldn't look away, he didn't want to look away. She is beautiful, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He knew that she was the Queen of Narnia the beavers had spoke so highly of. They said she was beautiful but he didn't know she was this beautiful. When she looked at him he found her eyes so captivating. Her eyes were filled with so much emotion he couldn't tell what she was feeling or what she was thinking. She was a mystery making her so much more beautiful to him

"I met your father in a land far, far away from here" She whispered. "It's name is Narnia" She said and she watched as her daughters eyes filled with wonder and remembered the first time she saw Narnia herself.

"What do we do now?" Will asked looking around still overwhelmed by the forest. Elizabeth had to admit that even she was still taking everything in as well. One minute they're running from their parents and the next were in this huge forest. She wondered if they were still even on Earth, what is this place? It's so beautiful.

"I made some of the best memories there, memories that I will never forget" She whispered getting lost in her own mind.

You're so beautiful" He whispered, the both of them shocked that he actually said it to her in the voice he had said in it. He didn't regret it one bit though, he wanted her to know that he liked her, liked her more than a friend

"I bet there are more beautiful women Finnchley " She whispered to him and he shook his head weaving his fingers into her hair and through it before putting his hand on her cheek.

"I never paid attention to any of the women in Finnchley" He whispered to her. "None of them ever caught my attention" She looked at him with a smile on his face. She couldn't take it anymore and reached up kissing him. He was shocked but kissed her back without hesitation. She smiled widely wrapping her arms around his neck as his arms went around her waist. They both heard someone cough to get them to break up but they simply ignored them to lost in the moment.

"Oh come one, we've got a coronation to go to" Edmund said and Elizabeth pulled away laughing along with Peter.

"Be mine" He whispered to her.

"Of course" She whispered back and she smiled widely kissing him softly again.

"Come on" Elizabeth pulled away turning to Edmund annoyed.

"I am the Queen of Narnia Edmund, if I say the coronation will happened a few minutes later the coronation will happen a few minutes later and you will wait patiently until I say we're ready" She said sternly and he looked at her with wide eyes nodding.

"Did you ever get mad at daddy?" She asked her and Elizabeth looked at her daughter knowing full well Peter was leaning against the door behind her.

"Did I ever get mad at your father? Oh, yes.. plenty of times" She said with a smile. "But never think of a single second I stopped loving him, I may hate him more but I will never ever love him less" She whispered to her daughter.

Aslan was the one to marry them. Marriage was different in Narnia than London or anywhere else. You could only marry another person if you truly loved one another, the deep magic in Narnia already knew if a couple were destined to be together till death. Aslan knew that Peter and Elizabeth loved each other and would never leave one another no matter what happened. Once you marry in Narnia you marry for life, once you marry there is no going back.
The celebration seemed to last for days. Peter and Elizabeth never seemed to leave the dance floor. They danced to every song the fauns played and danced every dance the Narnians could think of. Not even for a second did they leave each others side. If they did it was to dance with their other siblings or some of the Narnians. It never lasted long until they found their way back into each others arms. They danced all day and danced all night. They danced for love, the danced for each other.

"Now that's enough questions my dear, get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning" She whispered kissing her daughters forehead before standing up. "Would you like for me to keep the lights on?" She asked and her daughter nodded. "I love you" She whispered closing the door before turning to her husband. "You know... snooping is rude" She said and he smiled pulling her to him.

"You love me anyways" He said and she rolled her eyes at him kissing him softly.

"I'll meet you down stairs" She whispered and he nodded.

"Don't be too long, who knows how long we'll have to be alone" He whispered and she smiled kissing him again before they pulled away and he went down stairs while she went to their room. The lived in a giant house and planned on filling it up. They already had one little one running around with another two on the way.

She walked into her bedroom changing into a warm and comfortable pair of clothes. She smiled as she looked at the wardrobe that started everything with a smile. She placed a hand on her growing stomach before turning to leave. She stopped with her hand on the door handle when she heard creaking. Her heart pounded against her chest as she felt a gust of cold air hit her back suddenly making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She slowly turned around facing the wardrobe seeing it was open with a light coming from inside. She smirked widely knowing full well there was no lightbulb inside.


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