Chapter Forty Three - Plan

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          "It may not be what you are used to but it is defensible" Caspian said as he, Peter and Elizabeth walked around looking at everything.

"Peter, you may want to see this" Peter looked at Elizabeth before pulling her with him following Susan. "It's us" She said as they all looked at the wall.

"What is this place?" Lucy questioned and Caspian looked at them confused.

"You don't know?" He questioned. Caspian picked up a torch and led them all down a dark tunnel. When they reached the end he put the torch down and it spread around the room lightening everything up. They all looked around before their eyes landed on a carving of Aslan on the wall and the significant stone table.

"He must know what he's doing" Lucy whispered.

"I think it's up to us now" Peter told them. Elizabeth stared a hole into the wall where Aslan was as if he could look back at her. "Come on" Peter said pulling her away. They all went into the main room where they were to plan an attack. They finally had the numbers to make an attack. From the guards a scout had found them and they knew if they didn't attack now they would get attacked. "It's only a matter of time. Miraz' men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle" Elizabeth looked at him not knowing this information.

"What do you propose we do sire?" Reepicheep questioned rising Elizabeth's temper slightly.

"We-" Caspian started.

"Our-" Elizabeth and Peter both started at the same time. All three of them cutting each other off. Peter and Elizabeth gave Caspian a warning glare and Caspian looked down backing down knowing this wasn't his place. Peter went to speak again but he could feel his wife's glare at him and he looked up. He knew that she had forgiven him but he still had to work to get her trust in his judgement back. Also there is only one thing in this world and all worlds he is afraid of and that is his wife angry. Like Caspian he backed down this time allowing her to take the lead she wasn't asking for.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us" She said knowing this has worked in the past.

"But that's crazy, no one has ever taken that castle" Elizabeth glared at him for daring to speak while she was speaking.

"There's always a first time" Peter said backing his wife.

"We'll have the element of surprise" Trumpkin said nodding over the plan.

"But we have the advantage here" Caspian said raising Elizabeth's temper even more. It was only a matter of time before she exploded and the possible victim had no idea.

"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely" Susan said to them.

"I, for one, feel safer under ground" Trufflehunter said.

"Then you have my permission to stay under ground quietly" Elizabeth growled and Trufflehunter took that as a warning to stay quiet until spoken to. "As for you Caspian, this is no fortress, it's a tomb" She said.

"Yes and if the Telmarines are smart, they'll just starve us out" Edmund said agreeing with Elizabeth.

"We could collect nuts!" Elizabeth paid no mind to the others as she stared intently into Caspian's eyes that weren't backing down this time.

"Oh yes and throw them at the Telmarines! Shut up" Reepicheep snapped and looked to Elizabeth. "I think you know where I stand on this madam" He said and she nodded to him.

"If I can get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" Elizabeth questioned Glenstorm.

"Or die trying milady" He said loyally.

"That's what I'm worried about" Lucy mentioned and they all looked at her.

"Sorry?" Peter questioned her.

"Well you're all acting like there are only two options; dying here or dying there" She whispered.

"I'm not sure you've really been listening Lu" She said.

"No, you're not listening or have you forgotten who really brought us back here Peter?" Lucy questioned.

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough" Elizabeth said. She nodded to her people and they nodded back getting ready for the attack. "Caspian" She said not allowing him to leave. She heard him sigh which irritated her even more before turning towards her.

"Your Majesty?" He questioned him.

"If you ever speak up against me or question my orders again, I do not care who you are prince or not" She said looking him in the eyes. "I do not care who you are to my daughter" He looked at her more intently. "I will end you, I am tired of you and everyone else walking over me like I am not here" She yelled and he looked at her. "I am in charge, these are my people to lead" She snapped glaring at him. "There will come a day Caspian where you will be in my position, do the world a favor and stay out of my way until that day comes. If you do that you have a better chance in making it to that day alive"  

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