Chapter Forty One - Reunion

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          "Perhaps this wasn't the best way after all" Susan said as they hid by the river. There was a bridge but it was full of Telmarine soldiers. They knew they had to get to the other side but this wasn't the place to pass.

"Where do you think you saw Aslan?" Peter questioned Lucy back where they were before.

"I wish you'd all stop acting like grown ups. I didn't think I saw him I did see him" She said annoyed. Penny smiled at her grabbing her hand in comfort.

"I am a grown up" Trumpkin said. Lucy looked around walking forward.

"It was right.." She screamed as she falls down. All their eyes widened as they took off towards her to see she had found a path. "Here" She said and the smiled at each other before walking down crossing the path. They continued to move forward. Once it started to get dark they decided to find a place to sleep.

"Lucy, you awake?" Susan asked as she laid near her sister. Everyone else was dead asleep. Peter laid in his spot dead asleep dreaming about Elizabeth, a dream he never wanted to wake up from. Edmund and Penny slept near everyone as well but stuck together. Both of them on their sides facing each other, Penny's face right in his chest with his arms wrapped around her tightly not letting go for a second.

"Hmm" Lucy hummed quietly.

"Why do you think I couldn't see Aslan?" Susan questioned and Lucy sat up looking at her sister.

"You believe me?" Lucy questioned her.

"Well we got across the gorge" Susan said and Lucy smiled realizing that Susan did indeed believer her.

"I don't know, maybe you didn't really want to" She said quietly.

"You always knew we'd be coming back here didn't you?" Susan asked her.

"I hoped so, I mean we couldn't just leave Lizzy here" Lucy said talking about Elizabeth.

"I just got used to the idea of living in England" Susan said sighing.

"But you're happy to be here aren't you?" Lucy asked her worried.

"While it lasts" Susan muttered rolling on her side going to sleep. Lucy sighed and tried to sleep as well. Lucy smiles in her sleep, like Peter, she didn't want to wake up. A twig snapping however cut her dream short forcing her to wake up.

"Susan get up!" She said nervously.

"Certainly Lu, whatever you like" Susan mutters rolling over falling asleep again. Lucy stood up sighed knowing she wanted to know what was making all this noise. She walked around and smiled seeing that this place was just like her dream.

"Aslan?" She asked hearing a growl. She lets out a scream as someone wraps their hand around her mouth pulling her away. She looked and sees that it's only Peter and relaxes. He motions for her to be quiet and then looks around her seeing a Minotaur. Peter draws his sword knowing that he would have to get rid of the threat that was so close to where his siblings were sleeping. However, before he could attack the Minotaur Caspian comes out and attacks Peter.

Peter ducks and swings his sword at the new enemy but gets it stuck in a tree. Caspian kicks Peter and he falls over but grabs a rock picking it up. He goes to throw the rock at the same time Caspian goes to attack Peter with his sword.

"No!" Lucy yelled at the same time a familiar voice yelled over hers.

"Caspian!" Everyone froze and looked towards the familiar voice. In complete and utter shock Peter drops the rock as Elizabeth's glare was harsher than the one she gave the dwarf. Caspian's eyes widened not knowing what he had done to be on the receiving end of the glare. "Shield. Your. Sword" She said slowly and threateningly. Caspian quickly did as told.

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