Chapter Thirty Three - Telmarines Invade

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          Elizabeth's screams could be heard throughout the castle. She cried as she tried tog et the baby out of her body. The sounds of battle could be heard around the castle as the Telmarines. The castle shook as catapults were released onto the castle.

"We must evacuate" One of the centaurs said coming into the room. "We must hurry" He said.

"The baby isn't going to wait, we must get the baby out first." The faun said as Elizabeth cried out pushing as hard as she could.

"Hurry, we don't have much time. I am sorry to say this my Queen but Cair Paravel has been over run" Elizabeth cried in pain both emotionally and physically. Her family disappeared only months ago and now her home was under attack. She lost her family yet again and now she lost her home, she lost her kingdom.

"It's a healthy baby girl" The faun said and the Queen smiled widely.

"We have to go" Elizabeth said extremely tired but knew she needed to go.

"I already had some fauns pack the essentials for you and your children. If Narnia ever has hope of regaining it's land it needs you three to be alive to unite all of us" The faun said making Elizabeth nod and smile.

"My Queen, you need to leave" The centaur said grabbing Nathan putting him behind him. Elizabeth stood up with the help of the fauns. The centaur knelt down so it would be easier for Elizabeth to get up on him.

"You look familiar" She whispered to him.

"My uncle fought besides you in the battle against the white witch" She smiled thinking about Oreius. "Just like he died to protect you, I shall do the same my lady" She nodded her thanks to the man as he stood up. She grabbed the bag from the fauns and looked at them.

"Leave now, get as many Narnians as you can and make for the forest. Go as deep as you can no one is safe here. The Telmarines will not stop with Cair Paravel. They will continue to kill Narnians so they can kill any hope of us regaining control" Elizabeth told them.

"You can count on us my Queen" Elizabeth nodded and reached down grabbing her bow and quiver knowing she would need to help if she planned on getting out alive. "Lets go..."

"Orion" He said telling her his name.

"Orion, lets get out of here" He nodded as the Fauns finished strapping the bag to Orion's horse end. Elizabeth held her new born baby girl in a blanket tied against her body. "Nathan hold on tightly" She ordered and the little man nodded holding on tightly completely terrified. "Fall back! Cair Paravel is lost! Get to the woods! Fall back! Get out of here! Get to the woods! Fall back!" Elizabeth yelled as she shot arrows at the Telmarines.

"To the Queen!" Narnians yelled going after Elizabeth. She was a target as she was the only Queen of Narnia left. The Telmarines would want to get rid of her and kill all hope they had. Elizabeth knew she had to be strong even when she saw her people sacrificing themselves so that she would live.

A lot of Narnians escaped that night but so much more were murdered and so much was lost. From the woods Elizabeth watched as Cair Paravel fell to ruins and rubble. She closed her eyes tightly as she and Orion went deeper into the woods with other Narnians. Orion's wife luckily made it out alive as walked besides them holding and comforting Nathan as Elizabeth thought and planned safe places for her people to be.

"We'll rest here" She announced to the 100 or so Narnians that followed her into the woods. "No fire, it'll only lead them to us. Stay close together for warmth, stay quiet. We'll rotate shifts for look outs, we'll regroup in the morning. No one wonders off" She said sternly as everyone got ready for resting.

"Do not lose hope my Queen" Orion's wife said to Elizabeth quietly.

"Hope is all we have" Elizabeth told her making her smile widely.

"You are truly an inspiration. After everything that has happened, I don't know if I could still have faith if I've been through half of the stuff you've been through" She said and Elizabeth smiled a little nodding looking down at her baby girl.

"Everything I've been through as definitely hardened me which is why I was happy and relieved when the Pevensie's arrived. Before they came I thought I was losing myself to the title, I thought I was becoming to much of a Queen. I was becoming to hard, to harsh on everyone that I was losing the nice side of me I was losing the caring side. But when the Pevensie's arrived, when Peter came it all got better. After they arrived everything just continued to get better and better and now it's going in the opposite direction but I need to keep my caring side, I need to be a mother to my children as well as Queen to my people" She said looking at everyone. "Even if we're divided at the moment" She whispered.

"Do not worry my Queen, we will regroup in the morning, find more survivors and take back Narnia" He said and the others agreed with him.

"We are with you to the death my Queen" She looked around as they all said that they were loyal to her making her smiled widely. She was thankful to have people loyal to her.

"I know that right now it's hard to have faith. We've all lost loved ones. Wives, Husbands, Brothers, Sisters, Mothers, Fathers everything. But we have to keep fighting back, the day we stop fighting is the day they died for nothing. They died believing in Narnia, we have to fight to get that back. I'm not going to lie to any of you this could take years, this could take just as long or even longer than the White Witch Era. But if we stay true to ourselves, if we stay loyal and we don't forget what happened here tonight. We don't forget who died, what they died for. We have to stick together, we have to believe in each other, we have to look out for each other. Right now it isn't Narnians, against the White Witches Followers, against the Telmarines. If we want to win the war, whether we like it or not we must ban together. We must work together to get Narnia back. I know that I'm asking a lot out of you but I'm asking you to stay by my side through this, I'm asking you to trust my decisions and I'm asking you to trust me. If you trust me no matter how long it takes I will give Narnia back to the Narnians. I will not stop fighting to get our home back no matter how long it takes. Days, weeks, months, years, decades even centuries. I will not stop fighting, I will not forget. Narnia will be ours again."  

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