Chapter Thirty Five - Ruins

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        "You're both getting better" Elizabeth said as she disarmed her children. Their breathing was slightly labored but she wasn't lying, they were getting better.

"Mother we're been practicing together for over a century and I have yet to disarm you, even with Maria's help. You manage to disarm us both" Nathan said annoyed with himself.

"Yes, but I've been practicing much longer than you" Elizabeth said and Nathan rolled his eyes. "You know, your father was always annoyed whenever I beat him" Nathan grew even more annoyed when she mentioned his father but Maria smiled. She never met her father but the stories that Elizabeth tells them makes her want to meet him even more. Nathan however remembered his father, he didn't remember much but he did remember which made his disappearance much harder.

"Please do not compare me to him" Nathan said bitterly and Elizabeth looked at him with a little smile as his back was towards him. He picked up his stuff and began to walk away. Maria walked over to her mother and she smiled down at her daughter.

"I miss him and I haven't even met him" Maria said and Elizabeth smiled at her wrapping an arm around her.

"I miss him too" She told Maria. "More than you know" She said letting her go picking up her stuff. "Get you stuff, we need to go back to camp" She told her and Maria nodded getting her stuff going over to her stuff and they both went back to the camp.

"My Queen, I need to speak with you" Elizabeth looked over at Glenstorm who was her right hand man...or centaur.

"Make sure your brother isn't getting himself into trouble" Maria rolled her eyes with a smile before wondering off to see her brother. "Alright, what do you need to talk about?" She questioned him and he motioned for her to follow him.

"We have gathered more Narnians that are willing to fight under your command" He said.

"Good, the more we get the better chance we have. Send some scouts to be unseen by the Telmarines, I want to know heir routines, where their the weakest, I want to know their allies, I want to know everything" She said and he nodded.

"Are we going to attack soon?" He questioned the Queen.

"Our numbers are rising, if we find the perfect opportunity then-" She was cut off by a familiar horn being sounded. Her eyes widened as memories ran through her mind. "Susan's horn" She whispered and Glenstorm looked at the Queen in curiosity.

"My lady?" He questioned her.

"Find the horn" She said sternly. "Find whoever blew it and bring it back to me" She said looking at Glenstorm. "This is your number one priority as of the moment. This" She said talking about the plan she had made. "This can wait for the moment" He nodded to her.

"I will send out groups and scan through the forest. We will find whoever blew the horn, I promise you" He said and she nodded as he left her. She held onto the table thinking about the horn. Could the horn be powerful enough to bring them back? She could deny the power of Aslan, she knew if he had anything to do with the horn that it could just bring them back. After all this time, would she finally be reunited with her husband?

"Stop it! Break it up! That's enough!" Soldiers yelled in the tunnel as they broke up the group of boys who were fighting each other. The tunnel cleared out quickly as the audience didn't want to get in trouble with the military. Susan, Penny and Lucy looked at Peter disappointed. Ever since they returned from Narnia he's been different. He's been harsh, short tempered, and mean. It's very rare when they see the nice side of him.

Penny walked over to Edmund and looked over him concerned. He smiled at her grabbing her hands letting her know he was alright, that he wasn't hurt. She smiled at him giving him a little kiss but it didn't last when Susan spoke up.

"What was it this time?" Susan asked him and he looked at them annoyed.

"He bumped me" He told them and they all looked at him wondering why he would get in a fight over something so stupid.

"So you hit him?" Penny asked him and he looked at her.

"No" He said as if it were obvious. "After he bumped me they tried to make me apologize, then I hit him" Penny rolled her eyes as she sat down on the end of the bench, Edmund sitting besides her.

"Really? Is it that hard to just walk away?" Susan asked sitting down as well with Lucy.

"I shouldn't have to" He said. In Peters mind he was still king and a king shouldn't have to apologize for something like that. But they weren't in Narnia, he wasn't King here and that pained him. "I mean don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?" He asked and Edmund looked at him.

"We are kids" He said and Peter looked at him with denial in his eyes.

"Well I wasn't always" He said and they all felt pain in their hearts as they all thought of Narnia. Penny looked down thinking about her sister and Edmund looked at her grabbing her hand trying to comfort her. She smiled at him as Peter sat down on the other side of Edmund. "It's been a year, how long are we supposed to wait?" He asked sounding like he was giving up hope.

"We can't give up hope Peter" Penny said quickly. "Not before we get reunited with Elizabeth" Peter grew angry at Elizabeth's name but didn't say anything, for the first time.

"I think it's time we accept that we live here now" Susan said and Penny looked at her heart broken making Edmund sad and glare at Susan. "It's no use pretending any different" She said and looked down the tunnel. "Oh no, pretend you're talking to me" She said seeing the boy from the newsstand walking towards them.

"We are talking to you" Edmund said a little to bitter but he was still annoyed that Susan had hurt Penny's feelings. Susan glared at him and he happily glared back making her roll her eyes and look away. Suddenly Lucy stood up and turned toward them letting out a little scream.

"Quiet Lu" Susan scolded. Then Penny suddenly stood up as well making Edmund look at her confused.

"Something pinched me" She said. Soon they all stood up feeling the same thing happening to them. "It feels like magic" Penny said with a wide smile.

"Quick hold hands" She said and Penny grabbed Edmunds hand. He didn't mind holding her hand but when Peter tried to grab his hand he put up a fight.

"I'm not holding you're hand" He snapped and Peter glared at him.

"Just" He snapped grabbing his hand and Edmund looked at him annoyed. Though, when he looked at Penny and the look on her face he didn't argue any more. The looked around at the tunnel and saw the tile was breaking off and the train moved past them and disappeared. They looked around realizing that they were in the train station any more but in a cave. They all looked at each other walking out of the cave looking around laughing as they took off towards the ocean taking off some of their clothes.

They splashed each other playing and pushing each other around. Edmund grabbed Penny lifting her up spinning her around making her laugh loudly. None of them had been this happy since Narnia, they truly felt at home here. They felt comfortable. Soon, after Edmund set Penny down, he stopped playing and looked around in confusion.

"Edmund? What is it?" Penny asked as they all stopped playing looking at Edmund.

"Where do you suppose we are?" Edmund asked confused. They all looked at each other wondering how he couldn't know where they were.

"Where do you think?" Peter asked laughing a bit.

"Well I don't remember any ruins in Narnia"

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