Chapter Thirty Two - Return to London

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        "Are you positive you don't want to come with us?" Peter questioned his wife walking closer to her. He had aged slightly showing that he was in his late 20s but she still looked like she was just breaking 20. Fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to look at it, their child, Nathan Pevensie, seemed to inherit his mothers slow aging. Although he was 3 years old he looked and acted like a yearling.

"Peter I'm 7 months pregnant, my feet hurt and so does my back. I am not going to ride on a horse at full speed through the forest. I will be here when you come back" Elizabeth said smiling at him. They weren't trying to get pregnant but a little bit to much wine one night led them to pregnancy again. They didn't care though, they were excited though they did miss their sleep. They both knew that with the new child, they could only think about sleeping.

"I'll try and come back as quickly as possible" He said kissing her forehead.

"No" She said shaking her head. "You don't get to hang out with everyone that often. This is the perfect time for you all to just relax and hang out alright? Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Nathan and I will be alright" She said kissing him so he couldn't argue with her. He gave in kissing her back.

"I love you" He whispered to her making her smile widely.

"I love you more, not go before they leave you here" She said making him smile and laugh a little bit.

"Da da" He turned and saw his 3 year old son hobbling towards them with Lucy right behind him ready to catch the little man if he became off balance. Peter smiled widely kneeling down opening his arms out wide making Nathan smile and giggle. Slowly but surly he reaches his father, Peter picks him up holding him tightly.

"Hey big man" He said smiling at him. Nathan just smiled and Peter kissed his forehead. "Be good for your mother alright? You're the man of the castle" Nathan giggled not really understanding what his father was saying making Peter and Elizabeth smile.

"Are we going to catch this Stag today or are we just going to wait until we next hear about it?" Susan asked walking into the room. "Come on, lets go, we don't want to lose sight of it" She said and they all agreed with her. Peter walked back over to Elizabeth handing her Nathan and kissed her softly.

"We'll be back later alright?" He asked her and she smiled nodding kissing his cheek.

"We love you" She said and he smiled at her looking at her, memorizing her face.

"Come on Peter, we don't have all day" He rolled his eyes but followed his sisters out of the room and Elizabeth looked at her son and smiled.

"Come on, lets go snatch something from the kitchen" Elizabeth said walking out of the room. Susan, Penny, Edmund, Lucy and Peter all got up on their horses and took off towards the woods where the White Stag was supposed to be. It is said that if someone was to catch the stag then it would grant a wish for them. All of them thought about what kind of wish they could use for the better of Narnia.

It wasn't long until they caught up to the stag and began to chase it. Penny smiled widely as she raced right in front of her new husband, Edmund, who raced just slightly behind her. Penny turned in her saddle slightly and saw Edmund had stopped. She stopped as well turning around going to her husband.

"Are you alright Philip?" Edmund asked his horse making Penny smile.

"Not as young as I used to be" Philip told him and Edmund smiled widely looking up at his wife who was already smiling at him. He couldn't be more happier, he had the love of his life as his wife. Everything was perfect for him and he wanted nothing to change.

"Come on Ed" Susan said as the other three returned to them.

"Just catching my breath" Edmund said.

"What did he say Susan?" Lucy asked with a teasing voice.

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