Chapter Twenty Five - Once a King or Queen of Narnia

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        "You look handsome, stop fussing" Elizabeth said and Peter turned around quickly as the fauns that were helping him get ready for his coronation backed away. "Give us a minute would you give us some space ladies" She said and the fauns nodded walking away. Peter smiled at Elizabeth as she wore her dress with her crown on top.

"You look beautiful" Elizabeth smiled widely and kindly at Peter.

"Thank you soon-to-be-King" She said and he smiled as she walked over to him. She fixed his outfit slightly and he never looked away from her face. She slowly looked up smiling at him moving someone his hair around to make him look more perfect than he already was. "Edmund seems to take a liking to my little sister" She whispered to him and he smiled nodding.

"I've noticed" He told her softly.

"If he hurts her" Elizabeth told him putting her hand on his chest. "He's going to wish he died when the Witch stabbed him" Peter smiled laughing a little bit but believed every word she told him.

"You're so beautiful" He whispered, the both of them shocked that he actually said it to her in the voice he had said in it. He didn't regret it one bit though, he wanted her to know that he liked her, liked her more than a friend.

"I bet there are more beautiful women Finnchley " She whispered to him and he shook his head weaving his fingers into her hair and through it before putting his hand on her cheek.

"I never paid attention to any of the women in Finnchley" He whispered to her. "None of them ever caught my attention" She looked at him with a smile on his face. She couldn't take it anymore and reached up kissing him. He was shocked but kissed her back without hesitation. She smiled widely wrapping her arms around his neck as his arms went around her waist. They both heard someone cough to get them to break up but they simply ignored them to lost in the moment.

"Oh come one, we've got a coronation to go to" Edmund said and Elizabeth pulled away laughing along with Peter.

"Be mine" He whispered to her.

"Of course" She whispered back and she smiled widely kissing him softly again.

"Come on" Elizabeth pulled away turning to Edmund annoyed.

"I am the Queen of Narnia Edmund, if I say the coronation will happened a few minutes later the coronation will happen a few minutes later and you will wait patiently until I say we're ready" She said sternly and he looked at her with wide eyes nodding.

"I'll just, wait out here them" He said and she nodded to him.

"You do that" She said and turned back to Peter who laughed.

"I wish he'd listen to me that easily" He said and she smirked kissing him again. Later Peter and Elizabeth stood with their siblings and Aslan. Today wasn't just the Pevensie's coronation, it was Penny's as well. She was the sixth Queen to fill up the 6th throne.

"May we begin your majesty?" Aslan questioned with a teasing voice making Elizabeth smile widely and laugh slightly.

"Of course Aslan" She said smiling and Aslan nodded. The 6 of them stood besides Aslan, 3 on each side. Peter stood on Aslan's left with Edmund on the other side of him and Penny on the other side of him. Elizabeth stood on Aslan's right with Susan on her other side and Lucy at the end. They all walked down smiling widely to all of the Narnians. They walked up to the thrones, Elizabeth going to her throne and the others going to theirs.

"Bring forth the crowns" Aslan said and they saw Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver with the crowns along with Mr. Tumnus walking closer to them. "To the glistening eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant" They all smiled as Mr. Tumnus placed the crown upon Lucy's head. "To the great western woods, King Edmund the Just" Aslan said and Mr. Tumnus put the crown on Edmunds head. "To the radiant southern sun, Queen Susan the Gentle." Mr. Tumnus walked up tot Susan placing her crown on her head before going over to Penny knowing she was the next one to be said. "To the shinning western stars, Queen Penny the Compassionate" Elizabeth smiled looking at her little sister watching as the crown was placed on her head. "And to the clear northern skies, High King Peter the Magnificent" Elizabeth turned to look at Peter smiling as the crown was placed on his head. They all went back to their thrones sitting down. Queen Penny was on the very end with King Edmund on her left and High King Peter on his left. High Queen Elizabeth sat on Peters left with Queen Susan on her left and Queen Lucy on the other end. (I did this so that Peter and Elizabeth were in the middle and because obviously Penny and Edmund are going to get together eventually so might as well have their thrones besides each other)"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen" Aslan said to all of them.

"Long live King Peter! Long Live Queen Elizabeth! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Penny! Long Live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Lucy!" The whole room chanted. After that the fauns took over and made some music letting everyone celebrate the end of the war, the end of Jadis and the beginning of the reign of the true Kings and Queens of Narnia.  

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