Chapter Forty Two - Forgive

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          "Elizabeth" Peter said walking besides her. They stopped walking and everyone else continued knowing they needed time to themselves. "I'm so sorry" He said looking at her pain in his eyes.

"I know you are Peter" She whispered looking down. "It's just when you got back all I could think about was how happy I was to see you. It's been so long and all I ever wanted this entire time was to have the rest of my family back. But then the others they started to look up to you and they started looking to you for orders and I don't know" She said and he nodded.

"I understand" He said smiling at her pulling her to him hesitantly. She held him tightly afraid if she let go he won't be there. "I understand love, you don't need to explain to me" He whispered.

"I love you Peter, I love you so much" She whispered and he smiled memorizing her voice.

"I love you so much more" He whispered pulling back kissing her. She smiled pulling him to her as closely as possible running a hand through his hair. The kiss was filled with longing and loving and eagerness. They didn't care about anything else but each other in the moment and they realized how much they missed each other and how much they loved each other. After all this time and their love was still as strong as ever.

"Come on lover boy" She said smiling at him. "We should get going before they leave us behind" She said and he nodded smiling happy he had her forgiveness.

"How's Nathan?" He asked and she smiled.

"He's grown, he's just like you Peter. Stubborn and gets frustrated whenever I beat him in sparing" Peter smiled listening to her talk about their son.

"Is he angry?" He asked her and she looked at him. "About my disappearance?" He questioned her.

"How do you think he took it? You saw how I acted? You left when he was just a child Peter. He didn't understand, when he got older I didn't know how to respond to the same question. Where's my dad?" She said to him and he sighed looking down. "It's going to take a long time for you to get on his good side, Maria on the other hand" I said and he looked at me quickly.

"Maria?" He asked and I smiled nodding.

"Remember? I was pregnant when you left." He nodded. "I had a baby girl" She whispered and he looked at her with wide eyes. A child he never got to meet, his baby girl.

"A baby girl" He whispered. "Maria?" He asked and she nodded making him smile every wider.

"She cannot wait to meet you, she loves it when I talk about you and the others. Stories about what we went through, about everything. She loves them and listens to every word on the edge of her seat." Peter smiled letting out a little laugh about that. If he were to be honest he couldn't wait to meet her, he wanted to meet her badly. Soon Peter and Elizabeth made their way up to the front as they began to reach their place.

"Mum!" Elizabeth smiled as she looked at Maria. Nathan and Maria were outside their place watching them. "Is it them?" Maria asked her brother and they both looked at them. They knew the other people that were with their mother, unlike Maria, Nathan wasn't very happy about it. Maria jogged out to them and the group stopped. Maria smiled hugging her mum. "I'm happy you're back" She said to her.

"I've brought others" Elizabeth said pulling away. "You're Uncle Edmund and Aunt Penny. Along with Aunt Susan and Aunt Lucy" She introduced.

"Oh it's so wonderful to meet you" Lucy said hugging her. It was awkward because a lot of them looked like they were younger than Maria but she knew that wasn't the case.

"You look so much like your mother" Susan said.

"Lucky her" Penny teased making Peter smile and laugh a bit.

"Hi, I'm Maria" She introduced herself to her own father. Peter looked at her his breath taken away. Susan wasn't lying, she looked so much like her mother with a hit of himself. He could already feel the same bond he felt when he first held Nathan. "Hi dad" She whispered and he smiled pulling her into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you" He whispered to her.

"The feelings mutual" She said holding him even tighter.

"Come along, we've got a lot to do" Elizabeth said and they nodded. They all started to go back towards their place and Elizabeth smiled at Nathan.

"I see you're still in one piece" He said to his mother and she smiled.

"Your father almost wasn't so lucky" She told him. "Good thing I've got self restraint." She teased and Peter smiled at her.

"Father" Nathan said in a bitter greeting. He called him father out of respect for his title but nothing else. Peter could feel the bitterness coming off of him and realized that Elizabeth was right. He was going to have to work to get him back.

"Nathan" Peter greeted and they all walked down the walk way with centaurs up and around them hold swords out. They smiled when they saw a child centaur trying his best to hold up the sword with him from his parent.

"It's going to take a little bit" Elizabeth whispered to Peter. "Just don't give up on him" She whispered.


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