Chapter Forty Nine - Arrangements

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        "I'm coming with you Edmund" Elizabeth said sternly as she came up besides him on her horse. He looked at her from the ground as he readied his.

"Does Peter know?" He asked her.

"Peter doesn't need to know" She said. "I'm Queen just as he is King, I do as I wish" Edmund looked at her knowing Peter wasn't going to like this but she did have a point and he wasn't going to stop her. He just nodded and mounted his horse.

"Well we should get going" He said and she nodded as they left the camp and towards Miraz's men. She was annoyed that Peter would send Ed all alone to the camp without any back up. She was well known to the Telmarines and knew that they were less likely to try anything with her accompanying him.

When they got close they were surrounded. Edmund and Elizabeth looked at each other before demanding to be taken to Miraz. The soldiers looked at each other before complying. They were taken to his tent where they dismounted and were led inside where Edmund read Peters request.

"I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and emperor of the Long Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be tot he death. The reward shall be total surrender" Edmund finished rolling up the scroll.

"Tell me, Prince Edmund-" Miraz began but Edmund cut him off.

"King" He corrected and Miraz along with everyone on his council looked at him confused.

"Pardon me?" Miraz questioned.

"It's King Edmund, actually" He repeated. "Just King, though. Peter's the High King. I know, it's confusing" Edmund said and Elizabeth smirked a little bit looking at his council no doubt intimidating a few of them.

"Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?" Elizabeth glared at them.

"Haven't you already underestimated our numbers? I mean, only a week ago Narnians were extinct." She snapped.

"And so you will be again" Miraz said and Elizabeth regained her smirk.

"Well then you should have little to fear" Elizabeth spoke again.

"This is not a question of bravery little girl" Elizabeth's anger sky rocketed.

"I am no little girl. I am Elizabeth Pevensie, High Queen of Narnia and you will show me your respect" She spat taking a step forward. Edmund grabbed her wrist quickly noticing the guards grabbing the hilt of their swords.

"So you're the woman who's been raving and stealing from my kingdom all of these years" He said looking at her. "I expected you to be older" He said.

"I expected you to be wiser" She snapped back. Miraz and Elizabeth stared at each other. Miraz wondered how this girl could have disarmed and killed so many of his men. His men started to tell him about how they supported him and everything but the words went unnoticed to the pair glaring at each other. He rose his hand silencing his men.

"Tell me, High Queen" He said almost mockingly which angered her even more. "How good is your blade?" He asked confusing both her, Edmund and his men. "Is it as good my dead men claim?"

"The dead tell no lies" She told him and he smirked.

"Then I accept your proposal, as long as you are the one at the end of the sword" Edmunds eyes widened along with everyone else. "Do you accept?" He questioned and silence filled the tent.

"I do" She said eager to get revenge for everything they have taken from her. Miraz nodded and she nodded back before they left.

"I hope you know what you're doing" Edmund said as they climbed up on their horses.

"Trust me Edmund, Just trust me" She said before kicking her horse to go back to their camp. Edmund sighed following her.

"Peter is not going to like this"

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