a fairytale mystery

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             (your dream pov)


      "sissy! sissy!!! come on onee-chan!! " I hear echoing threw the darkness. "im right here imoto-chan no need to freek out." I hear as a response.  "I dont get why u call eachother that" an older women says while laughing with her wut id guess to be her children. "its the only Japanese we know mom!! and onee-chan is big sister." said the older sounding one. "yea moommm~~ "sang the younger, "and imoto-chan is lil sis."  she says and giggles. as I turn a corner I see two young girls sitting with there mother laughing happily. it makes me feel, sad and I cant help but wish I had that wen I was young, and wiish I had my sister. "Happy birthday my two beautiful girls!" yells a man carrying a cake as the two girls jump up. ohh so are they the same age?? I dont understand. then as I think this to myself the younger looking girl turned to me and began to grow, fast untill she looked about my age and looked almost exactly like me.  walking twords me she says "hi onee-chan, long time no see. iv been waiting to see you for a VERY long time." I stepped away not know wut to say. "u-um I dont understand who are you?" I whisper. "I am your imoto-chan wouldnt you know? have always been around ya know, always watching, but you need me now more than ever huh?" I am so confused and taken back by wut she is saying I just stair at her. "haha cmon sis, tell me, wuts going on?? or should I tell u wut I know n u fill me in on the rest?" I nod and she continues, "ur in love with Jeff, and uv just been kidnapped,  by mom, and told dad was the bad guy, well reality check sis, ur being played, dont let her convince u but use her lies against her. ill be there ok? if u ever need my help jus emagin n ill appear I am not strong enough to be an actual mass yet but, ill tell u wen I am and be ready, a fight is near." and with that I hear a giant  *CRASH* and jar myself awake. "oh my god what was that!?" I turn twords my mother to see she wasnt in the car.

       Wow, what was up with that dream?? aghh I dont care anymore. "sorry dear I was trying to check the thingy under the hood them Boom! it was like crash!" my mom yelled as she jumped around with her crazy hand motions. "your crazy mom, so is it broken er wut??" I ask getting out of the smoking car. "yup." she said popping the p at the end of the word. "well...lets get walking." I say as I grab my mom and start walkig to well...werever we were going, wait. where were we going?

~~heyyy im sooo sorry I havnt updated but a lott of family drama is happening soo I sowee n I also sowee if this ch. sucks :'( im sorry dont hate me I trying this is my first book sooo mehh buee!!!!!~~

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