the hunt

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          (Jeff's pov)

      "slender! have u found her yet or what!? you said it should be easy!" I screamed stoping threw the house. "Jeff they left the forest, I cant sence them anymore, anywere. they could be anywere by now." slender replyed whilst placing a hand on my shoulder. I smack his hand away and run out off the house slaming the door. "if they wont help me..ill do it myself." I mumble as I start to run into the forest on a hunt, for my (y/n).

          (Sally's pov)

      I hear jeff scream and run out of the house so I go down stairs to ask slender wuts happening." um..were did jeff go? and were is (y/n)?" I ask. slender picks me up and sits in his arm chair and rubs his temples.  "well child, (y/n) has been taken by a bad lady who wants to hurt her, and Jeff went to go try and find her sence she isnt in the forest and I cant sence her." tears form in my eyes and I know wut I must do, I must go with jeff! oh and bring ashes! "ok...thank you daddy slender! " I say as I hop off of his lap and race outside to find E.J  fighting ben. "dont touch her you filthy little kid!" E.J spat. "im not a little kid u eyeless freek! and ill touch who I want!" BEN yelled back as ashes sat and laughed. I walk to ashes and wisper to her my plan to follow jeff.

      "Ashes, sence jeff went to go find (y/n) we gotta to right? soo I was thinking we could follow him." she nodds and stands up grabbing my hand and pulling me back inside. "pack some stuff and bring char. (the name she called my bear) we r leaving now ok? so hurry up and meet me on the edge of the forest ok?" I nod and run to pack, ready for our long adventure, this is going to be soo awesome!

          (Ashes pov)

      as I tell sally  were to meet me and wut to pack a million things go threw my head, wut will Jeff do wen he finds her? wut will he do if he knows we followed? will he be mad, or happy we r there to help? oh well, only one way to find out! after im packed I sneek out a me and E.J's window, and to the edge of the forest were I am to meet sally.  when sally finally comes we set out to follow jeff and find my best friend.

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