I only...Wish...I was more than nothing.

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   (unknown pov)

      Ood those dumb fan girls think they lnow everything. "oh Slenderman, hes so tall and slender and ahh!" she said mocking them. Agh..but I mean yea he is tall and slender I mean ood its in his name. Not that I personally have met him yet... I hope  to soon.

      "were are we going?" I hear a girl ask. "youll see wen we get there stop asking sweety." an older women says.  "mom..I want to go back to Jeff..I miss him, and I miss slender and E.J and I really miss sally and Ashes." Oh My Odd! (I dont use god much bc im atheist sorry my readers so u get the replacement word of odd) she knows the slender family!? I think and I walk to talk to her.

        "u-um hi, my n-name is Wish...and I herd u talking about slender...I am one of them..are you!?" I asked excitedly. she lookes at me and pulls me away from the older women and whispers," my name is (y/n) ive been kidnaped by my mother im in love with jeff the killer and I live in the slender mansion.  I need you to go and find them tell them im ok and make sure they dont stop untill they find me."  with that I could see the sadness in her eyes and I nod and play it off like she told me something about them.


      " ohh really!? so r u sure slender dosnt have a girl??" I ask shyly. she giggles best she can and says " im sure u go find him and get in gurrl, and no im not one of them, I was going to be but I left with my mommy insted." with that we went our separate ways, eww I hate humans..but she seams kinds cool..

      night soon began to fall and me being the kind of person..psychopath I am I dont know wut ud call me but I can quick step, meaning I can go amile in a minute..yea im cool like dat. I got to the nect town in 5 minutes by the time I got to the next state it was morning the next day. I finally arived in a small broken down town, I came to the edge of some misty woods and began to enter, right away seeing one of the famous slender notes.

       I take it down and hear the static ringing. and I know, he is there behing me. "slender? H-hi I-um I am W-Wish and I know were (y/n) is.." with that I turn arpund and pear into the faceless ness of the slenderman.

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