I wish..

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      (your pov)


     dream world:

"hey sis, do u think that wish girl found slender?" I asked my sister as we walk threw the mist of my mind. "yes I visited the mansion and she did,  they r looking for u and r closer than u think." we sit down on two swings and sit in silence. "what is mom up to  why is she doing this.." I ask biting back tears. "I just want to go home, to Jeff.." she sighs and says " I know (y/n),u will find out in time sissy. but I must go now ok? and u must wake up and get away, mom has bad things pland for today."  I nod and with that wake up.

      I yawn and strech in the hotel bed than my mom got for us last night. I turn over in bed and lighting flashes outside showing a shodow figure outside the window. I freez, not knowing if I should be happy, or scared. after the lighting comes a loud crash of thunder followed by more lightning, with the next light flash, there is a second figure, shorter, then a third even shorted, almost sally sized, then I see a man who is as tall as anything ive ever seen. and I know, im safe. finally im safe.end of dream world.

*CRASH!* I shoot up out of bed and rush to the window. as I look out, no one is there. I must have been dreaming still.. I sigh and climb back into bed. "quite a storm out tonight huh dear?" my mom askes sitting up. "yea sure is."  I say quietly as I climb back into bed.

          (Jeffs pov)

      ever sence that dumb fight with the rake, ashes and sally r following me around. odd, if they wernt (y/n) 's friends id kill them. well ashes anyway, slender would kill me if I hurt sally. "so do u know were we r even going?" sally askes holding my hand. "no. " I say utterly anoied. "well can we take a break im hunngrryyy." ashes complained. "you havnt even done anything! uve been on my back the hole time!  arnt u a little old for this!" I scream and stop walking. "ur never to old for piggy back rides, so yup." says ashes popping the p at the end of yup. I shake her off and sit back against a tree holding my head in my hands. "we will find her jeff. I promise." says ashes sitting down by me and eating some marshmallows.

      "yea, not soon enough. " I say wanting to rip (y/n) 's parents a part.

sally curls up in my lap and falls asleep while ashes leans on my shoulder. odd. I hate this so much! but at least they arnt as anoying when they r sleeping. eventually I begin to drift into sleep.

      (slenders pov)

what is jack doing out here? I wounder to myself as I aproch a frustrated looking jack. "are you alright jack?" he turnes to me and starts ranting. "no! ashes was kidnapped by sally and went with jeff to find (y/n)!!" as he yelled Wish began to stir in my arms. "why are people yelling?" she askes bairly awake. "who is that slendy?" If I had a face, I would have cringed at the name he called me. "this is wish, she knows were (y/n) might be." jack says oh silently and continues walking  with me, wish, hoody and masky. "I hope toby will catch on eventually and find us." I say laughing. wish's beautiful grey eyes open and she looks  up at me and blushes. "I-im sorry slender..u didnt have to carry me.." she says shyly. "do not worry child, it was my pleasure." I reasure her and let her down to walk.


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