the slender truth

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(wish's pov)

      "slendy??" I ask timidly. "yes child? what is it?" "w-well *grumble* well u see its been a day or to sence well *growl* sence I have eaten so can wr eat something?? *ggrrrruuummmmbblleeeeeee* " I say as I blush nervously , "haha oh dear child" he sighs and laughs "come child we can eat right now " he says picking me up and sitting me up in a tree were we can watch for any thing out of the ordinary as he sets e.j and himself up next to me. "well I have my own food." e.j grummbles as he pulles out some kidneys. "yes ok jack, Wish, would u like some cheesecake, or a sandwich?" he asks as my tummy growls violently and I blush embarrassed by my loud tummy. "haha how but both?" he says and I nod shyly.

after the lunch break my tummy was happily full as I let out a loud long yawn. "are you tired child?" slender askes pushing my hair from my face and behind my ear. " no...well maybe a little.." I studder stairing up at him. "well, we can camp out here for the night, looks like jack is way ahead of us." he says and points out the happily snoring e.j.

I giggle and nod with a tired smile as slener picks me up in is big warm arms and sits leaning against the tree with me against him. "you can sleep now, u are safe I will keep watch." "but slender, arnt u tired, dont u want sleep to?" "yes I am tired but I will let jack sleep a bit then he will watch and I will sleep, but for now close ur eyes and sleep." he says softly whispering in my ear and stroking my hair. "Wish, I have grown quite fond of u you know...after we find (y/n) will u do me the great honor of going on a date with me?" he asks shyly. I feel the heat in my face and whisper the only word I can manage to let escaoe my lips, "yes." and with that I slip into a peacefjlly warm sleep.

(slenders pov)

"yes" she said in a breathy whisper. my heart fluttered as I felt her breath slow and ur body relax against mine. she said yes..

in sooooooo sorry I havnt updated! by here this is and sorry its so short and kinda sucks :'(

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