6. Just Stalling

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Someone was after me. It was dark so I couldn't see.

"Oh Coley boy, where are you?!" they taunted in the darkness.

I stumbled around, holding my hands out to feel something, anything.

I found a wall, and followed it until I got the the edge. It turned 90 degrees to the right and then I was stood in a corridor. The corridor at my school.

"Cole! Come out, come out wherever you are!" came the voice again. Only this time I knew who it was. It was Keith Middleton. Homophobe and bully of the worst kind.

I felt my knees start to tremble as I ran down the corridor, frantically trying the door handles to each of the classrooms.




"Come on," I willed, as I tried the last one.

The door opened and I felt relief wash over me as I ran in.

I glanced round the room and instantly froze on the spot.

The classroom was full of cages, and in each of the cages was a rabbit, all with their eyes staring right at me.

I felt a shiver travel up my body and was about to bolt back out of the room when I heard footsteps in the corridor.

"Shit," I murmured as I looked round for somewhere to hide.

For some reason the teacher's desk seemed like the safest place so I quickly crawled under, tucking myself into a ball and hugging my legs tightly.

I heard the person in the corridor trying all the door handles as I had done moments before. After a moment's silence, the door to the classroom I was in flew open and heavy footsteps entered.

"Come on Cole," Keith said, "you know if you run it'll only make things worse. Do you want to spend the night in the dumpster again?"

No, I did not want to go in the dumpster again. Even just the thought of it made me want to wretch.

A sudden scratching noise to my left made me quickly spin round to look.

There was nothing there, but the rabbit cages, they were empty!

I started to slowly freak out. Where were the rabbits? Were they going to get me?

Something nudged my foot making me yelp in surprise.

"Got you!" boomed Keith, reaching under the table and dragging me out by my shirt.

I stared at his feet. They were covered in mud.

"Look at me Cole," he said menacingly.

"I d-don't w-want to," I stammered out.

"Look at me," he ordered again.

This time I slowly raised my eyes, passed his dirty jeans, passed his black t-shirt with a band name that I had never heard of written across it, and up to his....

"Boo!" he shouted, making me jump and snap my head up to see....to see a ginormous bunny head on his shoulders.

I screamed. And screamed. And screamed.

I could hear a noise. The noise I could always hear when I screamed.

It was a low thumping noise that started to get louder and louder, until I could tell it was pounding sound of feet tearing across the ground. The feet of an animal. But a big animal.

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