22. A Little Nudge in the Right Direction

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Cole was avoiding me.

He somehow managed to completely disappear on Saturday, despite me spending the best part of an hour looking for him.

I had a sneaky feeling Annabell was helping him, as I saw her a couple of times with a mischievous grin on her face as she watched me walk by.

From the little I had seen of him though, he looked like he was doing better. The black circles under his eyes had gone, and his smile looked real instead of forced, like it was last week.

I just hoped that he was finally moving on.

It wasn't until Thursday that I realised I was missing something, when Casper asked,

"How was Cole on Saturday?"

I found the question odd, as Casper made it clear he didn't want to be involved when I asked him to speak to Nathan last week.

Casper was not one to pry into other people's business. He was a very private person himself and so he didn't enjoy those sort of conversations, and avoided them at all costs.

"He was doing better, why do you ask?" I said, carefully observing his reactions.

"Oh you know, just showing an interest."

"Pfft," I replied, "when have you ever shown an interest? When I asked you to talk to Nathan, the most I got from you was 'he seems fine to me'."

"I'm sorry," he said smiling, and coming over to wrap his arms around me. "I just find it funny how Nathan is clueless when it comes to this sort of stuff."

"Ah, you're pleased to have found the chink in his armour then?"

"I wouldn't have put it like that....but yes, I suppose it's good to find something he's not good at."

I felt myself sighing and I rested my head onto Casper's chest.

"Hey, is everything alright?" he said, pulling his head back a little to try to see my face.

"Yeah," I said softly, "but I just wish Nathan would see what he's missing out on. Cole's great. I really think they would be perfect together."

Casper wrapped his arms tightly around me and kissed the top of my head.

"Don't worry about it. He'll come to his senses eventually."

"I don't think he will," I said shaking my head. "The longer they're apart, the more I feel like it's all hopeless."

"Trust me, he's already wavering."

"What?!" I said, pulling back out of Casper's warm embrace. "Casper Bournville, is there something you're not telling me?!"

Casper laughed, but I could also see a flicker of guilt in his eyes.

You see, the thing about me and Casper is that we made a pact very early on in our relationship to tell each other everything.

When mates were bonded together, they found it near impossible to keep anything from each other, because the bond meant you could feel each other's emotions.

Because we weren't bonded like that, we had always made an effort to be completely honest with each other.

"I'm sorry," he said holding his hands up in surrender, "Nathan threatened to kill me if I told you."

"And you think I wouldn't kill you for not telling me?" I said, staring him down with my hands on my hips.

"That's why I'm telling you now?" he said, with a grimace.

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