44. Those Little Distractions (final)

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"Orion, I'm not going to tell you again, get into bed!"

Orion just sat there looking at me. It was a look that said, "Why should I?"

Lyra was lying beautifully in her bed, in her human form I should add, while her brother was still in his wolf form refusing to sleep.

"Joel!!" I shouted.

Orion didn't move.


"Yes?" he replied, sticking his head round the door.

"Orion's being hard work again," I said walking out of the room and joining Joel in the hallway. "You know he listens better to you."

"Really?" he asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Yes really," I said, kissing him quickly on the cheek before hightailing it towards the lounge.

I heard Joel sigh before going into the bedroom.

I plopped down on the sofa and started flicking through the TV channels.

Orion wasn't even two yet and he was already proving to be difficult.

I had a worrying feeling that he might be taking after his uncle Percy, but Joel's mother assured me that Joel was exactly the same at this age. Both mothers said that as well!

I know Orion wasn't a blood relation to Joel, but the way Orion instantly took to him, made me believe that there was some sort of bond there.

Lyra, well she was exactly like Emily. Everything from her sparkling, bright, blue eyes to the way she would make everyone smile. Whenever I got sad thinking about Emily, one cuddle from Lyra and everything was ok again.

I suddenly felt incredibly guilty for leaving Joel to put the kids to bed, so I dropped the remote and quietly crept out of the lounge and back towards the bedroom.

I could hear Joel talking in a hushed voice as I peeked through the crack in the door.

As expected Joel had managed to get Orion to change back into his human form, and he was now lying in his bed which was next to Lyra's.

They were both staring up at Joel with wide eyes as he spoke.

".....she'll be watching you both now and she'll be saying how amazing you both are, and how proud she is of you. And do you know what I think? I think that you are the luckiest pups in the world to have her as your mum, because although she's gone, she'll always be with you in here," and he placed his hand gently over Lyra's heart, "and here," he said doing the same to Orion.

"And do you know what? I'm also incredibly lucky too. Because she may not be my mum, but she's my guardian angel. Because she looked after me while I was here, and she looked after all the people I loved the most when I was gone. And while she's up in heaven watching over us, I'm going to do my best to look after all the people who she loved the most too."

I felt my throat burn as I tried to swallow away the tears threatening to spill out from my eyes.

"So I want you to close your eyes now and go to sleep, and dream happy dreams."

I quickly tiptoed back towards the lounge, not wanting to be caught spying on that private moment.

I sat back on the sofa and just a few seconds later Joel walked in.

I turned to him and opened my mouth to ask him what he'd like to watch, but before I could even get a word out, he engulfed my body with a hug, sending me sprawling back on the sofa.

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